More Steps to His Plan

It had become late night once again and I had found the final candidate a large amount of that contained the emotion of rage so that the final circle on the seal could be powered.

"I have brought you the final candidate sir". I said as I bowed to him out of respect since I knew that he held my future and my husband's future in his creepy, cold, and undead hands.

"I am truly happy that I have been selected as one of the chosen few who will help bring your vision of the united world in a world without pain and suffering to reality.

It will be my honor to serve you in any way that I possibly can". An elderly male dwarf said is he walked towards the blood mage and necromancer without a single clue of what was in store for him.

The reason why he did not react or panic is the fact that after choosing him I used a reverse gravity spell that actually lightened the burden on his heart as well as the burden on his mind so that he would not think about what he was about to do.

"I want to know what rages you? If you tell me this that will give you a purpose in helping me in achieving the next phase of my end goal today". He said in a soothing voice that seemed to almost mesmerize the dwarf candidate.

"My rage is geared towards the pettiness of the elves. If they would simply allow for us to work with them we could probably come up with an ultimate masterpiece in both architectural design as well as possible combat applications.

It is just super irritating the fact that they want to keep all of their amazing discoveries to themselves while we are willing to share most of our secrets with the humans to ensure our survival against whatever comes next because I know that our world has more crazy twists and turns in store it does not all end with what occurred almost a year ago with Commander Zog's invasion and attempt to take over the world." Said passionately to the necromancer blood mage in front of him.

"Then I want you to constantly think of that feeling while I am offering you so that we can deactivate this barrier for the good of the cause". He said as he waved his staff above the dwarf.

It did not take long for all of the blood from the dwarf to leave his body but yet he did not cry out in pain I guess due to the spell that I put on him.

After the blood was gathered The necromancer then moved it from where he had gathered it above the now dead corpse to the last spot that did not have any blood in it and the barrier slowly began to disappear which meant we could finally enter into this ancient temple and that I would possibly get to finally hear more about how he came to be where he was today.

"Now that the final seal has been broken I can finally be one step closer to having a body without the worry of disease or hunger as soon as I pay the debt that I owe to the being who saved my life from those cultists that originally summoned me here to this world.

Since we are going to be working together more closely now I will give you my human like name that I am using when I am around others. I go by the name of Brother Ethan."

"Then I will tell you the name that I go by as a cover name. My name is Anna". I told him the reason why I did not tell him my true orc name was because of the fact that if someone knew my true name they would be able to control me as if I was a slave. My husband is the only man that I trusted enough to give him my true name.

When I entered into the temple I saw the statues of ravens in a bunch of different positions. Some of the statues were with the wings open some were the wings closed. Wow some of the statues had them in a sitting position and some were standing up with their talons out as if they were about to attack something.

This place definitely was ringing with creepy ancient cult vibes which even made me shiver at the site of what I was walking into.

"So there it is the portal that must be activated so that I can fulfill my goal". Brother Ethan said with excitement behind every word as we both entered into a massive open area.

The room was quite large in size and had eight support beams two on each corner. Against the rear wall I saw a massive circle that had some ancient writing that was engraved into it and went all around it. It must have been in a language that I didn't understand because I was not able to decipher what the symbols meant as I examined them when I made it to the inactive portal and began to feel the surface that was made completely of stone.

After that I saw a table that was behind me that was also made out of stone. It had some writing on it that I could actually read.

On each of the sides of the table there was a different phrase written in a different language. On the left side it was written in English the most common human language. To the right of that it was written in ancient elvish. Besides that it was written in dwarfish; and the final section was written in orcish.

I then tried to translate it so that I would understand more about what my new Ally that I did not really like that much was trying to achieve.

On the orcish side it said that you must have the heart of a very powerful to open this portal. Then the elvish part translated to in order to stabilize the portal for long-term or permanent use you will be required to have an elf that possesses ice magic to solidate the portal with an ice bridge to the underworld.

With the purest gem that can only be found in dwarven mines you will be able to have a deal made with a devil. Then I read the human part which said that in order to make any deals with any high ranking devil you will be required to possess the Book of the Dead.

After I read all of that I finally think that I have put together his plan. Just to make sure that I was accurate about it instead of asking him I will wait and help him make it happen because it did not matter to me what happened to this world. I want to be able to see my husband in a living body once again. The end more than justifies the means for me.

"So I have read and translated the writing on the table did you know about all of the variety of different things that you would need in order to complete your goal?" I asked him to see how he would answer.

"Yes I have prepared for most of this. I already possessed the Book of the Dead for myself. I have also stolen a rare gem only found in a dwarven mine. I have not achieved the other two things yet but they will be achieved in due time". He said to me which sent a shiver down my spine because I had a bad feeling about what he was either going to do to me or to someone of my species.

"I will be here to serve you as long as I get what you have promised me in the end that is all that matters to me". I said to him as I looked at the portal and was amazed at the ancient writing around it.

"They cannot stop me now now that I have access to this ancient temple; I will be able to have a stronger connection with the being that I owe everything to." Brother Ethan said to me with a giant grin on his face.

I suppose now that we have achieved another step of my goal you want to hear more of my story and how I became free from those cultists that originally summoned me to this world if I am correct?" Brother Ethan asked me.

"Yes this has to be good if it you made me wait until you achieve the next milestone of your overall goal". I said to him.

I truly hope that the story was worth the wait because it might possibly give me more insight on his weaknesses so that if I had to betray him as soon as my husband was revived I would be able to do so.