For the Sake of My Loved One

"that is how I became free from the colts control shortly after I was summoned to this world". Brother Ethan said to me.

"So if that is how you became free from the colt then what happened to all of the undead minions that they had under their control but now belong to you?" I asked him.

He then snapped his fingers and I saw that a few of his soldiers started to move closer to me. Then they removed their helmets and I noticed that they had skeletal heads so that meant that this must be the undead soldiers that he has left.

*I have collected a few extra bodies before I found you at the edge of the blood magic barrier on the outskirts of these ruins". Brother Ethan said as he snapped his fingers and his men put their helmets back on. "Now that we have the activated the barrier we are going to have to stir up some trouble in the other cities so that we can motivate them to come here.

Once the races that oppose us are here they will become the fuel for this portal as well as members of my army to make my power grow even more".

I was pacing around the center table while he was talking and stopped across from where Brother Ethan was standing with him being in between the portal and myself.

"Well if you want me to stir up trouble in the cities I can always use my second type of magic and transform myself into a human or an elf so that I can stir up trouble and cause them to want to come hunt us down." I said as I looked into his fake elderly human blue eyes and started to grin because I was truly wanting to get back at those filthy beings for what they had done to my husband only a few months ago.

"I do want you to go stir up trouble but I want you not to be transformed at all. I want them to know who it is that is destroying their cities and belittling their cultures and everything that they have developed.

When they get this high level of despair throughout their system they will have an urge to rush over here and not do so rationally. That is exactly what I want them to do because it will make it even easier for me to obliterate them when they are not organized as they were when they attacked your husband's stronghold seven months ago". Brother Ethan said as he leaned on the table by putting all of his body pressure on his left elbow and resting his head on his left hand while he was thinking.

"Well I do not care as long as I get to have fun with the three heroes that stopped us a few months ago. If I get to do that then I will follow whatever orders you give me as long as you hold your end of the bargain". I said to him as I stood up and looked at him so he knew that I was serious about every word that had just left my mouth.

He then I started to guide me out of the tomb and when we made it outside of the tomb he spoke again. " Do not worry your husband will be able to return to the world of the living you have my word".

I truly did not know if I could believe what he said because after all he is Undead so I the words that he says to me no matter how sweet they sound probably have a condition or a catch that he will not tell me about until the end.

"Well I am going to go to my private Chambers and then I will get ready to leave as soon as I possibly can". I told him as I walked away and towards the building that contained my chambers.

Then I made my way to a building that was high above all of the other ones and located right beside the balcony where I had been to listen to Brother Ethan give his speech that convinced everyone of what he was going to do here in these ancient ruins.

When I walked to the door of the room I noticed that this room was well kept and almost completely modern for the era of this world unlike the rest of the ruins.

I found a long black dress that had white gems along both sides of it on my bed. The dress seemed to flow down as if it was meant to show off the beauty of whoever wore it.

Somehow I knew that this had to be an idea that came from Brother Ethan he is definitely a twisted individual; but that's why I agreed to work with him because I would have done something very similar. These humans, elves, and dwarfs are not ready for the full strength of my gravity magic because I have both bronze and beauty.

I looked in a slightly broken mirror that only had one crack at the very top of it that went across the mirror after putting on the dress and I thought I looked very stunning. I used some of my transformation skills to change my appearance a bit to make myself look more human even though he told me not to I did it anyway because most of those who feared me saw me in my human form not my orc form.

My normal form had long black hair that went all the way down to my center back and my skin was no longer a dark green it was tan. I had dark red eyes which seemed to pierce into the hearts of many men so I had been told.

Then I put on the heels and walked out of my room to see Brother Ethan standing out side of my room.

"Now do not tell me that you were peeping in my room. If you did I will have to punish you for snooping on me. Only one orc has ever earned the right to see me naked unless it was for the job". I said as I rubbed my left hand against his white beard felt quite natural and real even though I knew it was fake as I slowly walked away.

"Please as if I would waste my time with someone like you that I knew it does not look that way; and the fact is that my undead body cannot be pleasured in possible way which I hope to rectify soon". Brother Ethan said to me.

"Oh I cannot wait to see what will happen if you as a person who is supposed to be a man of the cloth can do such a forbidden thing". I said as I walked down the stairs.

We didn't say anything until we made it to the barrier because all of the male people who had joined us started to stare at me and as a result of that some of the women started to act jealously towards me.

Then he deactivated a small part of the barrier big enough for me to walk through and I stepped through the gap with a giant smile on my face since I knew that I could finally have fun since I was on my own.

It did not take me long to make my way to the other side of The Forbidden Forest since everything else around me ran away as soon as they saw me as if I had an aura of death that was surrounding my body.

Since I was out of the forest now which city would I attack first while I could act just like my husband and start by attacking the human imperial city of White Falls; I knew that I wanted to have a special amount of fun by starting with the Dwarven capital city.

The first reason why I wanted to do this was because there would not be as many people to get in my way and also because the dwarf known as Gilltrude who had killed my husband lives there.

So I headed out towards that City and it took me about a day on the road to make it there.

I had not stopped at all for food or rest because only my hunger and thirst for revenge on that commoner dwarf motivated me to move forward without hesitation.

When I made it to the city I noticed that everything else around me was quite barren except some of the buildings so I decided to start casting some gravity magic so that I could get the attention of those who were still in the city.

I lifted my hands towards a set of shops that was to my left and started to recite an incantation. "With my ability to compress the world around me and my rage as my fuel I call upon the cosmic forces that are beyond anyone else's control. Gravity Singularly Compression!!"

As soon as I said that some magic left my hands and I saw a small black ball that began to expand until everything in the building fell to pieces and it was a pile of rubble.

I kept repeating this incantation until I had oblited everything on the street and as soon as I heard someone scream because they were in the building I felt very satisfied because I knew that this would draw out Gilltrude because he had a weakness for helping innocent people something that my husband has ensured that our people never had from a very young age.

It did not take long after that for me to see dwarves running towards me that we're wearing entire black suits of metal armor that had a red dragon crest on the chest area.

"In the name of King Austroon you will stop what it is you are doing". The leader that had on a helmet with a giant white feather on it to show that he was the guy in charge of the group said.

"Oh come on do you think that as dwarves you can stand a lost magic like mine". I said as I pointed both of my hands at them. "You will kneel to me like the disgusting pigs you are".

When I spoke all of the guards began to be pinned to the ground and I was able to see my true target since they were no longer hiding him from me.

"Master who is this woman with this knowledge of ancient gravity magic?" The dragon asked Gilltrude.

"I do not recognize that appearance, but I recognize that magic anywhere. She is the wife of our former enemy Commander zog that was defeated in the war five months ago." Gilltrude said as he dropped from the dragon and Drew out his great sword which seem to Glow with a black and red aura at its tips.

I got ready to cast my magic knowing that it was finally time to get my revenge for the loss of my husband. This dwarf was going to pay the ultimate price for what he had done to Zog.

Would I kill him and end his life swiftly or would I hold him within an inch of his life for as long as I possibly could just to hear every scream that left his lips.