New Terrifying Magic Combo

the room I was in was a circular room that was used for emergency war councils. Thid room was brightly lit up with torches that were on columns all around it. The center of the room there was a war table that showed the map of the world and each region was colored differently based on what nation held that territory.

"I am telling you that I think that we need to follow the trail of footsteps that our people left behind as they will lead us to Commander Zog's wife". The eldest son of the dwarf royal household said as he pounded the war table.

"Yes but we cannot do this in a manner of rash.....". The second eldest son said to his older brother.

Then the door of the room burst open and a dragon guard dropped to his knees as if he was exhausted due to running too much.

"I have urgent news; the city is under attack!!!!" He yelled as soon as he caught his breath.

"Which army is taking advantage of this moment of weakness? Is it the orcs again or possibly the dragonborn?" King Austroon asked the guard.

"It is not an army of any kind. The buildings are collapsing on themselves by lone caster; and she looks to be human your majesty". He said as he bowed to the king.

"Do you know what kind of magic she was using?" King Austroon asked him urgently as he grabbed him by the shoulders and I saw a look of fear across his face.

"I cannot tell you sir her magic was unlike anything I had ever seen. She was taking balls of energy and causing entire structures to collapse on themselves". He said is he bowed his head to the king.

As soon as he made that description I knew exactly who it was that was attacking our city.

I decided to take the initiative and investigate it myself; and if my hunch was right then I did not want anyone else to get hurt.

"I volunteer to be the person that goes on investigates this out for you father". I said as I lightly bowed to my father out of respect.

"Does anyone in this house object to allowing my fourth son Gilltrude being the one that investigates this matter?" He asked everyone in the room.

Everyone nodded their heads from left to right showing that they were okay with this.

"The dragon guard is probably just being dramatic again so it's probably not even going to be worth my time to go look at it". The eldest son said is he walked away from the room as if he was frustrated at someone or something.

"All right Gilltrude; you have my blessing to take a few dragon guard with you and confront this attacker on our city". King Austroon said as he saw me put on my greatsword.

As I left the small council chambers I mounted on top of my dragons back and the dragon guard that were in the hallway went in double file in front of me towards the site of the attack.

"Why did you jump at such an opportunity to fight this mysterious person that had magic that even someone of the dragon guard didn't recognize?"

"Oh well if you must know the reason why I chose to take on this challenge despite the unknown type of magic is because I honestly believe I know exactly who it is that is casting these unknown spells. If I am right then it will have been a good choice for me to come and combat her because I am the only one around here who has ever fought against her". I said to my dragon as we made our way to the last place that this mysterious female was sited.

I saw a variety of former shops, former blacksmiths, and former food stalls obliterated to both of my sides which meant she was definitely getting her job done.

Then when the guards were knocked down I saw who it was and recognize that type of magic almost immediately which told me that my suspicions about it being Commander Zog's wife to be absolutely correct.

That is how I feel trude made my way to this battlefield and was ready to confront her hoping that all of my training that I had undergone since we last fought five months ago had not gone to waste.

"I will kill you for what you have done to Zog. He was my everything the reason why I endured all those years stuck in that magical cocoon. After I kill you I will be killing each of the descendants of those mages that trapped me so long ago". She said as she activated three balls of her gravity magic.

As she did that I took a solid stance with my weight leaned on my right foot which was behind me. Then I put my greatsword in a Ford position to prepare myself for my attack.

"Here I come for you. For the good of this land I will obliterate you just like I did your husband". I said to her as I took my stance waiting for her to make the first move.

She then threw her balls of gravity magic at me which we're moving quite fast but I was able to sidestep them since they were shot in a straight line.

"Heavenly Might!" I yelled as I took my stance again and the tips of my sword began to glow with a dark black energy.

I then took a vertical slice down followed by an uppercut, and finally a jab at her chest area.

She backstepped the first strike. Then she prepared her spell and sidestep to my right to avoid the second one; but she was hit in the chest with the third strike.

"Even if I lose this battle you will always remember this fight due to the scar that I have now given you in your chest region". I said as I prepared myself to counter whatever she would throw at me next.

As soon as I saw her prepared next attack I was surprised at what I had seen with my peripheral vision on my right side.

I had seen a warp gate show up that was covered in dark green energy and I saw Alicia step out of it with her batccompanion on her right shoulder.

"Am I late to the party? I did not expect to show up in the middle of a battle; but it will at least be able to prove that I am the strongest of the heroes". Alicia said as she open her grandma and aimed her hands at Commander Zog's wife.

"It does not matter how many of you that are present; I will be able to get revenge now that I have been fully awakened.

When you fought me the first time I only had the ability to use a fraction of my power since I had just been awoken after a two hundred year long slumber". She said I noticed that her balls of dark energy now had a dark red aura on the inside of them which sent chills down my spine.

"Ice Needle Barrage paired with Black Ice Mines!" Alicia yelled and even though I didn't possess magic I could feel the aura around her that meant she was putting a lot behind each of these abilities that she was casting.

When she spoke the ice needles rushed towards our opponent, but instead of hitting her like they were intended to they or absorbed by the red centers of her orbs.

After that the red centers vanished from sight as if they did not exist anymore.

"In memory of what happened before I will defeat you the same way I did your husband. Black Tornado!" I started to swirl My sword above my head until the dark magic room glowed and a small black tornado was there in between me and my target.

"Do you think that I will fall for that trick again. Gravity Well! " She yelled and I saw the black tornado that I had created slowly dissipate as it was sucked in to her magical spell. "Please tell me that there's more that you are going to do because I am getting very bored of this fight". Said to me as she threw her gravity well spelled towards me and I was pinned to the ground as soon as I got near me.

"What do you want this time? Your husband no longer exists; so you can not feel his dream after all I know the truth about your people. You are a female which makes you the inferior gender and no male orc will listen to a female no matter how powerful she is. Believe me I know I deal with a similar type of problem among the elves". Alicia said as I was pinned to the ground.

"It does not matter I have found a way to bring my husband back; and that is all that I care about. If I have him by my side I can handle anything that this cruel world throws at me". She said as I saw her approach Alicia and shortly after that Alicia was also pinned to the ground.

"What are you going to do now that we are both into the ground and at your mercy". I said to her as I was attempting to resist her magic and rise to my feet but was not successful at even moving.

"Well I'm glad that you asked". Commander Zog's wife said as she rubbed her orcish hands against my dwarf beard which felt very uncomfortable. "To be truthful I don't need you at all for now. The person that I need is her".

She said before she was grabbing Alicia's hair and playing with it while we were at her mercy.

"What do you want me for? What kind of thing do I have to offer that he does not?" Alicia asked.

"Oh don't you worry I will be explaining that to you in due time". Commander Zog's wife said right before I saw her knock out Alicia and pick her up to carry her on her back.

While she moved out of the city I noticed that her gravity spell was still quite intense which still made it where I was unable to move around.

After about an hour of being pinned to the ground I was finally able to move around freely which caused me to check the members of the dragon guard to see if they were still alive.

I had only seen three of them still breathing which meant that some of them had died.

"So master that was who you were talking about. I can see why you wanted to take her on yourself instead of allowing one of these normal dwarfs to do that". My dragon said when I mounted him and rode him to the dwarven royal castle.

"Why did you not help me in that fight?" I asked him out of curiosity since I thought that his help would have made the difference between victory and defeat.

"Even though I could have helped you fight her I thought that it would not be wise to fight something that I was unsure if I could even win especially due to her unique type of magic.

I mean did you see when she combined her gravity magic with a bit of fire magic which is very unheard o?f". The dragon ask me as we made it back into the castle.

When we made it into the castle I gave my report to King Austroon and he gave an order me, the dragon guard, and Binyail to follow the trail that Commander zogg's wife has left behind.

"While that happens my eldest son and I will go to the imperial City of white falls so that we can tell the human emperor about what has occurred so far.

We quickly moved out of the city as an organized army with the dragon guard being led by Binyail who was on a black horse and myself that was riding the back of a dragon.

The wife of Commander Zog has definitely improved since we first bought her only a few months ago; but that means that we are going to have to have all of the candidates of The Reincarnation Protocol protocol so that we can take her down and whoever her mysterious benefactor is.