Failed Plan

"guys I honestly believe that he is Commander Zog. He is not lying; he is the scourge of our world the orc commander who tried to enslave us all under his banner in an attempt to prove that his race was the most Superior of them all.

He almost succeeded if it had not been for Lady Alicia, Robert, and Prince Gilltrude of the dwarves; our heroes defeated him once but can they do it again now that he has his wife resurrected this time". One soldier said as he started to panic and dropped his weapons.

"You will get back in line right now. We as mages will not fall to such an evil pair of individuals. We do not need heroes we can take care of this world on our own". I heard one of the officers that was under me yell at the mage that was trying to run away in fear of what was going to be happening soon.

I was able to notice that all of the individuals that I was supposed to be in charge of started to shake and tremble in fear at the site of this Commander Zog. He could not have been that terrifying if he lost to my cousin and her friends.

If they could defeat him then he would have no chance against someone like me.

"I order for the mages to fire a barrage of ice spells to freeze some solid in place. After that I want the warriors too rush him so that we can capture him alive as a prize of war". I said to my advisor.

My adviser than walked over to the commander of the mages and shortly after that went to the warrior Commander giving them my order.

"Ice mine barrage". I heard the first two rows of mages say and as they did that I saw a barrage of magical energy that was colored a light blue color released from their hands and when it made contact with the ground that was around Commander Zog it froze solid and from his knees down he was surrounded by walls of ice.

"Do you really think that something so weak is going to stop me?" Zog said to all of the warriors that started to run at him.

The first few swings were absorbed by his fire barrier but it soon shattered and he immediately counter-attacked those who struck him which killed them in one attack after he spun in a full circle continuously until their bodies all hit the ground.

Zog then took a massive step which caused the ice to break and free his legs.

As soon as he did this everyone started to panic and slowly back away as he stomped forward as if they were intimidated with every step that he was making.

"This is enough; I will not tolerate the army that I am supposed to lead to be afraid of some measly orc. Move if you cannot defeat him then I will on my own since you are all so damn incompetent". I said confidently as I pulled out my poison daggers and made my men move out of the way.

When I walked through my army they all stepped aside and bowed to me as if I was a hero of legend or a servant of their gods.

"If anyone can save us it is you. The cousin of one of our heroes that originally defeated him". One of my officers said as I made my way through the army to stand in front of Zog.

"So since a simple group of these so-called assassins could not defeat me they have chosen to send the pint size relative of the hero who was both the weakest as well as the least intelligent out of the bunch that originally challenged me six months ago. This should be a fun fight; I will enjoy and savor every moment that I have to cause you physical, psychological, or emotional pain. When you are finally at the end of it all then you will have my permission to die". Commander Zog said to me as he twirled his fire axes around.

"Into the shadows I go and developed in your eternal darkness I will strike the enemy when they least expect it and when they are at their weakest. New Moon Stealth". I said quietly as I approached him and then vanished from his sight.

"You know that the other assassins tried tricks like this before and it just did not work on me. What makes you think that you will fare any better at trying something like that". Zog said to me as he started turning around as if he was trying to watch for something.

I made my way around him keeping myself at least a few feet away from him at all times while in my stealth so that he would not be able to since my smell that much if that is what he was trying to do to find me.

As soon as I made it behind him I lunged at him and swung my daggers down his back. "Assassination!!".

As I completed my assassination move in an attempt to finish this in one quick attack I noticed that the only thing that had happened was that he lost balance I didn't even make contact with his back.

"I told you that you did not even stand a chance. Your cousin would have been ashamed of what you had become; and to think that this is the army that has been assembled to compete against me.

If this is the best that you guys have to offer me as a meaning of resistance then my dream of the orcs being the master race of this world will be easier this time around". Zog said as he grabbed me by the throat and lifted me up with only one hand.

I started to gas for air because he started to squeeze on my neck slowly as if he was trying to watch the life slowly leave my eyes.

He started to laugh at me as I was being choked.

My wolf companion ran to my aid since I was about to meet my end and bit his wrist enough to where he lost his grip on me.

"I have other plans of what I will be doing to this beast of yours. I would rather kill you first and allow him to live". Zog said is he punched my wolf off of his wrist which caused the wolf to wine and pain and hide behind the line of soldiers behind me.

Then Commander Zog rolled me over onto my back and pointed his weapons at my neck. As Zog was about to finish me off I heard war horns close by and then I heard a group of soldiers that were not a part of my original army joining the fray in unison as if they were a giant wall of steel.

"I knew that you would return. Since you are here now Gilltrude I will tear you into a million pieces for putting my plan on hold. Oh wait I am sorry I meant to say your majesty Prince Gilltrude". Commander Zog said as I saw him bow at someone that I could not see.

Commander Zog then swung at me and I felt my head roll from my body and the light around me started to fade until I was in utter darkness knowing that I had failed in my attempt to keep my cousin safe. My parents would be ashamed that the fact that I had not accomplished anything major with this new life that I had been given.

The last words that I heard enter my ears as I lost all life in my head was Zog ranting on about how weak and pathetic we were in comparison to him.