Zog's true Motivation

As I looked at the Dead Moon elf corpse that was in front of me I knew that I had achieved victory and another hero had died as a result of my actions. If I kept this work at this pace within a few years all the heroes would cease to exist.

Then while the separated head started to roll around I noticed that her wolf companion made his way to her and started to how for a short while before vanishing out of its wolf form and I noticed a blue orb of energy that left the wolf body.

When the orb started to ascend into the heavens I saw a beam of green energy shoot from my head and capture it.

"Acquiring data; analyzing possibility of absorption. If successful will allow for next stage of evolution". My AI said but this time everyone else was apparently able to hear it because everyone except for myself and my wife started to panic.

Only a few short moments had passed by when my AI finished the analysis. "Capable of evolution; you can choose to either evolve yourself or evolve me Zog".

"That decision should be an obvious one I want to evolve myself and prove that works are the true Master race of this world. I do it all for the fatherland!" I exclaimed to my AI as I temporarily stood at attention as if I was remembering what it was like to be a Nazi soldier back on Earth.

"Request for evolution acknowledged. Do you wish to hasten this process?" My AI asked me.

"Yes I wish to hasten this process as long as my mind and body are intact". I said to the AI.

"Then we will be beginning evolutionary harvest". My AI said as I saw a variety of red balls of energy flying around the battlefield.

After those orbs started killing people I started to feel weak in my knees and fell to the ground. I tried to stand back up but it was as if a force of nature was keeping me in a kneeling position unable to change the way I was presenting myself to the world.

The last thing that I saw was my wife coming in front of me and she started to fire a variety of different spells that killed a lot of the elves and humans that were not killed by the red balls of energy.

"If any of you try to lay a hand on my love you will have to come through me and last time there were Sun elves in your group when I was stopped. I know that they are not with you because I killed all of them except for the elderly ones that probably died off while I was trapped in my magical cocoon for two hundred long painstaking years able to hear the world around me but unable to do anything about it". My wife said as she stood over me not allowing a single fired arrow or spell to touch me.

"You will need to find your true inner strength in order to successfully evolve. Find what it is that motivates you to achieve your goal; what allows you to embrace this reincarnation that I have offered you". My AI said to me as I noticed that I started to be wrapped in a black cocoon that I could hear pulsing from the inside.

Then after the cocoon head been fully enveloped around me I noticed that there was a white light inside of it and as I stretch out for the white light I noticed that I was no longer in the cocoon shortly after.

I was back in Germany once again. The sound of cars running along the freeway above me made me feel nostalgic.

The first cent that came across my nose was fresh bread from the baker and the smell of fresh morning coffee which I thought I would never smell again.

"Normin; hello Norman are you there?" I heard a male voice say to me which suddenly caught my attention.

"Sorry what did you say?" I asked a short white male that was wearing a German military uniform and was sitting across a coffee table from me.

"I was wondering if you were okay with becoming one of our test subjects for The Reincarnation Protocol?" He asked me as he handed me a file that said classified on it.

"If you do not mind me asking sir why me of all the German soldiers you could have chosen that are under your command why me?" I asked him as I took a sip of my coffee and put the cup back down on the table.

"It is rather simple of an answer. First you are one of our top soldiers who has achieved a lot in his limited career. The second reason is because you embrace our Nazi based ideals very dutifully. The final reason is a personal one that I will not tell you today". He said to me as he took bite of the fresh bread that was on his plate.

"Then for the fatherland let me see the papers and make my final decision". I said to him.

"All of the information that you will need to know that is not above your pay grade for this project will be in that file. You have 24 hours to decide and if you tell a soul about this project then we will consider you an enemy of the fatherland and your family as well".

"That is understood sir". I said to him as I saluted at him while I was still sitting down.

"As long as you understand that then I will be on my way. I know in the end that you will make it the best decision for the fatherland". He said to me as he got out of his chair and pushed it back in before leaving me alone to look at the papers.

I then looked at the papers in the folder and notice that in this top secret scientific project entitled The Reincarnation Protocol they were planning on sending for select soldiers on a time travel journey back into America around the end of world war I so that we could plant Nazi based idealism into the minds of the people.

They have even given us American names to go by so that we are not discovered easily by the government. It seemed that my name was going to be Alex Jones and that I was going to be infiltrating America by staging as a actor that specialized in children cartoons.

I guess they wanted to start at the base and plant our ideals into the children to help ensure the success of our plan.

All I knew was that whoever came up with this plan was truly a master of deception and I wanted in because I would go down in history as both one of the first Nazis to ever exist in wlll of time; and I also would succeed in my mission for the fatherland which would bring honor to my family.

After I finish reading the rest of the papers I noticed a life insurance policy that had to be filled out as well as a disclaimer on anything that I would discover on my mission so that the fatherland would prosper in the end. I probably signed it without even giving it a second thought.

Because I knew that my family would be set if I died during the project; and if I succeeded then I would go down in history as a legend either way those around me would benefit from this project.

Ivan noticed that I was back in my cocoon and aware of my surroundings once again since I had to remember my motivation for The Reincarnation protocol project that had accidentally brought me into a world of medieval level technology in magic.

The main reason why I accepted it was for the fatherland more than my own family. Somewhere deep down in my heart I knew that the members of the German army would be proud of what I was accomplishing here in this other world and would want me to keep pushing on.

"Evolution complete Zog the destroyer formally a member of the orc race has successfully evolved into the next branch of orc evolution. He has become a Borethrax". My AI said as the cocoon started to pulse faster and faster until it cracked and I looked at my hands as I rose from the cocoon an entirely new being.

This new appearance felt skinnier than when I was in order but it felt faster and more precise for killing.

I picked up my fire axes that had fallen in front of me whenever I hit the floor during the initial evolutionary stage and as soon as I picked up the weapon I felt stronger than ever before and knew that no one would be able to withstand the pain that I was about to inflict on them.