Zog's New Form and Strength

I could see all of the dead bodies in front of me as I dismounted myself from the back of my dragon.

The intensity in the air as I saw the cocoon that housed Commander Zog was on an intense level like I had never felt before. I saw the veins of the black cocoon starting to pulse and it started to make slow throbbing noises that got more intense the longer that he was in this cocoon.

Even though I wanted to use our mages to burn the cocoon to a crisp with a continuous stream of fire magic I chose not to do it because I did not want to have to fight Commander Zog's wife again.

"What are we going to do to stop him? If he evolves into an even more dangerous species than the world will meet a most devastating end." The officer of the warriors said to me.

"I can handle it besides if one of the mages attack him they will be killed by her". I said as I walked in front of the man who just spoke and pointed at commander's dogs wife.

"We have to do something the last hero that attacked him died". She said angrily at me as he pointed at the head that was severed from the body.

"Yes while you were correct that it might be grave to allow him to evolve into a new being; you need to understand that I have defeated him once and I will do it again he is not the only one that has been improving their craft". I said to him.

"Fine then if you will not attack him I will. I will not stand by and allow this world to fall into other darkness and destruction ever again". The warrior said is he grabbed his Lance and shield off of his back and started to run at the magical cocoon which inspired all of his warriors to follow in suit.

The area around me was suddenly enveloped by a war cry that sent shivers down my spine due to the magnitude of the yell.

This yell did not seem like much when it was only done by one person but due to the amount of people that were doing this it made me feel very uneasy and glad that I was on their side.

All of the yelling that was in front of me was suddenly brought to a stop and I then noticed that there were three massive piles of bones and flesh that was gathered by Commander zogs wife's anti-gravity singularities that exploded caused the piles to scatter all over the battlefield.

"Now is anyone else going to be stupid and think they can make it past me? If you want to join with your friends and I a quick and very painful death then be my guest I could always use the practice". Commander zogg's wife said as she looked at everyone behind me while she crushed one of the skulls with the heel of har right foot.

Then I noticed that the cocoon that was containing Commander Zog started to crack and I saw him a merge from it in this new form that was terrifying to me.

In this new form he seemed taller than before and much more muscular. His head had four horns on it in each corner that went up and curved going outward about a third of an inch in between each of the loops.

Then his AI spoke out loud stating that he had become an entirely new race that he had involved beyond being an orc that Commander Zog was now a borethrax.

The shiver in my spine became even more intense even though I had fought and defeated him before he was now an entirely new being and his power felt intoxicating and not in a positive way. The intense amount of strength that I felt as he kneel down and picked up his weapons made me suddenly be enveloped with fear which made it hard for me to focus.

I grabbed my sword and as he rushed at me I was able to Parry but I started to lose my balance due to the intensity of his strikes.

"You were able to defeat me before but you will never be able to do that again. This time I will be the one that will kill you I will absorb your AI and evolve even more". He said to me as he started to swing his axes furiously at me.

With every strike that he was throwing at me it became even harder to keep my balance and I started to feel that I was not as ready as I thought that I would be to fight this new being that was in front of me.

If I was going to be able to overcome this I needed to first overcome my fear. In the end as the only person who has defeated him before when he was trying to take over the world it is up to me to take care of it again so that we can return to the piece that we once had in this world.

So I pushed the fear to the back of my mind and gathered my grit so that I could push forward with my plan of defeating him.

"So it seems like you have a second wind in your step. I guess if you're getting serious then I will get serious too". Zog said Timmy as I noticed that the red flames that were around his axes actually turned into a dark blue color as if his evolution had allowed him to enhance his flames.

Even though I knew that it made me feel uneasy at the sight of these new flames I would not be be terrified anymore.

When I looked at what Commander Zog had done I remembered what he told me whenever I assaulted his camp a few months ago. He said that the strength of magical runes and spells are both tied to the amount of willpower that you put behind your strikes; but the more will you put behind it the less swings you can do before you pass out due to the exhaustion.

Since I remembered all of that I then swung my greatsword after the black rune on my weapon glowed as I took two massive swings in Commander Zog's direction which created two large slashes that were made out of darkness energy.

The waves did not even make contact with Commander Zog because he had created a equally as powerful pair of waves made of blue fire that completely neutralized my attack.

"Well I can say that you have at least improved and you're better at managing those kinds of attacks; but that being said you are still a weak and pathetic dwarf that has absolutely no connection to the mana of this world. If you had not originally defeated me by mere luck I would have actually chosen to kill your entire race instead of enslaving them for the good of the world because those who cannot do magic are a waste of space". Commander zogg said to me as he started to rush at me again with such speed that I was not able to Parry any of his strikes.

His strikes hit me on my chest and it made me fall onto my back which told me that he was not kidding about being serious now at all. It also would take a miracle for me to survive this battle since I was in way over my head.

I then sawzag vanished from My sight and he struck me in the back which caused me to lose my balance and hit the ground unable to move at all. Did this mean that I would be paralyzed from the waist down again just like when I was on Earth.

If this was the case and bound to be my future I would definitely call this irony since life seems to go full circle and that I might be crippled once again.

I looked up and noticed that my dragon had jumped over the people that were between us and stood over my body. The dragon then covered my body with his wings in order to protect me.

"I will not wait any longer; I will not stand idly by and allow my new master to die.

While I can definitely see that you are the stronger out of the two of you do you believe that you are strong enough to take on a dragon?" The dragon asked Zog as he started to growl at him.

Even though I could not move I felt safe as long as my dragon companion was there to protect me and defeating commanders Zog was now in his hands.

This feeling that engulfed me was mixed of both fear and worry which I have not felt in a long time at the same time since I always did everything myself after the day that my parents died.