Healing ad Support

When I walked out of the Dwarven palace I was greeted by the light of a full moon on this world.

The lighting made it clear enough for me to see enough in front of me to where I saw a group of different elf species leaning against one of the columns of the palace that was to my left.

This group was my adventurer party that I had made an arrangement to work with after the human party betrayed me and tried to steal my equipment on the island dungeon where we fought minotaurs.

I saw Kulvar stepped away from the palace to greet me as I approached him. He looked at me with an an expression on his face that told me that he was tired of waiting on me and wanted to know King Austroon's answer.

"So did he give us clearance to explore the old elvin ruins that were located within the borders of the dwarven kingdom?".

"Yes he has given us clearance to explore those ruins as long as we give him any ancient dwarven artifacts that are inside". I told him as I made my way to where I was only a few inches in front of him.

"Then why don't we go and explore those ruins as soon as possible because I cannot wait to find out what lies inside of them". Neia said to me as she rushed at me and grab me by the shoulder and started to slightly shake me in order to show all of the excitement that she had.

Kulvar then pulled her off me and made a motion for everyone to follow him out of the section of the dwarf capital city that was reserved purely for members of the royal household as well as very important guests.

"Aleecia are you going to follow us out of the city; or are you going to have us leave you behind?" Tishia said to me as she continuously waved at me as if to catch my attention.

"Yes I will be right behind you".

Then I walked with the entire group until we left the city and made it to the ancient elven ruins.

The ruins looked quite beautifully designed. It caused me to gasp in surprise at how amazing old architecture was designed despite the deterioration that time had dealt it.

As I took a look at the ruins I saw that there were two giant statues that were at least thirty feet tall in height regarding a bridge that was made out of black stones.

The first statue going from my left to my right was a statue of an eagle; and the one on the right was a statue of a dragon that did not have any wings.

"All right everyone; since we do not exactly know what to expect from ancient open ruins I want us to be extra careful today. Aleecia you will be staying back to use your healing spells and support us with your defensive spells when you get the chance.

Now I want the rest of us to go on the offensive against whatever they might throw at us". Kulvar said to all of us after he turned around to look at us.

*Are we going to follow the same general rules that we usually follow when it comes to loot?" Neia asked.

"Yes; if you are asking that we are going by the finders keepers rule when it involves item loot then yes that is what we will be doing". Kulvar stated before he started to walk down the hill and towards the ancient elven ruins.

"Black Ice Mines!" I exclaimed as I open my grandma and cast a spell in front of him. I do not know why but I had a bad feeling about the kind of things everyone in this group was going to walk into.

I noticed that Kulvar turned around and looked at me as if I had made some kind of mistake; but before he had a chance to say anything I noticed that the golems started to move as if they had come to life.

Whenever the statues started to make a move everyone else in the party ran down the hill so they could meet their ledear in combat.

"Cryo Healing Wall times two" I said out loud and a pair of white walls that were solid but yet see through were created in front of me.

After that I made sure to maintain my focus on all of the members of my team since they were counting on me to be their source of healing and fatigue recovery.

I saw the dragon statue start to Rush at Kulvar; but it was quickly stopped as it stepped in one of my minds of black ice that were in front of Kulvar.

"Almighty god of the sun who protects us and I swore my loyalty to; help make my spell stronger". Neia chanted as she Drew her sword from her back and the edges of her blade became enveloped in lightning.

I saw her then strike the frozen statue and it's right front leg fell off of it with one swing.

"I'm backing up so that you may take over now" Neia shouted as she jumped away from the fallen dragon statue since it is now officially lost its balance.

Wow this was going on I noticed that Vesryn firing her what else longbow at the Griffin and only a handful of the arrows were actually making contact due to the fact that the constant flapping of its wings kept knocking every second or third one out of the sky before it could make contact.

Despite this her few successful hits were actually counting for something because the bird was losing altitude as well as speed.

The bird then dove down and actually was able to claw our rogue before it could dodge the incoming attack despite the decrease in speed.

Whenever Tisha hit the floor and started to roll around I saw her rise up to her feet and slowly make her way too where I was at the top of the hill.

She then stepped into the healing chamber to the right and I could see the cut that was caused by the birds that dive attack across her chest area. The wound started to heal quite rapidly as the other blue liquid like substance made contact with her wound it became as good as a new price of functioning flesh.

"It looks like you're all healed up now". I said to Trisha as I saw her eyes open inside the healing chamber I had created using my ice magic.

She quickly stepped out of the chamber and I saw her rush back down to the battlefield as if nothing had everything happened to her after thanking me.

The bird was trying to attack again but it's altitude was much much lower due to the successful shots that our archer had with it. There were three successful shots in its chest area and wonderful shot in each wing.

I could see that Neia was starting to chant something but I was not able to hear it clearly this time and shortly after that she had caused a giant bolt of lightning down at the bird and it shattered into at least 20 pieces.

When this was done I canceled my healing spell and closed my grimoire so that I could make my way to where the rest of my party was waiting for me.

"Well if it's going to be this easy then this trip probably is not going to be worth all the hassle". Kulvar said as I made my way to where they were all at waiting.

These ruins were going to hold something that was very important to me. I did not know why but I just had a feeling that my life was going to change once I visited these ruins.