A Greatfful Patient

"I will help you find out who it was that sabotaged your work". I heard a deep voice say as he walked into the railway tunnel.

I turned around and noticed that it was King Frank. As soon as I found out who it was I kneeled at him and put my head only a few inches from the ground.

"You may raise your head Dr. Robert The Imperial Alchemist; as a key member of my counsel it would be in my best interest to help you as well as for my country so that we can technologically get ahead of the elves and the dwarves".

"Well your majesty all I have is this piece of cloth that was torn near the area of my train that was sabotaged". I said as I handed the cloth that was in my pocket to him while maintaining my posture at a lower level.

"I will take this from you and have our family taylor examine it closely. After they get back to me I will tell you all that is known about it".

"Thank you your majesty; your kindness knows absolutely no bounds". I said as I rose to my feet and saw him walking out of the railway station.

"So what are we going to do now that we are waiting on the king to make progress on this specific project?" Lee asked me as she turned to her right and looked at me.

"Well I need to get ready so that I can go meet Gilltrude and Aleecia at the dwarven capital for our celebration of the piece that we are currently having as well as my possible participation in the tournament that they're hosting".

"Okay then I will take charge of your shop while you are gone". Lee said to me before I saw her run away with a lot of joy behind every step that she took.

I then made my way back to the throne room and then out of the castle.

After I left the castle I noticed that the city was quite vacant of most of the frequent activity and movement that it usually had within its streets.

There were only a few shops that had some customers in it as I made my way to the location of my private shop and living quarters.

I used a giant key to open the door and then locked it behind me so that nobody could enter and interrupt me while I was getting ready for my journey.

The first thing that I did was grab my satchel that was on a table in my personal room. Then I grabbed a variety of different colored potions so that I would be prepared for any kind of situation while I was away from my shop and garden.

"Well since I have all my general potions ready for both recovery and battle I can then go over to the teleporter so that I can instantly travel to the dwarf capital.

As soon as I started to lock my shop store from the outside w young man rushed over to me and I had a look of urgency about them.

"Imperial Alchemist can you please help me? I do not mean to be a bother but my daughter is quite sickly at home and I need you to come to my house". She said as he put his hands on my shoulders.

I really wanted to quickly make my way back to the dwarf capital so that I could discuss some things with Gilltrude; but since I did not want to tarnish my reputation as the Imperial Alchemist of the human empire I really didn't have a choice but to help this person in their time of need.

"all right I will look at your child but depending on what it is that I am curing that will determine how much I will have to charge you. Are you okay with that?" I asked as I took his hands off my shoulders.

"Yes my child's life is worth more to me than almost anything".

"All right then I will follow you to your home".

As I followed him to a poor part of town where there was not as much cleaning being done on the streets I could tell that he was not going to be able to pay me in money for the services I was about to provide him. It took every ounce of self-control to not be disgusted at the sites that I was seeing on this part of town.

There were stray animals wondering the sides of the street digging through garbage and even humans were doing the same just to try to find something to eat.

As soon as they saw me they rushed over and started begging for money or something to eat.

"Sir I will do absolutely anything for some bread". One middle aged female said to me.

"Please my child needs some medicine". Another person who ran up to my side said in a tone of despair.

I just ignored them and grabbed a potion out of my bag with my right hand and covered my nose with my left.

After I opened the potion they all rushed to grab it but as they tried they suddenly fell asleep around me when the purple fumes from the potion made contact with their noses.

Then as they all hit the ground I closed the potion and put it back in my bag.

"Wait what did you do to them?" The man I was following asked me as he turned around and saw everyone hit the ground.

"Do not worry I just put them all to sleep so that I could make it to your home without anymore interruptions". I said to him as I walked over to where he was standing.

I have followed him to the building that was his home at the end of the road that I was on.

The door of the house was torn off of the hinges and there were a large variety of holes along all of the walls as if they didn't do anything to maintain it.

"I am here; I have brought The Imperial Alchemist here to help us cure our child".

I followed him to the room that was at the top of a set of broken stairs that made it where I had to be extra careful while I was walking up them since I did not want to fall on my face.

When I entered into the room I saw a young female no older than twelve years of age and she was intensely sweating while also heavily breathing.

"Okay let me take a look at what is wrong with her. If I'm going to cure whatever else her I am going to have to have privacy without any kind of interruption." I said as I set down on the floor with her to my left and remove my satchel from my shoulder.

As soon as both of my patient's parents had left the room I started to exam her body.

Her arms had purple swells on the inside that were starting to push through and break her skin.

So I took a black rose petal and crushed it until it became a pure paste. After that I took a cyan blue potion in my pouch and mixed them both together before applying it to her sores

A few moments past and the paste dissolved into her skin and the swells quickly shrunk and faded away. After that the sweat that was leaving her pores stopped as well and she finally calmed down.

"Your daughter is cured of her disease, and you can come back in the room now".

Both of her parents rushed in and started to cry tears of joy as they got into the room.

"Oh great Imperial Alchemist how may I ever repay you for the degree of kindness you have offered my family and our time of need?" The father asked me as he wiped the tears from his eyes.

"You can pay me one silver for my services".

"But sir I do not have that kind of money". He told me with a look of sadness as if there was no way that he could truly pay me that much money for my services.

"In the end I don't care how you pay me just as long as it's worth roughly one silver".

He then left the room and came back with a wooden square basket that contained a variety of potatoes, carrots, and heads of lettuce.

"Here you go sir this is probably roughly worth one silver".

"All right I will take it then; just remember to tell your friends and relatives who was that cured your daughter". I said as I'm starting to walk out of the building.

When I was alone I made my way all the way to the teleporter and requested that the mages take me to the dwarven capital city.

As I it's all the teleporter activate and I was enveloped in a blue light I became very satisfied with the work that I had achieved today as an alchemist.

I had saved a family from having to go through the pain of having a close family member die. I honestly wished that all of my jobs were as easy and those that I helped or is grateful as this family was today.