
"now introducing the challenger!!!" I saw the announcer say as I was standing ina stone hallway with my greatsword on my back.

"It does not matter who it is young prince; they will not be able to stand against your power". A very young male dwarf said to me as I saw that he was holding a small black square box.

"I am just hoping that they will be a nice warm up for whoever I will have to fight after this battle". I said to him as I turned around and peeked through the iron bars that were separating me from the arena at this moment.

"As you say master Gilltrude".

"Our Challenger is a member of the wood elf race. She has been named their unparalleled master of dual wielding daggers.

They're even our rumors involving her insane accomplishments, but this is not what we are here for. We are here to see the glory of battle!!".

After the announcer of the event spoke I saw the iron bars on the other side of the arena open up and an elf that was wearing a set of light armor that was made out of light brown cloth and what looked like it was wolf fur.

"And introducing our champion!! You know him as the man excuse me I mean dwarf that defeated Commander Zog and stopped him from taking over the world five short months ago. He is our hero Gilltrude!!!!" He exclaimed and the iron bars slid upwards until I could see everything that was in the arena as clear as day.

I walked out of the hallway that I was standing in at a moderate pace and made each step count.

Whenever I injured into the arena everyone else around me that was in the crowd started to cheer out of excitement.

Their cheers seemed to excite me and fill me with energy as if I could take on an army of Commander Zogs at this moment.

"Now before we begin the fighting we must first explain all of the rules to you.

The first rule of this tournament is that no lethal force is allowed; we are in an era of Peace after all.

The second rule of the tournament is that you will fight to your best or you will bring dishonor to your people and your gods.

The final rule that we have is that the battles will end until someone is pinned or concedes defeat.

Also just to let you know if any of these rules are broken the leader of each of the races of our alliance are currently present and they will decide the fate of those who break the rules of this tournament".

After he finished talking about the rules of the event I snapped my fingers and my servant came into the arena and opened the box that he was holding.

The box contained iron braces that he put on both of my wrists.

As the heavy braces snapped shut on both of my wrists it felt like a ton of raw iron was restraining the movements of my arms.

This feeling did not displease me since this is exactly what I wanted to happen.

"Wait if you don't mind me asking why do you have those iron braces on your wrists?" The female elf asked me as she pulled out hurt daggers.

"The truth of the matter is that I have grown significantly stronger over the last few months through constant physical and mental training. Due to that if I do not have these braces on I might accidentally end up killing most of the people that I encounter in combat today; so I am supposing that you understand why I have to do this". I sent to her as I grabbed my great sword that my servant was carrying.

"All right then good to know; and let's get started with the fight". She said as I saw her grand and daggers from her waist that seem to glow a light blue color as she gave them a few swings before standing in her battle stance.

"That is fine by me". I said as I rushed at her swinging my gratsword horizontally, but before it can make contact she jumped up in the air and ended up behind me.

"You are diffinately very fast. Your speed is something that probably brag about to all of your people". I said as she tried to rush at me but I turned around and blocked the daggers that she was thrusting at me.

"I might have been complimenting you but did you really think that something like that would stop me; remember that you are fighting against the only person who ever fight against commander's dog and live to tell the tale. I also am the one who ended up slaying him". I said as I grinned at her with a smirk look of arrogance behind every word in order to make her feel inferior to me since I wanted her to know what it was she was exactly up against and that the story is about me were not just some random legend that was passed around to make myself seem stronger than I actually was.

"No I did not expect that to work; but just wait a few more swings and then everything will become clear to you.

She spoke I was able to notice that my swings were starting to get slower and slower after every time I tried toboick or parry her attacks

I then stop swinging my sword due to the exhaustion I was feeling due to the intense sharp cold that I could feel circulating through my bones.

"So now do you know what I was truly trying to accomplish here". She said is she approached me and began to thrust at me as if she was about to finish me off my painting me to the ground, but I quickly regained all of my strength and swung my sword at her feet which caused her to fall to the ground.

"The match is over!!! The Victor is our champion Gilltrude!!". The announcer exclaimed as he rushed to my side and started to lift my arms up which I still was unable to feel anything due to the sharpness of the cold that was still circulating through my veins.

The crowd then all stood up and I saw them shout with excitement at the battle that they had just witnessed.

I put my sword in the hands of my servant and offered my right hand to the elf on a friendship since our races were no longer feuding with one another despite our history of intense dislike and hatred.

"Thank you very much Gilltrude; he that slayed Commander Zog". She said to me as she grabbed my hand and stood up.

After we shook hands she walked out of the arena by going down the hallway that she had originally come into the arena in.

"That was an excellent matchmaster". Servant said as he took off the braces that were used to restrain my strength.

"It was a good warm up, but the main fight will be against my next opponent. I have heard rumors that she has a very uncommon magic and she is one of the last people who have the ability to wield it. The thought of fighting against her excites me and makes me not want to remove these restraints". I said as I looked at the restraints for my servant closed the box.

I watched out of the arena the same way that I came in and saw someone stepping out of the shadows

"That was a very excellent fight Gilltrude. I don't know if even I could challenge you to a fight despite the massive amount of intelligence that I possess". A human said to me as he stepped out of the shadows.

"Dr. Robert; the Imperial Alchemist are you challenging me to a fight?" I asked as I walked up to him.

"No I am just here to spectate this event. You should know that I am more of a support role anyway when it comes to battle so these direct one-on-one fights really would not suit my style. Knowing my luck I would probably get knocked down and; or knocked out in the first round".

"You are probably right about that". I said as I started to laugh and wrap my right arm around his abdomen area from behind.

I know that if I could trust anyone in this world it would be him or Aleecia after all we all came from the same world before we reincarnated to this one so we have a somewhat common story of origin.