Youthful Restoration

"now that your first match is over we can both go get a bite to eat.

What do you think that you want to have on this day? I was thinking about having some high quality steak". I heard Gilltrude say as I walk to past him.

It took every ounce of self-control so that I could walk past him without either saying or doing anything since now was not time for me to get my revenge on him that will come as a sweet reward for what I do.

"Did you sense that?" Dr. Robert said as I passed them.

I chose to ignore their conversation so that I could focus on the battle that I was about tohave with my opponent was going to be when I made it into the arena.

The gate of the arena slid shut in front of me, and as soon as it did the announcer for the event stepped into the center of the arena and began to speak.

"That was an excellent fight. Do not leave your spots just yet spectators. In our next fight the people that we will see fight is a human female master mage. She has become feared when we all used to fight due to her ability to continuously fire her spells without a loss of a large amount of magic.

Her competitor is a female human monk. She has dedicated her life to the human god of law Azren, and she remains loyal and faithful to her belief that violence should only be used for self-defense never to harm a defenseless person no matter what their race is". The announcer said with a loud boom behind almost every word as if he was screaming and very passionate about what he said.

I stepped into the light of the ring with the clothes that I had taken from the female that I was appearing to look like on me.

As I walked into the light of the arena I was able to see the female that I would be fighting she had on a simple yellow robe that had an open white book in the chest area. She did not possess any weapons; instead she seemed to fight only using her bare hands.

"All right ladies and gentlemen place your bets on who you think that will win in this upcoming catfight; will it be the human mage or will it be the human monk?".

The crowd seemed to cheer in unison with every word that came out of his mouth as if he was convincing them to believe him with every syllable that he spoke.

He then backed away from the center of the ring and announced for the fight to begin.

"I hope that you are ready for a very intense fight, and that you will give it your all. In the end our gods or our ancestors are always watching everything that we do". She said to me as she got in a stance that had her legs spread out as if she was not going to be easily moved but she still bounced up and down every few seconds as if she was still nimble despite how broad her stance was.

I then looked up and Drew hand signs in front of me to prepare a few fire spells to be launched at her not knowing how fast she was going to move or if I'd have time to prepare one spell at a time.

The circles were finished and I released a barrage of fireballs at her but before they came into contact with her she seemed to twirl around and dodged each one of them with both ease and grace as if she was dancing.

I activated a fire spell and tossed it towards her feet to see if I could catch her off balance but she continued to close the distance that was between us.

Whenever she made it to my location after jumping over the shots that I fired at the ground I was not able to react before she threw a few quick jabs on my left arm due to the lack of distance that was now between us.

"Do you surrender now?" She asked me as I fell to my knees despite my urge to maintain my ground.

"What did you do to me?" I asked at a frustration because no one had ever reached my defenses and gotten that lucky before.

"I just attacked your nervous system by hitting you at key vital points with very quick jabs.

Do you not understand? This battle can go on forever until I knock you completely unconscious. The choice of when your pain will end is entirely up to you". She said to me as she returned to the original stance that she was originally in before we started fighting.

If I was going to win this fight I would have to reveal the truth about my powers to all of these people. Even though I didn't want to do that right now I knew that it would probably be the best way to also quickly gain their trust.

"Well if you think that I am going to just lay down here and roll over like a little dog then you have the totally wrong type of idea about me.

I then activated a gravitational bubble around my body and as the magic flew through my veins I was able to feel the movement of the arm that had gone recently numb due to the intense flurry of quick jabs.

As I rose to my feet I saw that she began to slowly back away as if she was afraid of what might be coming her way.

"What are you?" She asked me is she fell on her behind and started to back away.

The fear and dread in her eyes that I saw as I started to walk towards her filled me with a great deal of satisfaction.

I started to change my appearance back to my original human disguise.

"I am Deluah; and I am the last remaining sage. As a sage I have some of the most advanced and forgotten spells that a mage can learn stored in my memory.

As you can see I have access to both fire and gravity magic".

"I concede this fight". The human monk said in a stuttering voice.

"Well ladies and gentlemen the fight is...."

Before the announcer could finish his sentence I saw both Dr. Robert and Gilltrude rush into the arena.

"We are going to take you in right now. If you resist I will have to use lethal force to defend myself". Gilltrude said to me as I saw him draw his black great sword from his back and pointed at me.

"First off you must have me confused with someone else, and also I am not here for any hostile reason".

"Then what is your reason for being here because you did not have to reveal all of your type of magic if you were here to just participate in the event?"Dr Robert asked me as he stepped in between me and Gilltrude's greatsword.

"I am here to offer all of these citizens a chance at a better life. This life that I offer is a life without disease for the curse of aging.

You will have the ability to live out your life as long as you wish and achieve all of the great things that you were not able to achieve due to the obstacle of the mortality that comes with our different races".

When I finished speaking to the people I opened essential that was on my waist and put both of the potions that I had in my hand.

"People will not believe your lies and tricks because I know who you truly are". Gilltrude said angerly at me as he tried to get around Dr. Robert without hurting him.

"Why don't we allow them to decide what path they want to take". I stated to him as I saw a group of at least two hundred people of different races rush into the arena from in front of me.

"Can you not see that she is just trying to trick you". Robert said as he tried to get into the path of the people entering the arena.

"Will you truly be able to restore our youth?". I heard an elderly male human ask as I saw him limp over to me while leaning on his cane.

"Here allow me to show you so that I can prove what I have told you to be more than just some fictional story ". I said as I opened up the first vial and gave it to him to drink.

As he started to drink the vial I was able to notice that the wrinkles that were once on his body started to disappear and he was enveloped in a magical aura as his back started to straighten out and he looked totally different than before.

She was totally muscular and was about six feet in height after drinking the potion.

"Wow I was not expectingit to work this good". He said is he jumped around and started to run circles around all of us and if he was a very young kid full of energy.

"Now I have proven to you all the validness of what I had said. If any of you wish to have the same stuff happen to you that just happened to this man then follow me to a land of paradise where age is no longer of concern".

Whenever I finish speaking all of the people that were in the arena group moved over to my side of the arena almost instantly.

Then the gems on my wrist started to glow and pulse.

I left the arena and follow the pathway that the gems were leading me to knowing that I would be one step closer to uniting myself with my fallen husband once again after I delivered all of these pathetic beings to Brother Ethan.