Hearing what A yin had said li fu felt that instead of getting rapped or being forced to have sex with her or being killed by her being married is a good choice.

Someone might say it's bad but at least it's better then being killed and we can devolep feelings for eachother in future.

Li Fu " Okay Senior I am okay with marrying you!"

A Yin who heard this showed a smiled.

A Yin" Good! We will get married after the war in the mean time we can get to know each other!"

A yin " Since we are going to get married I should tell you now the only reason I killed Emporer chao was because he had ordered the killing of a village full of innocent people!"

A yin" And fire Empire was already going to dystroy the Chao Empire because since the new Emporer took the throne it has been filled with corrupted noble's!"

Hearing this li fu didn't know what to say but a little time he has been on the escort mission and all the things he had saw couldn't make him refuse this

And he has rules if he can he will try to end everything with talk if it doesn't work then he will use force and if the opponent is strong he will at least tell someone who is strong and cares about that matter if it still doesn't work he can only think about it being bad and feel helpless.

But there's was something which he was confused about and as if sensing something on his face A yin asked.

" What is it that you are thinking?"

" Senior you said the spiritual energy is going to disappear is it true?"

" Yes because there are to many Cultivater's and less spiritual energy the spiritual energy is getting less and less day by day it is also getting less by artificial making of spiritual herbs which were supposed to be naturally born in the world!"

Hearing this li Fu felt that it maked Sense after all if the spiritual energy was endless then all of the world should have immortals everywhere just like the ancient times.

" okay since it will take a year before we get married I would take you to another world that place has a lot of spiritual energy but the people of that world use a different type of power system"

Hearing this li Fu was shocked he thought that he was lucky enough to be reborn in another world but it seems people of cultivation world can also go to different world.

' And I thought I was the lucky one!'

' At least I have a system! Okay I need to clam down before she finds something wrong.'

Sword Immortal sect

"What do you mean li Fu is kidnapped!?"

Looking at Elder hu ming who was getting angry Xiao wu didn't understand why he was acting like this.

Elder hu ming is known for being a person who only respects and care's for the strong!.

Xiao wu " Elder I understand that li Fu might be a little strange for some who has only one spiritual roots but there is no need for you to be so angry"

Hearing what Xiao wu had said it made Hu Ming face become red with anger and he looked like a volcano ready for exploding.

Elder hu ming " you are lucky that you are daughter of seventh elder otherwise I would have killed you right here and now!!"

Xiao wu who heard this was now scared because Elder hu ming never makes a threat if he is not serious about it.

Xiao wu" I am sorry for being rude senior please forgive me!"

Xiao wu new that she had done something that touched Elder hu ming's bottom line.

Looking at Xiao wu who he had always treated as his own granddaughter he could no longer get angry at xaio wu.

Taking a few breaths Elder hu ming calmed himself then sighed and spoke.

Elder hu ming" sigh..okay you go I need to be alone."

" Yes Elder"

Seeing him no longer angry with her xiao Wu made a smile and left the Elder room of elder hu Ming.

Elder hu "Teacher Su how long are you going to stay in shadow's and wait to speak?"

He said looking at the side which was filled with nothing but the dark of night and the stars of the night.

Teacher Su " I just heard your conversation with Xiao wu elder..."

" So is it really true that li Fu is kidnapped?.."

She asked in a a voice which seemed to not care but hu ming who had delt with her for decades he knew that teacher Su yan was worried

Because he was a brother of li fi who's worst future is to be a elder of the sect if not the leader of the sect ifvshe wants to compete for the position if the Sect master.

But li Fu is also who they suspect to be a immortal cultivator who had met his end from fighting a strong man in the cultivation world and had been reborn in past or in future as a child

Elder hu ming " Yes it's true we can only pray that he comes back safe or the person asks for some price for li fu being returned to us!"

Next day

Li fi woke up took a bath changed into new clothes and ate the morning food.

She looked at Infront of her which was the seat where li Fu always sat to eat food from the day they came in the Sect.

Li fi " when will you come back brother...sigh.."

Sighing she ate the food alone in silence and after eating she went out to Walk towords the class.

When she was going she saw many of the seniors looking at her she had gotten some looks but they were of jealousy and envy of her talent.

But today she saw the gaze of the seniors looked similar to people when her parents left her to live with li fu while they went to find higher realm of cultivation.

Panicking she fastened her pace as she reached the class as she entered the class went silent as if someone was holding theirs mouths.

Looking at this she tried to calm her self as she sat in her seat.

Just when she felt she couldn't bear those looks Teacher Su Yan entered the class.

Su Yan looker at li fi with regretful eye's and spoke.

" Li fi I have bad news for you when li fu your brother was acting on the Emporer escort mission a demonic Cultivator convinced him that he should join their demonic Sect since he couldn't gain anything from being in the Sword Immortal sect with his single spiritual roots of talent.."

Li fi" That's a lie my brother is not like that!!"

Li fi spoke.. no Shouted at Teacher Su with top of her lungs.

Teacher Su "I know that you might not believe this but that is the information we have gotten if you feel that we are lying then you must bring proof!"

hearing this li fi went quite.

Teacher Su" li fi dear I think you should go back to your house and rest for a few Days "

Li fi" yes teacher Su"

She said as she ran out of class with tears on face.

After watching her walk away teacher Su shacked her head and started her class.

After giving the class for hours teacher su walked towards Elder hu ming office.

Li Fu" Was this really needed?"

She said as she looked at the old man Infront if her.

Elder hu " Even though I didn't want to do this but we have already Lost someone who might become a piller if the Sect which we might never get back!".

Teacher Su " I know that but to go that far..."

Elder hu ming " I know what you mean but but its Best for li fi if she needs to become a strong Cultivator in future and we also need a strong piller in sect many Elder can't live more then 4 hundred year after they die many sect's might attack the sect! So it's best if she already becomes mature!"

He said as teacher Su sighed and left Elder hu ming in the office alone with his paperwork

Li fu who was still in that small house looked at the amount of his points

Host Name:Li fu

Race: Human

Age : 17

Cultivation Level:Qi Gathering realm ( Level one ) ( 0 / 150)

Passive Technique: Breath Concealment ( Level 2 )( 0 / 500 )

Active Technique: None

Experience Points : 5817

Talent: Single spiritual root ( Earth )

Li fu looked at A yin who was Cultivating in silence li Fu wanted to eat something to fulfill his stomach and earn some points but looking at A yin who had killed Emporer chao in one single strike he didn't have the courage to ask her where is food.

It's not that li Fu didn't wanted to go out to look for food but Seeing dragons and hydras and many mythical creatures who were roaring from time to time he was very discouraged.

After all compared to beast's who looked like they wanted to eat him alive A yin's beautiful face was more worth to stay close to.

Li Fu " I hope the Sword Immortal sect takes good care of li Fi "

Just when he said this he felt a pressure on him as if he suddenly had increased in weight by multiple.

When he turned his head he saw A yin glaring at him.

A yin " Li Fu are you already married?"

Li Fu " I don't know why you are saying this but no senior I am not married!"

He said as fast as possible while feeling the pressure on himself.

A yin heard this but she looked more angry and Shouted.

A Yin " Then who the hell is li fi to you!?"

Li Fu " that's my sister senior I don't know why are you asking this?"

He said with his teeth grinding from pressure.

After he said this the pressure on us body disappeared as if there was never pressure on him.

A yin " ok but I warn you right now I do not like to share what's mine so you are not allowed to marry another women until I die"

She said with a very serious tone almost scaring li Fu as he kept nodding but at the end of her word's she let out a grin.

He knew that she is a Cultivater and a very high level one she probably has thousand of year's of life ahead of her.

Thinking of this he kind of regretted agreeing to her

' why me..'

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