Fire Empire (1)

Just when he was thinking his stomach growled he hadn't eaten for a long time.

A yin " How could I forget you are only level 1 of qi gathering you still need to eat food!"

She said as she waved her hand as the red ring on her thumb glowed with a tiny light many fruit appeared on the table which was placed on the side of the chair he was sitting on.

Li Fu looked at the fruits which were on the table li Fu hesitated and looked back at A yin's who had again went back to Cultivation.

' well forget about her let's eat I am hungry as hell!'

He thought as he started to drool wiping his saliva li fu picked up a fruit and took a bite.

[ Ate an spiritual Apple gain 1 point !]

[ Ate an spiritual Apple gain 1 point !]

[ Ate an spiritual Apple gain 1 point !]

Li fu wasn't disappointed since he had gotten spiritual fruits even though it couldn't compare to the spiritual fruits and meat of the Emporer carriage it was still top notch among the food he had eaten.

After eating he looked at his status to see the amount of points he had gained

Host Name:Li fu

Race: Human

Age : 17

Cultivation Level:Qi Gathering realm ( Level one ) ( 0 / 150)

Passive Technique: Breath Concealment ( Level 2 )( 0 / 500 )

Active Technique: None

Experience Points : 5917

Talent: Single spiritual root ( Earth )

'I really want to increase my Cultivation!'

A yin "Li Fu follow me we are going to royal Palace of fire Empire I need to get my reward for killing the Chao Empire's Emporer "

Just when he was looking at the increased points he heard A yin and nodded after all there wasn't he wasn't much he could do against her.

A yin stood up from the ground and grabbed li fu from his waist and flew in air li Fu who was picked started to scream by seeing the ground

Previous time he didn't had time to look at the ground as a yin had flew very fast.

A yin " be quite other wise I will throw you down"

Li fu " Gulp!"

Li fu went quite as he looked down A yin had started to fly lower he didn't know if it was because she was worried for him or she just wanted to fly lower.

Li fu looked at the city below him in marvel the people were wearing clothes which didn't look like any he had seen in sect there cloths were like those of japanese

The thing that li fu found starnge was that everyone had at least a little bit of red in their cloths which he found strange at first but considering the empire name is related to fire there should be no surprise at clothes being red.

' I guess people of fire Empire like there kingdom '

After a while of flying li fu and A yin came down finally feeling the ground at his feet li Fu felt more calm.

Just when he was taking breaths he heard a voice behind him.

" Master where were you I was looking for you!"

A yin and Li Fu turned their heads to look at a Young man who had fiery hair Red enchanting eye's and a handsome face.

A yin " Fie Yu what are you doing here I think I told you to stay at your room and Cultivate?"

Fie Yu" Master I was worried about you!"

He said as he looked at li fu with a hint of vigilance.

Fie Yu " Also who is this brother?"

A yin" yes this is the boy who I am going to marry "

She said as if it was something normal but FieYu had different reaction.

Fie Yu" Marry!? But master why didn't you ever tell me about this!?"

He asked a question but A yin only looked at him feeling strange.

A yin " Why do I need to tell you about my matters?"

Fie Yu "i..i.i.."

At this Fie Yu was chocked yes what was be to her he was just a deciple under her fire eating peek in Fire dragon Sect who was lucky to be favored by her on the day of selection.

Ignoring Fie Yu she spoke " he is going to be my husband next year me and him will get married you should go back to sect to tell the elders and Sect leader."

Fie Yu " yes master.."

He said and took one good look at li fu as if trying to ingrave him into his memory and turned his head to go back.

A Yin " li Fu follow me to Emporer hall to get the reward!"

She said as she went inside and li fu followed her with one step behind while he looked at the system Infront of him.

[ A Reincarnated person is found with a low low level system!

Name : Fie Yu

Age : 19

Race : Human

Cultivation : Nascant soul Cultivater

Level 7

Talent : ??]

[ System detected is half step immortal System host is encouraged to kill the host of this system so that the system can absorb this system to give more functional thing's to host!]

[ Before the host reaches the requirements for that function!]

Looking at the system li Fu was shocked he thought that he was the only one who had a system but it seems it's not like this.

Li Fu ' system just called Fie Yu system a low level but it can help him becoming a half step immortal! '

Li Fu 'then how big is the system if Fie is a Reincarnated person I need to know if he is from a modern world like me '

' the way he looked after hearing A yin that she was getting married with me was like he was getting betrayed by the person he trusted hope he doesn't come to attack me with some kind of anime or novel logic!'

A yin " when we go in don't make any trouble for me if someone asks what you a member of Sword Immortal sect is doing with me just tell them that you were a spy sent by me in the Sword sect do you understand?"

Li Fu who was brought out from his thought heard A yin nodded and said

Li Fu " okay I will do as you say senior!"

A yin just looked at him for a few seconds before walking after a while they reached a Red Palace which was at least a hundred Meters tall which seemed to touch the sky there were two gaurds wearing heavy armory and a spear stood Infront of the door of Palace.

Gaurds " Please State your name and purpose!"

A yin " My name is A yin an Elder of Red dragon sect.."

Before she could say something the spear in the gaurds hand fell to the ground.

Gaurds " We are sorry we didn't know it was you Demonic Dragon! Please forgive us!"

Hearing this li fu who was in the side heard it

' why does she have a Title and why the hell is demonic word in her title!? Don't tell me that she is a Demon Cultivater!?'

A Yin " go to Emporer and tell him that I am here to collect my reward for killing the Chao Empire's Emporer "

She said but there was a hint of threat it looked like that she didn't wanted to be called demonic Dragon

Gaurd " Yes senior! You go inside I will go and infrom the Emporer!"

One of the gaurd said as he ran inside the Palace

A yin ignored the other gaurd who was sweating from his head and went inside the Palace with li Fu following him.

But now he had lost almost all the little confidence he had and he looked like a little handyman walking behind A yin

But it wasn't Long before A yin spoke to li Fu

A yin " are you surprised?"

Li Fu " wha..?"

A yin " are you curious why is my title demonic Dragon?"

Li Fu looked at a yin who was walking Infront and spoke "Yes "

A Yin " I should tell you..I mean you will figure it out after you follow me back to Red Dragon sect "

A yin "I am a former Demon Cultivater"

Li Fu " Demon Cultivater!?"

Li Fu was shocked as he even stopped walking and looked at her in shock

A yin " yes but I didn't kill innocent people I would go in wars of the kingdoms and Empire and join the side which I feel is in right and absorb their complete cultivation basically killing them "

Li Fu"so you have not killed them for your own purpose?"

A yin" I wouldn't say that after all everyone if the soldier has families which I basically dystroyed some lost their young child who came to join army some lost their fathers some lost brothers almost everyone who has killed has made many people go in Despair that's also the reason I left the Demon Sect and joined Red Dragon sect!"
