Listening to A yin li Fu fell silent after all it was true almost every Cultivater has killed someone for his own goal some kill for Technique, Pills and some for earthly treasures.

Even many lover's turn into enemies in the world of Cultivater's.

After silently walking for a while they reached a door which had many Shining stones in it.

Just when they were standing outside the door in silence the door opened as the gaurd came out who had gone to inform.

Gaurd " The Emporer is waiting for Senior inside!"

He said as he made way to let A yin and Li Fu go inside

Going inside li Fu saw a big Hall with a Three thrones Two big and one small throne The two bigger Had Middle aged man and women sitting while the smaller throne had a young girl of around 15 sitting on it

And there were two line of people standing in front of the two Big thrones men on the side where the man was and women where women was sitting

??" If it isn't the demonic Dragon!"

The man sitting on the left throne spoke with a smile while looking at A yin and completely ignoring Li Fu who was standing beside A yin

A Yin " I am not here to talk I am here to ask for my reward for getting rid of Chao Emporer"

??" You are here for the reward but do you have any proof that you are the one who had killed the Chao Emporer?"

Frowning A yin looked at the Emporer who was asking for proof" you just sent me to kill him yesterday and he was found dead that proof is Enough!"

She said as she released pressure at the Royal's and the Nobels in the hall

A yin" am I getting my reward or not?!"

Noble 3" please behave yourself!"

Noble 1 " release us at once!"

Noble 7 " stop putting pressure!"

Emporer " Demonic Dragon that is enough stop releasing your pressured on us!"

The Emporer said while gritting his teeth and tears streaming down his face from fear he had wanted to put some on A yin with his status as a Emporer and by bringing up her past but he didn't know that A yin didn't want li Fu to know much of his past after all they would get married in one year so the less he knew about her the better.

She could also force li Fu but there is always a chance that li Fu might commit suicide with anxiety and pressure after all he is just a child who had never experienced any kind of torture or had any experience in being married to someone he didn't like.

After all cultivation also increases the amount of emotion expressed by many times

At this moment the princess and Empress had passed out from pressure on them

A Yin " Then you should hand over the Red Dragon Blood which is my reward!"

She said..no roared at the Emporer who had lost all of his dignity and looked like a man who didn't want to die.

Emporer " okay you can take Red Dragon Blood but please stop releasing pressure on us!"

No longer being able to bear the pressure the Emporer gave in.

Li Fu who was looking at this didn't know what to think but one thought passed in his head

Li Fu ' never make A yin angry!'

Hearing the Emporer A yin stopped putting pressure

Feeling the pressure getting of the emperor and few nobles who were finally able to take a breath looked at A yin in fear

Emporer " For helping the empire by killing the enemies of fire Empire you are given the Red Dragon Blood as reward please accept it!"

He said as he brought out a jewel from his hand

Throwing the Blood Red jewel towards her A yin inspected it and nodded

A yin" Good I will be going back I hope you no longer play any games "

She said as she turned around leaving with li Fu

After going out of the Palace A yin looked Infront and saw a Massive Red Bird

A yin looked at the bird and smiled " little red you didn't have to come here to get me"

The bird heard A yin word's and refuted

" Chrr! Chrr!"

A yin " okay let's go back to the sect"

A yin " Li Fu come sit in the little red with me "

Li Fu showed some hesitation and sat on the Red Bird

The bird flew in the sky after a little while because of the giant Bird's amazing Speed they reached the Red Dragon sect

Landing down from the Bird A yin spoke to Li Fu " Whatever happens don't tell anyone that you have DAO body other wise they might even kill you and take it using forceful method understand?"

Li Fu " yes I understand!"

Nodding she took him inside

While walking behind li Fu felt that in while he is in this sect ge should increase his Concealment Technique to as high as possible

Host Name:Li fu

Race: Human

Age : 17

Cultivation Level:Qi Gathering realm ( Level one ) ( 0 / 150)

Passive Technique: Breath Concealment ( Level 2 )( 0 / 500 )

Active Technique: None

Experience Points : 5917

Talent: Single spiritual root ( Earth )


Looking at his Technique he just closed his eyes and clicked in the Concealment Technique

A yin " why are you closing your eyes?"

Hearing A yin he came back to his senses

" I just thought that something went inside my eyes"

A yin just ignored after hearing this

' I nearly forgot that she was still here I wonder how high is my Concealment Technique?'

[ Would you like to use 5500 points to increase your Passive Concealment Technique to Max level?]

Seeing this li fu stopped for a split second before taking his steps again

' I hope it protects me even though it's a low level Technique but with system I would be safe until I reach Nascant soul after this Technique can only hide Cultivation before having a Nascant soul '

Clicking on this li fu saw the points decrease

From 5000 to four thousand to 3 thousand and finally stopping at 417

Looking again at the system he clearly saw something that was worth noting

Host Name:Li fu

Race: Human

Age : 17

Cultivation Level:Qi Gathering realm ( Level one ) ( 0 / 150)

Passive Technique: Breath Concealment ( Level 10 )( Max )

Active Technique: None

Experience Points : 417

Talent: Single spiritual root ( Earth )

Li Fu ' it seems like the max is Level 10 I don't know if it's because it's a low level Technique or all Technique have only 10 Level's in system?'

There was also something that li fu noticed

' Why the hell is no one found in this Sect!?'

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