CHAPTER 154: Foul Play.

Holding a duffel bag in one hand and a sunshade disguising his appearance, Mayor Qing emerged from the lively casino ambiance, facing the mafia boss, who sat amidst an entourage of indecently dressed ladies, puffing on ganja.

The mayor's tension was noticeable; his eyes darted nervously around the room, ensuring no prying eyes recognized him. Sensing the unease, the mafia boss arched an eyebrow, curious about his solo visit "You came alone, Mayor Qing? Not even with your bodyguards?" he inquired with skepticism, gesturing for him to take a seat amidst the enticing scene of exotic dancers and hazy ambiance.

Mayor Qing hesitated before responding, glancing over his shoulder as if expecting shadows to reveal themselves. "I prefer not to draw attention," he confessed, "I expected a more private meeting, Donald. Why are we out here in the open?" he slammed his palm on the table, exasperation betraying his calm demeanor.