CHAPTER 155: Bloom.

As the sun began to set, casting a warm glow over the garden, Liang made a silent promise to himself. "I will strive to be true to myself," he declared, "and find a way to balance my duties as a prince with my desires as a person. Only then can I be the best version of myself for both my kingdom and Jade."

The courtyard echoed with an air of anticipation, as the soft rustling of the wind and the faint murmurs of the kingdom's inhabitants set the stage for the momentous occasion. The guards, wielding polished spears and shields, emanated an aura of power and authority, a symbol of the realm's strength and unity.

The ancient melodies filled the air, and the rhythmic cadence of the music seemed to echo the heartbeat of the kingdom itself, as if celebrating the return of their beloved prince. The citizens, who had gathered in the courtyard, stood in awe and reverence, their hearts swelling with pride and admiration.