Chapter 37 - Torneo II


'So this battle of reflexes and speed, whoever activates their fast the fastest wins...' thought Aizawa as he watched the upcoming confrontation intently.

As a teacher he had a mental checklist about everything related to his students, their way of thinking and acting, their fighting styles, their goals and dreams, and so on and so forth.

Kaminari, has a lot of potential on his shoulders having an Electricity based Quirk. Although they were quite easy to counter subtract, they were still very useful when it came to stun or paralyze an opponent at the right moment, and if enough energy was used, it could even knock the opponent out of combat, although it could be painful depending on the intensity of the discharge.

On the other hand, his carefree and joking personality, along with his lack of goals make him a lazy and distracted person, that shows in his poor control over his Quirk which is a shame considering that this one is quite powerful.

'I should talk to him' Aizawa thought absentmindedly as he turned his gaze to his other student. 'Oxton'

Unfortunately, Aizawa couldn't gauge the potential she possesses due to the rarity of her Quirk, speedsters were rare in the Hero community, usually it was only a mild and barely noticeable boost and the ones to actually use had serious side effects on the body after use.

That's why most people with speed based Quirks were usually into other things, for example: Sports.

Lena was a rarity in that, she could easily devote herself to something else and possibly be very successful but here she was. Besides, Aizawa had no idea how to improve her Quirk since he had never worked with a speedster, his only idea was to improve her stamina to last longer in her speed state....

On the other hand, her fighting style, although good for a 15 year old, left something to be desired in the eyes of a professional like him. Her style was based on quick kicks combined with small feints before delivering some strong blow that would stun the enemy, not bad on paper, but when it came to executing it you could see obvious flaws, most of her feints were obvious, her muscles were visibly tensed which could give the Villains a clue as to when she's going to act, plus she tended to get carried away by his emotions.

While she makes up for most of her weaknesses with ingenuity when it comes to using her Quirk, that in real combat may not be enough.

"START!" Announced PresidentMic snapping Aizawa out of his thoughts.

Lena quickly activated her Quirk, causing her to appear behind Kaminari to kick him, the only proof that Lena moved and didn't teleport behind Kaminari was the light blue trail she leaves in her wake.

Kaminari may be distracted, but he was not stupid.

Anticipating that Lena would move as soon as the countdown ended, he sent an electric shock indiscriminately across the platform. 'You can't dodge if you have nowhere to run...'

The discharge hit Lena squarely before she could land a blow to her head. The shock paralyzed her in her tracks and nearly caused her to collapse to the floor.

"I thought you would put up more fights Lena, but I see you couldn't against me. A shame really but seeing a beauty like you in that state makes me proud" Kaminari turned to look at Lena with a smirk. "Good game."

"Phew... you talk... too much..."

Suddenly with a light blue flash that went through him like a ghost, Lena was no longer on the floor suffering from paralysis.

"What?!" Kaminari exclaimed as he turned around in panic.

From the stands, Lena was seen as she turned into a reverse wake before appearing in the same position she was in before the fight began.

"What happened Sparky?" Lena spoke haughtily. "Cat got your tongue?"

"WILL YOUNG KAMINARI BE ABLE TO COUNTERACT THAT?!" PresidentMic announced with disbelief in his voice.

"""WOAAAAAAAAAAAAAAH!!!!"""" The crowd cheered for the contenders, the crowd was divided on who would win the bout between the two contenders.

"That was close" Lena murmured impressed by Kaminari's quick action and decision, at first she thought it would be an easy fight but her arrogance almost snatched the victory from her. "I didn't expect you to react in time."

"In your fight against Shoji I remember you always tried to attack him in his blind spots" Kaminari said with a smile on his face, then he changes to a tone cocky enough to want to punch him in the face. "But if I activate my Quirk every time you get close you'll never be able to hit me so you might as well give up!"

"..." Lena rolled her eyes at him before disappearing again in a celestial wake.

Suddenly, Kaminari was falling from the sand touching the grass.

"""...""" The crowd went completely silent at the sudden occurrence.

"OXTON WIN! AND ADVANCE TO THE SECOND ROUND!" announced PresidentMic snapping the entire crowd out of their stupor.

"What the hell!" Kaminari yelled in confusion looking around to see that he was indeed out of bounds. "What the fuck did you do?"

"You were on the edge of the arena, I just pushed you out" Lena replied as if it had been the biggest truism in the world, although from the spectators point of view, yes, it was pretty obvious.

"Shit!" Kaminari exclaimed as he pounded the grass with his fist.

Lena merely gave him a few words of comfort before turning around and walking into the tunnel she had come out of. 

Kaminari did the same after a few seconds cursing his bad luck.

When Lena reached the stands she went to her seat reserved by Kyoka and Toru, Momo had already left to get ready for her match, the participants had 5 minutes to prepare so it shouldn't be long before the next round starts.


'Who is Koda?...' Lena thought curiously, she didn't remember anyone named Koda from her class.


"ALRIGHT LET'S MOVE ON TO THE NEXT MATCH!" Announced PresidentMic, he hoped the previous bout lasted a little longer than the last one, he could tell the audience didn't like the speed of the last bout.



Momo looked determined at her opponent, she was determined to get the victory of this battle and prove to her parents that her decision to become a Heroine was not in a simple impulse of the moment, she would show them that she would not give up easily in the face of adversity!

Koda meanwhile was trembling due to the thousands of people watching him, the poor boy very shy and looked like he was going to faint. Looking briefly into Momo's eyes and seeing them literally burning with determination only made him tremble harder.





"I SURRENDER!" Shouted Koda with all the strength in his voice he could muster.


'WHY IS IT ALL OVER SO QUICKLY?!' Thought the PresidentMic as he rubbed his temple, this was not at all what he expected.

Aizawa looked at Koda thinking he had made the right decision, there were no animals to help him so he couldn't use his Quirk, plus Momo outclassed him in most aspects... the only thing he could have an advantage in was his strength and that was considering Koda would hit someone to begin with, which was unlikely.

"THE WINNER IS MOMO! SHE MOVES ON TO THE SECOND ROUND AND WILL FACE LENA!" Announced PresidentMic hiding his childish annoyance at the bad show the audience was getting.

"I... huh?" Momo still hadn't come out of her daze as she looked at Koda. "What?"

'Next up is... Kyoka vs Tokoyami.... this could be interesting...' Aizawa thought with interest.



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