Chapter 38 - Torneo III


"Good luck, Kyo! " Lena cheered as she smiled broadly at me. "You got this match!"

"Cheer up Kyoka! Kick his ass!" Toru exclaimed as he punched the air simulating a boxing match.

My lips stretched upwards in a small smile. "Thanks girls, I'll kick his ass I promise!"

After that I headed to the preparation room for my confrontation.

Momo's confrontation was... boring and fun at the same time, I didn't even expect Koda to give up in less than a second. But seeing how seriously Momo was taking the Festival I possibly scared Koda off unintentionally.

Lena at first was confused about who Koda was and if he was in another class, which made me look at her in surprise before simply shrugging. Lena not one to talk to everyone despite being quite animated, it was nice to see her reserved side when there were a lot of new people around her. 

I noticed that she usually doesn't look to start a conversation but has no problem following one. So it's only natural that she wouldn't meet someone as quiet as Koda...although she was still just as striking.

I bit my tongue gently to dispel the trivial thoughts.

'Kyoka concentrate on your current target, you don't want to disappoint them after they trusted you do you?' I thought as I looked into a mirror looking into my eyes.

'You're not in high school have friends now...real, forgiving friends who support you wholeheartedly and care about you' I gritted my teeth as an oppressive feeling gripped my heart making me involuntarily swallow saliva. 'You're going to win this whatever it takes... you're going to show everyone that you're not a weak person...'

I sighed in an attempt to calm my nerves that were invading my body and focused on my target.

Tokoyami and his strange Shadow.

'Time to come up with a plan, huh?'


"ALRIGHT LADIES AND GENTLEMEN OF THE AUDIENCE LET'S GET TO THE THIRD BATTLE OF THE TOURNAMENT!!!" PresidentMic announced as he secretly prayed that the upcoming battle would be to the crowd's liking.



After their introductions both participants stood facing each other looking into each other's eyes. Neither seemed nervous or scared, just a great indifference in their eyes that made the audience a little uncomfortable.

"I wish you luck" Said Tokoyami formally as he gave a slight bow.

"Same to you" Kyoka replied while also bowing slightly.


Quickly Kyoka and Tokoyami returned to their original positions, with the difference that Kyoka took a fighting stance.


The stage went wild, this battle seemed to be more exciting than from the previous two


The stands of students cheering for both participants.


"Dark Shadow!" Tokoyami quickly summoned Dark Shadow sending it swiftly towards Kyoka to eject her from the platform. "Envelop our opponent with darkness!"

Dark Shadow zigzagged rapidly approaching Kyoka, but Kyoka didn't move an inch as she kept her eyes fixed on Dark Shadow and her stance unchanging.

Tokoyami thought she had given up and thought nothing of it. Dark Shadow reached out his palm to push her away but....


A loud vibration pushed Dark Shadow away at first as Tokoyami reacted in time to get her hands on the ground and not go flying out of the arena.

"Um... interesting" Tokoyami said turning his gaze back to Kyoka, who had one Jack pointed at his position, the other Jack pointed at the ground. "I didn't expect them to be so powerful."

Without giving him time to get up, Kyoka ran towards Tokoyami with all her might as her Jacks moved like snakes around her.

Tokoyami sent Dark Shadow as he stood up, but keeping his stance low to avoid another sonic attack to knock him off the platform.

Dark Shadow lunged at Kyoka with rapid attacks from his claws.

Clicking her tongue, Kyoka jumped backwards as she narrowly dodged his attacks. She was forced to retreat due to Dark Shadow's flexibility and speed.

She crouched down to the ground in a strange posture dodging a blow from Dark Shadow. And with a grin, she sent both of her Jacks at Dark Shadow.

"Gotcha!" Kyoka exclaimed before activating her two Jacks, sending a loud sound wave at Dark Shadow that sent him flying into the sky, more specifically... right above the sun.

"Dark Shadow!" Shouted Tokoyami feeling the connection with his Quirk/Companion weaken considerably.

Shooting out towards Tokoyami Kyoka shouted, "You should worry about yourself!"

Tokoyami tried to throw a punch on the left side of her head, but Kyoka stopped him with her forearm before kneeing him in the stomach knocking the air out of his lungs and giving him a quick slap on the chest with her other hand to push him backwards making him fall backwards.

Kyoka sent both of her Jacks towards Tokoyami causing him to freeze with his eyes wide open.

"You give up?" Kyoka said between breaths as she looked into Tokoyami's eyes. "Or do you want me to push you out of the arena?"

"How could you push Dark Shadow? He a shadow..." Tokoyami spoke with pain in his voice as he placed a hand on his stomach.

"He may be a shadow... but he can still touch and move things, so he's tangible. I noticed it during the previous test when a Team attacked them" Kyoka explained as she kept pointing her Jack at Tokoyami. "And I heard from Midoriya's mutterings that Dark Shadow was weak to light, so I simply decided to separate them and damage Dark Shadow with the sun, at this hour it's very hot so I assumed I would hold him for a while."

Tokoyami just stared at Kyoka with narrowed eyes. 'Dark Shadow almost recovered I just need-'

Suddenly Tokoyami was knocked off the platform by a loud sonic blast that sent him into the grass.

'Looks like we have work to do Dark Shadow...' Tokoyami thought, if one looked closely one could see him almost smiling as he closed his eyes.

'That looks like Toko...' Tokoyami received Dark Shadow's thought along with a small apology from the cute shadow.



"Looks like the little one is doing well, doesn't she's honey?" Exclaimed excitedly the a woman who bore a strong resemblance to the girl on the screen. "I've grown so much..."

"So it seems.... But she'd do better if you were a composer....". Replied the husband, earning a sigh from his wife. "Although I didn't know our little girl could be so good at fighting..."

"Fufufufu... she's full of surprises..."


Walking towards the stands at a slow pace, a short black-haired girl with a pair of wires in her ears could be seen.

This was the winner of the third round, Jiro Kyoka and right now....

'I'm hungry...' Kyoka thought with resignation. 'Lena and Momo are influencing me... what I've eaten in the cafeteria is 2 times more than I usually eat, this diet is weird... although I'm not complaining about the growths that have happened to me in the last few weeks... however small they are...'

"Hey! Kyo!" shouted a very familiar voice in front of her, then she was met with a tight hug from a girl much taller than her. "You were amazing!"

"You could have waited for me to get to the stands at least couldn't you?" Kyoka said as she hugged Lena back ignoring the two large personalities colliding with her face.

"No! It was faster that way. Congratulations on winning the third round!" Lena exclaimed as she broke the hug and smiled brightly. "Tokoyami didn't stand a chance!"

"Don't yell I hear you... and thank you" Kyoka murmured as she fiddled with her Jacks nervously from the constant praise. "Who's competing now?"

"Ehhh... It was the robot against the mechanical girl if I'm not mistaken" Lena replied as she put a finger to her chin and thought. "I don't know the mechanical girl so I don't know who might win."

"You should stop giving nicknames to people you don't know..." Kyoka said with a resigned sigh.

"Nah, it's more fun that way, now come on we don't want to miss the show do we?". Lena shook her head.

"Alright let's go..." Kyoka sighed with a smile on her face.


The robot match-, Ajem, Iida was... peculiar to say the least.


We don't want to talk about it for Iida's sake, do we.


While the peculiar match was going on at the UA stadium, a horrible scene was taking place in an alleyway in Hosu.

"Mercy! Please..." Said a man dressed in a Lion suit, you could see the primal fear in his eyes... the fear of death.

The man was bloodied all over his body he could barely speak, much less move....

"Kukuku... so the Lion begs for mercy... too bad this is the jungle... and in the jungle there is no mercy..." Said a masked man with a murderous look and a crazed smile on his face, he was dressed in red and black rags, highlighting the weapons he possessed on his back and waist.

This phrase alone made the Lion Man pee his pants as he began to cry and beg for his life.

"Stop Villain!" Came a shout from another side of the alley, the masked man turned his head to see a silver knight quickly approaching his meeting place throwing a kick.

The masked man jumped up to get some distance to get a closer look at the new, the new fake hero...

"Kuku another fly approaching the predator..." Said the grim masked one with a crazed grin on his face as his long tongue licked his lips. " will learn your lesson one way or another..."



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