
Chapter 11- The Peculiar Teacher

Gail's Point Of View;

The walk back to the apartments was a bit long but we finally had our building in view. I think it took longer to get back because of the way Presley walked. He clutched his ribcage with his hand and flinched giving the impression that he was in pain. He didn't verbalize it but we had to stop off several times. As we came near a bench he stopped and just sat on it. He exhaled loudly and I stopped also.

As I went to sit beside him he leaned back and said, "If I'm taking too long you can go on without me."

"We still have some distance to go, and I'm not in a rush." He nodded at my answer and then went quiet. I watched him flinch and tightly grip his ribcage again but this time he didn't let go. "Did the doctor give you anything for the injury?" I asked.

His grip loosened as he remained leaning back and seemed to watch up at the sky. "They gave me a prescription but after waiting in line for it at the clinic they didn't have it. I didn't want to sit and wait anywhere else so I just came back here."

That kind of worried me because these were serious injuries he had. "When do you plan on going to get it? Do you know of any other clinics around where you can get it?" I inquired further.

"No, but I will look it up online." Searching online is a good idea but I wanted him to have something for certain.

"You know, I have a cousin who's a chemist that works in a clinic on the western side of the city so if you want I can give you his number and you can talk to him. He could fill your prescription." I was already searching through my tablet to get the number of my cousin to text.

As I was doing that a woman who I believed to be the teacher that closed the gate to the part of the school that Mitchum asked me about earlier came up to us. It was getting late and the lights were coming on. I momentarily glanced up at her as she walked over to us.

"Enjoying a nice evening out?" she said directing her attention to Presley.

My head was now down looking at my tablet as he spoke to her. "Yes Professor Hoyte." By that time I had just sent the message to my cousin and looked up at the Professor again.

It was the same woman who came out of the part of the school that was off-limits to others. As I saw her concentrate on Presley her eyebrow slightly tensed and she said with a slight stutter, "Y- your arms? You didn't... h-have bandages this morning. Tell me what happened to you, Who did this? This is why you shouldn't venture out by yourself."

She was clearly worried about him as her face lost some of its stern composure. I watched Presley and he was clearly surprised by her concern as he made a poor attempt to cover the bandages from sight.

"I was in the lab accident this afternoon," He said avoiding eye contact.

Then she continued as her eyes dropped, "I left after lunch and only heard about it afterward. I didn't know you were that student. You look very tired, are you taking a leave from classes? I think you should."

"Um well no, I don't want to fall behind. And it's not that bad." Not that bad? I saw that classroom. I'm surprised he was able to walk this far. He sure likes to downplay everything or he may just not want to tell the Professor what happened to him.

"Ok well just take care of yourself ok, did they give you any medication to take?" She replied.

"Yes, but they didn't have the prescription so Gail is helping me find a clinic that will." He pointed to me when he said that and the Professor looked over at me and smiled. I waved and said hi softly and she said, "That's so nice of you Gail." I nodded shyly as I really didn't know what to say.

Then Presley got up telling the Professor that he had to leave. She nodded and began to continue on her way as well. The question of how come she was still here? Maybe she had to work with another class as Professor Smith did. Now wasn't the time to overthink it as I got a reply from my cousin. He agreed and I sent Presley's number to him.

Then I told Presly to expect a call from my cousin as we continued walking. We again stopped outside of the building as he leaned against the wall. We didn't say much to each other but I think that was mostly because he was trying to conserve energy. He didn't look like he was going to fall, instead, he was just really exhausted. I could have gone up without him but I wanted to make sure he made it to his apartment. So I used the time to admire the building.

When I visited my cousin who is a chemist now when he studied here. This building didn't look like this. Instead, it was a lot like the building I saw the Professor closing but they just remodeled it to have rooms for the students. This new structure was put up so quickly and they made the other building closed by the gate stand out even more. It was always strange that they didn't remodel that one also as a dorm but left it as a class. I would one day like to take a look inside it to settle my own curiosity. What I do like about the new structure is that they kept the real palm trees in large pots along with the new tree-like lights. I chuckled lightly as I remembered that they were so fascinating to Mitchum. But I had to admit it gave off the vibe that technology and greengage can exist hand in hand.