
Chapter 25- Confrontational

Gail's Point Of View;

Presley began to tell them both what he thought was happening and as he got to the part about the salesman I happened to glance across the street seeing him. He was now following another young girl who looked about my age. She was lightly tanned and had short pixie-cut brown hair. The other thing we also had in common was she didn't want to sample his perfume. She walked briskly as she just lightly smiled, shaking her head to decline.

That was when I noticed that a black minivan was driving up very discreetly behind the girl until it came beside them both. The most I got to see was he sprayed the perfume on her but she moved just in time for it to miss her. Then the van blocked the struggle between them as she was fighting back.

"Guys! Look, Presley, you were right. what should we do?" I shouted instinctively causing them to stop talking and paying attention to me.