They spoke up a moment later. "Hmm... alright. That should cover a lot of what I needed to know. From what you have said, is there anything that you can use to confirm your identity?"
Ash let out a sigh before responding. "Sorry, but I have nothing like that which is official. Is that going to be a problem?"
While she was answering, Ash couldn't help but think to herself. 'They are being quite thorough with me so it is good that I prepared. It did not seem to be like this for Sloane but I guess having good luck and being wanted more does have its advantages.'
Things just always seemed to work out for Sloane in many situations and it was helpful that he was very strong which made him more desirable to many others.
When someone wanted to bring someone like Sloane in, they would be in too much of a hurry to consider going through various checks since it meant that they could get him before he started reconsidering his decision about joining.