The Boss

That showed how capable Carlton was it made him stand out even more with someone like Ross supporting him.

Carlton took out his mobile phone before making a call. "Master. We found someone among those we were sent to watch over. The girl we approached seems to be quite promising."

The voice on the other end of the phone sounded quite soft but had a maturity to it. "Oh? So you recruited a girl this time? How very rare. So what is your evaluation?"

Carlton thought for a moment before saying in a calm evaluating tone of voice. "Ross says that she can be used if placed in the right position most suited for her. I believe that her growth will be quite fast as a fighter. I would suggest testing her out first."

The person on the other end of the call responded shortly after listening to his words. "Hmm... I will trust both of your judgement. I look forward to seeing this talent when she participates. Have you informed her of what she should expect?"