Tooth Fairy

Many variables were involved in the environment alone that were much different from what she was used to.

There were no corners or side ropes to make use of but instead, there were hard and thick walls.

While the flooring was a lot more solid and sturdy along with the walls making it easier to support against them and make use of them in various ways, Ash had already realized that both of them could be used as a weapon against her or her opponent.

One wrong fall to the ground or being slammed into the wall could cause a lot of harm.

Ash kept moving as she remained keenly aware of her surroundings and her opponent.

Tooth Fairy slowed down a little compared to before after adjusting the direction she was travelling.

Her moves became a little less rushed just as she reached closer to Ash since she had already realized that her previous approach did not work like she wanted.

The distance was closed between them moments later.