Chapter 14: Training montage

The underworld's eerie silence was suddenly filled with the hum of power swirling around Alex. His eyes were shut, but his mind raced with flashes of memories. He had lived in this world for years, but now, in this moment, the full knowledge of the life he once led before his reincarnation was unlocking, flooding his consciousness.

Visions of another life—one before his death and rebirth—came back to him. In his past existence, he had lived a normal life before his untimely death and the strange encounter with the R.O.B. that had changed everything. That omnipotent being had offered him a deal: power beyond his wildest dreams, the bloodlines of the strongest beings in the multiverse, and a new life in a world he had once only known through fiction—Highschool DxD.

He remembered how it all started: the R.O.B.'s offer to fuse the godly power of Beerus with the Ancient Saiyan bloodline and Frieza's terrifying might. Back then, it had seemed like an impossible choice to make, but with nothing left to lose, he accepted. And now here he was, reincarnated as Alex, the son of Shiva and Razen, but with the full might of those bloodlines and powers buried deep within him.

As the memories continued to unravel, he recalled everything about this world: the devils, angels, fallen, the political tension, and, most importantly, the plot he knew so well. He now remembered all of it—every detail of how events would unfold, and what roles the characters would play. But this was not just a story for him anymore. It was his reality.



After the talk with Rias

With his memories fully restored, Alex opened his eyes. His expression remained calm, as it always was, but there was a new intensity burning within him.

"I can't keep staying here, idling around with politics," he muttered. "I need to train. I need to unlock the full potential of what the R.O.B. gave me."

He had already surpassed most of the beings in this world in terms of raw power, but there was more waiting within him—more that hadn't yet been unleashed. His Ancient Saiyan bloodline had been simmering under the surface, barely tapped into, and his Frieza bloodline was a well of power waiting to be exploited. And then there were the abilities and skills of a God of Destruction—the very powers that made Beerus one of the most feared beings in the Dragon Ball multiverse. Alex had mastered some of them, but there was so much more he could do.

Without wasting any more time, Alex vanished from his spot with a casual snap of his fingers, using instantaneous movement similar to Beerus' abilities. The barren landscape of the underworld disappeared, and in an instant, he found himself in the vast, uninhabited wilderness—far away from prying eyes. This would be his training ground.

As he floated midair, the energy around him shifted. His Saiyan bloodline stirred, the dormant potential of the legendary race awakening with newfound intensity. In his previous memories, Alex knew how strong a Saiyan could become, especially when faced with dire situations or intense training. But he wasn't any ordinary Saiyan. His bloodline wasn't just that of the Saiyans from Dragon Ball Z, but the Ancient Saiyan bloodline—a race of warriors known for their unbounded power and potential.

He raised his hands, clenching them into fists. His golden aura flared to life, crackling with energy, and his power spiked in response. This was the beginning.


Alex's first goal was to tap into his Saiyan bloodline and harness its raw potential. He could feel the instincts of a warrior rising within him—the drive to fight, to grow, to become stronger. The air around him vibrated as he powered up, releasing a surge of energy that made the earth below quake.

"Super Saiyan," he muttered, recalling the legendary transformation.

Closing his eyes, Alex focused inward, calling upon the rage and energy that was the key to this transformation. His thoughts drifted back to the legendary battles of Goku, Vegeta, and the other Saiyans. He could feel the familiar spark—the trigger.

With a shout, Alex's aura exploded outward, and his hair began to glow gold. His power skyrocketed, and in an instant, he had transformed into a Super Saiyan. He could feel the raw strength coursing through him, the overwhelming might that had made the Saiyans one of the most feared races in the multiverse.

"This is just the beginning," he said to himself. The transformation felt almost natural.

But he wasn't done. He knew there was more. Much more.

Alex wasted no time in pushing beyond the first transformation. The power of Super Saiyan was immense, but it was nothing compared to what lay ahead. He could feel the next level—the power of Super Saiyan 2.

Again, he focused inward, pushing past his current limits. He had seen Goku and Vegeta go through these transformations with years of training, but Alex had an advantage: his limitless potential, a gift from the R.O.B. With his Saiyan bloodline and Frieza's unmatched potential, he knew he could accelerate his growth far beyond what was normal.

Lightning crackled around him as his energy surged once more. His hair stood even more on edge, his aura becoming more intense. Super Saiyan 2.

"This power," he muttered, feeling the difference immediately. But still, it wasn't enough.


Alex's next goal was something far more advanced. He wasn't just going to stop at the Super Saiyan forms. With the blood of a God of Destruction flowing through his veins, he was destined for far greater heights.

Super Saiyan God.

It was a transformation that drew on divine ki, something most Saiyans couldn't access without a ritual. But Alex wasn't most Saiyans. He had already learned to harness divine energy from his training as a God of Destruction, and now he would fuse that with his Saiyan heritage.

He reached deep within himself, calling upon the divine energy that he had mastered from his Beerus-like abilities. Slowly, his golden aura faded, replaced by a fiery red glow. His hair turned a deep crimson, and his eyes glowed with divine energy.

"This is power," Alex said, his voice calm but full of confidence. His divine ki mixed perfectly with his Saiyan abilities, creating a form that was both elegant and deadly.

But even this wasn't the limit.

The Pinnacle of Power: Super Saiyan Blue

Alex could feel it—the ultimate form, the pinnacle of power that fused the raw might of a Super Saiyan with the divine energy of a god. Super Saiyan Blue.

Without hesitation, Alex tapped into his God of Destruction abilities, letting the godly ki flow through him. His crimson aura shifted once more, turning a brilliant blue. His hair followed suit, glowing with an intense azure hue. The power radiating from him was nearly overwhelming, the perfect blend of godly and Saiyan energy.

Alex floated in the sky, his power shaking the very air around him. He could feel the strength of this transformation—both divine and mortal, a true embodiment of his bloodlines.

"This is it," Alex muttered, clenching his fists. His power was beyond anything he had ever felt before. He had unlocked the true potential of his Saiyan and Frieza bloodlines, combined with the might of a God of Destruction.

His training was just beginning, but now, he was ready for whatever challenges lay ahead.





Hey SnipeS here! I have changed my mind After every 20-25 power stones I will release a chapter early! And another question for my folks. Should I start a cheap Patreon? I was thinking of starting one and writing an Original novel Of course with the mc starting out Semi op... ye... that's all!.









