Chapter 15: Marcarita's Return

It had been years since Marcarita had disappeared, leaving Alex to navigate his powers on his own. Her absence had been sudden and unexplained, and though Alex had grown significantly in her absence, he couldn't shake the feeling that there was still more to learn. He had unlocked the vast majority of his potential, but one ability continued to elude him—the legendary Ultra Instinct.

His Saiyan bloodline and Frieza's lineage had allowed him to push beyond the ordinary limits of power, and his divine abilities, inherited from Beerus, made him an unstoppable force. Yet, there was a calm, a precision, that came with Ultra Instinct that even his godly strength couldn't quite grasp.

As Alex meditated in the wilderness, focusing on controlling the enormous power of Super Saiyan Blue, he suddenly felt something shift in the atmosphere. His senses flared as he opened his eyes, scanning the surroundings. There was an energy he hadn't felt in years, but it was unmistakable.

"Marcarita..." he muttered, standing up from his meditation.

A soft hum filled the air as the space in front of Alex began to shimmer. Slowly, the form of a woman materialized—tall, graceful, and exuding an aura of divine calm. Her eyes sparkled with amusement as she floated down before him, her staff in hand.

"It's been a while, hasn't it, Alex?" Marcarita's voice was smooth, with a hint of mischief behind it. She looked exactly as he remembered—poised and elegant, the aura of an angel radiating from her.

Alex crossed his arms, his usual calm demeanor masking the surprise he felt at seeing her after all these years. "I thought you'd disappeared for good."

Marcarita smiled softly, tilting her head slightly. "I had business to attend to, but it seems you've been quite busy yourself. Super Saiyan Blue… impressive. And from what I can sense, you've even managed to control godly ki quite well."

Alex shrugged, though he couldn't deny the pride he felt in his accomplishments. "I've unlocked most of what I can, but I'm still missing something."

Marcarita raised an eyebrow. "Ultra Instinct."

Alex's eyes narrowed. "Yes. I've come close, but I can't quite seem to fully grasp it."

She chuckled, her staff tapping lightly against the ground as she walked toward him. "Ultra Instinct isn't something you can just brute force your way into, Alex. It requires letting go. You're trying to control everything—your power, your movements, your thoughts. But Ultra Instinct is about not thinking—it's about letting your body react on its own without interference from your mind."

Alex listened intently, though the idea of letting go of control felt foreign to him. For so long, his strength had come from mastering his power, exerting his will over his abilities. To let go entirely went against everything he had learned so far.

"Sounds easier said than done," he remarked.

Marcarita smiled, waving her staff in a fluid motion. "That's why I'm here. You've grown strong, Alex, but strength alone won't unlock Ultra Instinct. You need guidance—someone to help you feel it."

Alex's gaze softened slightly. He had always respected Marcarita's wisdom, even when she wasn't around. If anyone could help him achieve this next step, it was her. "So, what now? How do we start?"

The Training Begins

Marcarita led Alex to a secluded, mountainous area—far away from any distractions or interference. The wind howled as the two floated over the rugged landscape, but Marcarita's calm demeanor never wavered.

"To begin, I want you to empty your mind," she said, floating before him. "Focus on nothing but the present moment. Don't think about your power, your strength, or even your form. Just be."

Alex frowned slightly, his usual confident smirk fading. "Easier said than done."

Marcarita chuckled. "Yes, but that's the point. You're trying too hard to control everything."

He took a deep breath, closing his eyes. The sounds of the world around him faded into the background as he focused inward, trying to silence the constant hum of power that always surrounded him. It was difficult—his mind was used to being in control, always analyzing, always calculating.

"Don't think. Just feel," Marcarita's voice echoed in his ears.

For a moment, Alex felt it—the briefest flicker of a deeper calm. His body relaxed, and for just a second, he could feel his energy moving on its own, without his conscious effort. But the moment was fleeting, and his focus snapped back, causing his energy to flare out of control.

"Tch," Alex muttered in frustration. "This is harder than I thought."

Marcarita smiled sympathetically. "Patience, Alex. Ultra Instinct isn't something you can rush. Even the gods struggle with it. But you've already come closer than most."

Pushing the Limits

Over the next few days, Marcarita continued to guide Alex through the delicate balance of learning to let go. She pushed him to his limits, forcing him into situations where his body had to react on instinct, without the guidance of his conscious mind.

At one point, she even sparred with him—though it was clear that she wasn't using her full strength. Still, even holding back, Marcarita was a formidable opponent, her movements graceful and fluid, never wasting an ounce of energy. Alex found himself struggling to keep up, his mind constantly trying to keep pace with her unpredictable attacks.

"You're thinking too much again," Marcarita chided as she dodged one of his strikes effortlessly.

"I know!" Alex growled, his frustration boiling over. He unleashed a burst of energy, causing the ground around them to crack and split.

Marcarita merely floated above the chaos, her expression serene. "That's the problem. You're trying to force it."

Alex clenched his fists, his energy flaring out of control once more. He hated feeling like he wasn't in command of his own power. But Marcarita was right—he was trying too hard to control everything.

With a deep breath, Alex forced himself to calm down. His aura faded, and he closed his eyes once more. He needed to stop thinking. He needed to let his body act on its own.

The Breakthrough

After days of intense training, Alex stood on the edge of a cliff, staring out at the horizon. His body ached from the non-stop sparring, but he had made progress. He could feel it—he was close.

Marcarita stood beside him, watching quietly. "You're almost there, Alex. You just need one final push."

He nodded, clenching his fists. "I can feel it... I just need to let go."

Marcarita smiled softly, her eyes glowing with pride. "You've come a long way. Now, it's time to trust yourself."

With a final breath, Alex closed his eyes and focused inward. He let go of everything—his thoughts, his control, his power. For the first time, he truly let go.

In that moment, something shifted within him. His energy flowed freely, without his command, moving on its own. His body relaxed, his mind cleared, and his movements became fluid, instinctive.

Ultra Instinct.

Alex's aura flared to life, but this time, it was different. It wasn't the overwhelming surge of power he was used to—it was calm, controlled, yet undeniably powerful.

He opened his eyes, and Marcarita smiled. "You did it, Alex."

Alex looked down at his hands, feeling the power of Ultra Instinct coursing through him. It wasn't about raw strength—it was about precision, control, and instinct.

"I did it..." he muttered, a small smile forming on his lips.

But this was just the beginning. Now that he had unlocked Ultra Instinct, his true potential was finally within reach.



