Her eyes were transfixed on the girl in the painting. A mixture of fear and excitement rampaged in her. Why was the girl in the painting like her twin?

She had long marvelous brown hair and equally brown eyes. A smile across her lips as she was playfully running in a field of grass, green and tall about waist high. It could have been the dimly lit room, or it could have been her imagination, but as Kitsune looked into the girl's face, it gave a hint of resemblance to her.

"Tsune, what are you doing in my room?" Cain's deep cold voice rang in her ear.

She twitched suddenly and turned to him, pale as a ghost. His face had darkened, and his eyes seemed to glow in the contrast of the night as he stared down at her. His sight made her shudder. Was he angry?

"So what did you find?" he asked his face brightening reassuring her.

Kitsune's heart relaxed as if something had been gripping it. She exhaled deeply realizing that she had been holding her breath. He was not mad at her.

"It's just this painting caught my attention, did you do it?" she said trying to hide her awkwardness.

"Yes, but it was a long time ago. You like it?"

"It's good it's just, and . . . don't you think she looks like me."

Cain stepped back and looked thoughtfully at the girl, then Kitsune. He looked intently setting an unformattable silence between them. He rubbed his chin and smiled.

"Now that I think about it, yeah, what a coincidence,"

"Yeah . . . It's crazy," said Kitsune with a forced smile, "So who was she."

Cain fell silent as if reminiscing something, then gave a flimsy smile and scratched his head, flustered. His hand brushed his hair, and finally, he decided to say.

"She was my lover," he moved to the painting and put the top back on.

"However, she passed on," he added deeply.

Regret welled up in Kitsune for bringing up the subject and opening up old wounds. She quietly watched as he put the painting on a shelf and close it. She was uncertain about how to break the somber mood.

"Am sorry . . . " she tried but . . .

"Don't be . . . it's not your fault," he stopped her.

Now finished with the painting he turned to her sternly.

"Anyway, what are you doing in a man's room at night? You should be more self-conscious and only go there if he is your lover."

He stared. Her face beamed red. She looked away awkwardly evading his gaze. He noticed and felt compelled to throw a few more jabs, he however decided not to.

"You should join Akira, at the dinner table, I heard Gabriel is not holding back today,"

"Alright but aren't you coming?" she asked, reluctantly adding, "Gabriel said you were a bad host."

"She said that? I guess I will come but in a moment."

Cain sat on his desk and watched as she exited. He turned to the painting and frowned. His eyes then slowly darted to the door.

"I guess they do look alike," he said.

* * *

"Wow this house is gigantic," said Akira as she pulled Cain's hand.

After the meal, Kitsune had gone to bed, after all, she had not slept for a while. Feeling energetic Akira wanted to explore the house, Cain offered to be her escort and show her around.

As they moved from room to room, he noticed she was clingy. Holding his arm pulling him, all the while with an innocence on her face. He was aware it was not favoritism or passion but assumed as a general habit. This habit had often misled boys in school.

"It's so pretty," she marveled her eyes fixed on the roof as she walked.

"Careful, you don't want to fall, do you?"

An hour later they had explored all the important places. A library as big as a national library, mind-blowing bedrooms with unusually huge beds, conference room among others. The house was huge.

"Well now that the tour is complete, do you want to play games with me?"

Cain was skeptical for a moment. He nervously shook his head.

"I am sorry, but I have never played virtual games,"

"Whaaat? Drop dead. Which century are you from?"

"I admit all these things are new to me. Not too long ago my ears were hurting at the sound of vehicles in the street."

"Wow, it must be hard. Don't worry, I got you, I will help you transcend the mortal realm."

"Oh, wise sensei, teach me your ways," he said.

Akira had a smug look on her face upon hearing his request. Cain chuckled and laughed lightly, hiding it behind his hand. She pulled his hand closer her tiny boobs resting on his bicep and looked up at him menacingly.

"I heard that, don't try to hide it."

"Heard what? I haven't done anything."

"What's so funny my pupil, you won't be laughing when am done with you."

As they were walking to the game room, Akira stopped abruptly startling him. She played around with her fingers for a moment then looked at Cain earnestly with a found determination.

"Your amazing," she said, "for some reason if you ask humans what Demons are like most would say something about world domination. I am glad you are not like that."

"World domination? That sounds tiring," said Cain opening the door, "come on I can't wait to learn modern games."

"Let me warn you I am quite competitive, even if you are a beginner, I won't go easy on you,"

After a few rounds into the game, she realized Cain was a prodigy. He was a person who learned by observing and soon the game was frustrating as she kept losing. They played all night.

At dawn, the two girls departed back to Japan.

* * *

Cain sat in his room looking out through the huge window at the moonless sky. Cloudy and seemingly dump with rain. The smell of moisture filled his nostrils and lungs, his mind rigorously took in the details.

"Lord Cain," came Gabriel's voice, "you seem sad today, I suppose the two girls made this place livelier."

"I suppose so," he said mindlessly.

"The two individuals Adam and Annabel seem to be from this world, there is no record of them in the other world."

"That's strange, and The Order allowed them to roam around freely,"

"The young girl, she is very talented, she is not here wrongfully. Her cloaking magic is strong."

"Keep tabs on her, she will be useful in my plans in the future, as will the boy."

"And Kitsune?"

"She doesn't concern you."

"As you wish my lord," she said bowing.

There was a prolonged silence as she waited for further instructions. Eventually, he stood and walked past her. He pulled his coat over his shoulders and opened the door.

"Lord Cain, would you like anyone to keep you company tonight?"

"Sorry Gabriel, I have wasted too much time, I can't afford any more distractions."

"Please," she said breaking her formal speech pattern towards him, "be careful Lord Cain."

Her voice had a slight tremble, he could hear it. His face remained inscrutable as he walked to the door and pulled the doorknob. Before he could walk out, he felt her hands go tightly around him, hugging him from behind, slightly startling him. Her head then settled on his back.

"Cain, if I may, are you sure you want this?"

"Do you doubt . . . "

"I asked if you are sure," she cut him off.

A long, uncertain silence. He loosened her hands and turned to her, his hands brushed her cheek as he wiped her eyes, then gave a flimsy smile.

"If you are afraid then . . ." he tried to say.

"Am not afraid. It's just I don't want you to regret."

She then lay her head on his chest.

"Cain, I want you to know that I'll be on your side no matter what you decide."

* * *

Romania, a tall man about six feet three, came out of the shower. Water dripped from his brown hair as he looked at his reflection. His arms rested on the sink and had tattoos on his right arm and chest, the intricacy making it look like it was black, from afar.

He stared into the red eyes; the color gradually turned to a natural blue. This was less suspecting and made him blend in easier. His face attracted women's attention, bleared well-trimmed to none.

"Ring . . . ring" . . .He looked across the room at the mess of clothes, then at the woman sleeping naked on the bed. She curled herself but the ups and downs of her waist were seen over the blanket. His gaze went past her, then landed on the cell phone at the table.

He slowly walked over and picked it up. The number was anonymous, he wondered who it could be bothering him at the crack of dawn. He lazily pressed the receiver and put it on his ear, pushing back the wet hair blocking his vision.

"Hey there Big Bro," a feminine voice spoke.

He groaned loudly as if in protest. The voice was one he had heard before. His little sister, he walked back to the bathroom thinking of a response that would end the conversation instantly.

"At least pretend to be happy Jaxon!"

"Right, right, am sorry," he said lazily. "Why are you calling me after the last decade?"

"Jax, aren't you worried, our family has been apart for so long . . ."

"Look, Jessica, everyone is busy with their lives, as should you."

"Have you heard about Jos then? After a thousand years, he was spotted in England . . ."

"Wait hold up? Jos? Are you sure?"

"Well yeah! It is him but he still hasn't made contact with anyone yet."

"And Jericho?"

"Him, he is still MIA."

"I see, thanks for that, if he comes by I'll tell you."

He hung up. He looked again at the mirror and it cracked into several pieces. He took a deep breath calming down, the mirror pieces came together and restored. The mirror was as good as new.

"He will come over," he said aloud, "after all I was the one who put him in a coffin."

He pushed back his hair and a twisted smile formed across his face. His eyes turned red again.

"At least it will be fun, this world is so boring. Cain, dear brother, I can't wait for you to come."