Through the crowded streets in Romania Cain took hasty strides. His ears were oblivious to the chatters and bustle of the vendors and his long coat swept behind him.

He stopped in front of a luxurious building, inside beats of music ransacked the calmness. A party in the daytime. He could hear the ecstatic shouts, erotic smells mixed with alcohol and cigars, an orderly anarchy of individuals who senselessly enjoyed themselves in the middle of the day.

He entered. The room was dimly lit with changing colors. He looked around, people passed him, a couple kissed senselessly at a corner, drinking, dancing, smoking. None of these things caught his attention. He just looked around.

One man, sitting in a group noticed him. Brown hair trimmed with bangs hanging around, blue eyes, about six feet five, lean and shredded. He walked over to Cain and without a word, preceded him upstairs. On the rooftop.

Once there, there was a moment of silence, the man was probably sobering up.

"I see you still enjoy such vulgar human intimacies, are you perhaps trying to kill your liver?"

Cain leaned on the rails and looked at Bucharest the old city of Romania, the narrow streets made a long time ago.

"I see you still have a sense of humor after all this time," said the man, "no doubt hear to crash the party brother."

"Not really, all I need is one thing,"

"And that is?"

Cain's expression hardened. They looked each other in the eyes as tension was brewing.

"Tell me, where is Jericho?"

Jaxon laughed out loud.

"You know you can't do anything right, Jericho's word is like law."

"Is that why you helped him ruin my life? Are you that scared of him?"

Cain squeezed the rails bending them. He looked at him his eyes flashing with anger.

"Believe it or not, I had nothing to do with that, even though I was the one who put that spear in your chest. And about Jericho, why the hell should I help you?"

"Maybe I was not being clear, tell me where Jericho Levi is, or else I will kill you?"

Jaxon looked into the distance, he raised his hand and let the breeze pass through him. He closed his eyes as he felt the sensation.

"This place is beautiful don't you think? I'd hate to have to paint it with your blood and all this because of some human slut you met."

He placed his hand on Cains's shoulder and leaned in to speak to his ear.

"Grow up little brother, find another human to amuse yourself, Oh, and Jericho. Forget about him."

Cain grits his teeth and clenched his fist. He felt an excitement rush through him, every fiber of his being seemed to stop and it was as though he had forgotten to breathe.

Realizing his rational anger, he exhaled and felt relief. Something that had been holding him back had been removed.

"A slut? Is that what you called her?"

A rune formed on his right hand, and a long double edge sword manifested.

"I can't let that slide,"

"Fine, I suppose another thousand or so years in a tomb is what you need, honestly, I'm disappointed."

As he said that, he hovered a few inches from the ground. Both his hands rested in his pockets.

"Let me remind you why I am the third son of Jacob."

* * *

A shock wave. One after another they increased. The town was noisy with the sound of vehicles and people, and a traffic jam. In a kitchen, a drop of water fell and the third shockwave was followed by violent tremors.

Cain's body was flung through the roof of a building propelled up by a spear.

Jaxon looked up, then with the celerity of an arrow followed. He was fast. He raised his hand recalling the spear. It hovered beside him.

Bloodstained Cain's white shirt, the wound on his stomach closed. He looked at Jaxon and grinned.

Jaxon charged angrily. A violent thump in his stomach propelled him further into the sky.

He then flew fast behind him stopping his momentum. Cain tried to swing. Jaxon caught the blade with two fingers.

"Is that it? I thought you said you were going to kill me."

He caught Cains's collar and flung him to the crowd ripping it. He grinned. Cain looked down. A magic circle appeared in front of him and he went through.

Behind Jaxon, he appeared tackling him through another circle now in front of Jaxon.

On top of a desert, they reemerged. Falling fast. Cain raised the sword to stab him. He blocked with his hand and turned with a jab smack on the jaw. Cain's fall now accelerated he hit the ground forming a cloud of mushroom sand.

Jaxon hovered slowly into the cloud.

"He used transportation magic, he is using a tremendous amount of magic. Is he planning to fight me with his bare hands?" thought Jaxon.

"Still compassionate as always," said Jaxon searching in the smokescreen, "you aren't willing to sacrifice a hand full of pathetic humans to reach your goal. Instead, you choose to burn through your magic. That's how I know you won't win this."

Just then, there was a shift in the cloud. Cain emerged in front of him with a powerful downswing. Jaxon jumped back but was surprised the attack scratched his chest.

"That was faster than before, is he stronger? No. It's the footing, in the sky he wasn't able to swing properly. Cain's fighting style has always relied on efficiency." Jaxon thought.

Jaxon clapped his palms, and instantly, the smoke screen cleared. Behind him, hovered several spears. Cain was still trying to catch his breath as he gripped his sword tightly.

"You seem out of breath, the spear did a number on you, Holy weapons are effective against our kind."

Jaxon flicked his index finger, and one of the spears flew past him. Cain deflected it. He flicked his wrist and a handful of spears flew.

Cain deflected, and dodge as he charged, he received cuts and scratches in the process, but none hindered him. He made a powerful downswing, and Jaxon evaded to the side. Cain was about to turn but he felt a tremendous pain on his thigh, he stopped abruptly. A spear was sticking out.

"Cain, this fight is over!"

As he said that, he raised his hand and a hundred other spears surrounded Cain. With a flick of the wrist, they all descended piercing him. Blood spilled from his body and mouth soaking the hot sand. He dropped his sword and grunted in pain. The Holy Spears burned him.

"You think this is enough to stop me?" said Cain faintly.

"I don't"

A spear formed on his hand, he let it hover aiming for Cain's head. He grinned evilly.

"We both know this won't kill you, but it will hurt as hell."

The spear flew out of his hand. Immediately it did, Cain yelled out.


His blood rose. It formed a magic circle in front of him. The spear vanished inside.

"Behind me?" Jaxon thought as he sprint to action.

The spear, however, was not behind him. It reappeared behind Cain and pierced him. Going through him. Too late to counter. It went through Jaxon's chest. He screamed out in pain.

The spears on Cain's body vanished. He rose as the critical wounds closed. He staggered toward Jaxon. He towered over him.

"Now you know the pain the Longeinus spear causes on a Demon. I had to endure that pain for a thousand years,"

He pulled the spear from his chest. He brought it down on his thigh.

"And that's not even the fun part, the pain gets worse day by day, it's enough to throw anyone to madness."

The spear suddenly turned to dust disappearing.

"I see it recognizes its master, no matter, I don't need the spear to kill you."

A sword appeared in his hand. But, just then a magic circle formed under Jaxon, then his body vanished.

"NO!" Cain shouted in rage.

His out bust was stopped when a magic circle appeared beneath his feet too. He looked at the form and felt the magic. A familiar one.

"Jessica!" he spoke.

His body materialized in the middle of an ocean. The water was calm, only gentle ripples were formed. He stood on the water.

"Brother," he heard the familiar voice of his eldest brother.

With him, nine other individuals were present. One female amongst the ocean of men present held Jaxon tightly on her bosom.

* * *

The people present all had one similar feature, red pupils. They emitted a terrifying aura that scared away the creatures of the sea beneath their feet. Not even sharks dared to approach.

"Jessica, sister dearest, you have something that belongs to me, give," Cain said in a slow and sinister voice.

Jaxon bled profusely from his chest. Cain was covered from head to toe with dirt, injuries, and blood. He gripped a Viking sword in his hand. A fight.

"Do you expect me to hand over my little brother for you to kill, brother dearest," said Jessica sarcastically.

One of the twelve stepped forward, with tall silver-white hair and in a suit and overcoat. Of all the others his presence seemed more sinister, a choking pressure was felt as he advanced. His face was inscrutable. Joshua the first son.

"Jos," he called, "why do you want to kill Jaxon."

"None of your business."

"I can't let you kill him though, you understand, don't you?"

"I'll say this bluntly," Cain said clenching and releasing a fist simultaneously, "I will kill anyone who stands between me and that man."

As he spoke there was a miscellaneous feeling of adherence across his face. He was dead serious, alerting each individual.

"You think you can fight all of us in that condition? Don't get a cocky little brother."

His chest shook, first slowly then vigorously as he let out a prolonged hysteric laugh. He looked at them, overwhelmed by ecstasy.

"COME ON THEN! I will take you all on, right here right now."

"Cain!" Jessica called out leaving Jaxon in the care of one of the others, "We are family, we shouldn't be fighting."

"Family? You have no idea how much I've suffered because of that word. The one thing that kept me going as I endured hell was the constant thought of how I would make Jericho suffer."

"Jericho? What does this have to do with him?"

"EVERYTHING! Jericho, Jericho, Jericho . . . there is nothing I want more than to kill him."

Cain's sword vanished and he looked at his reflection. His eyes were bloodshot, his hair messy, and in disarray, and his coat full of cuts, blood, and sand from the desert. He clenched his fist and looked up.

"If any of you wish to stand in my way, then, you all will die. Consider that my final warning."

He turned and vanished into a magic circle.