Meeting Husbands

Finally, she arrived at the office where she was working. The uppermost cyber cafe, was one of the biggest and largest companies for typesetting and blueprinting where they help young people print copies of their slips, house plan drawing, and even help young writers to become an official novelist! Mei Xing's job was temporarily boring.

She was just working there because of nothing but to keep herself busy and help her members achieve their dreams.

"Mei Xing!!" A familiar voice called from behind. She looked around to check out who it was. It was Xun Shang, one of Mei Xing's best friends at high school. She was a friend of hers since college days and now her co-worker in this company.

"What happened to you? Your dress is ruined?" Xun Shang asked in confusion.

"I almost didn't make it because of the guy I bumped into on the road." Xun Shang looked at Mei Xing seriously, then smiled. "You bumped into a guy? Ahhh, tell me more!" Xun Shang said feeling amazed.

"We're gonna be late for the typesetting session, so I don't have time to tell you those, maybe later." Mei Xing assured her with a brief smile.

"Ok but! You need to tell them to me later after lunch! I wanna hear more and write it in my book!" Mei Xing don't know why she befriended Xun Shang but at the same time, she liked her because she loved to read novels just like her but one could never believe that Mei Xing would wake up on morning and stop reading books. Although, it was getting boring for her these days that she had crossed adulthood.

After the whole hours of doing paperwork and helping writers. Finally, the day had come down and it was time to go home and rest.

"Wait both of you," They were both stopped by two security Men in black, Mei Xing and Xun Shang got confused, they both wondered why they were suddenly stopped by the security guards.

"Miss Mei The Boss wants to see you." He responded pointing at her. Now we're totally confused?? "Hey! What did I do and why is the boss looking for me?" Mei Xing asked, waiting for a response from the securities.

"Please. The Boss called you to meet with him at his office." The security enunciated without laying any light on Mei Xing's question.

"..." Mei Xing was puzzled and did not disagree but instead, she meekly followed them. Xun Shang wanted to follow her but the security stopped her and told her that the boss asked for only Mei Xing and not her.

Xun Shang got mad at first but Mei Xing calmed her nerves down by holding her hand.

Xun Shang did not agree to that but Mei Xing told her to go to the restaurant where they always went to relax during their college days. Xun Shang adamantly agreed with a burning dull face.

Mei Xing was finally at the door where her so-called unknown boss operated. She was scared because she only heard his fierce voice in speakers and he never showed his face except for the picture frame in his office which made his identity knowed primarily to his employees. Mei Xing knew nothing about her boss but she always hear some fellow workers who had spent their lives at the venture say the boss was a man with good quality, punctuality set up and serious about business ethics.

"Sir. Miss Mei Xing is here." A young man in a blue suit spoke in fury as he turned to look at his boss. 

"Good job Fu. Let her in." The boss said coldly, turning back to look at Mei Xing.

She stepped in and saw who was the boss and it was no one other than the guy that she bumped into on the road...

Mei Xing: "Help!!!!!"

Mei Xing's eyes located the wall frame that was hung on the office wall and saw some different features of the person in the frame and the man in front of her. Is he the boss?? She thought adamantly, then pouted with her hands folded together without looking at the cold expression of the man in front. The boss roared in anger.

"Rhh---you!!" He gritted his teeth.

"YOU!!! You're the one that I bumped into!" Mei Xing's voice was sweet and at the same time arrogant.

"So you're Mei Xing huhn? Now that I know you, the girl who was running and didn't care to pay back the drink that she ruined on my clothes." Oh God, she was going to faint now, even his voice was deep and filled with power, he could bring her to an orgasm with just his chilly voice.

"Mei Xing?" when Mr. Yan Feng didn't hear her response, he called her again "Sir!!" Mei Xing got herself back. "Mister you were not sipping any coffee, you're just lying!" Mei Xing just caused chaos in the office by calling this boss a liar. But she was telling the truth and this boss was just accusing her for nothing. 'This young prince charming! how shameful God!' Mei Xing imagined looking stressed by what was going on.

"You are going to pay me back, Young Miss," the boss roared coldly.

Mei Xing immediately regained her senses and responded. "Me!!! Pay you! Look here, Mister?" The man furrowed his long brows, then pursed his lips making Mei Xing look like a crazy woman.

Mei Xing had no idea, about this man but she was fully sure that he couldn't be her boss.

The man who was claiming Mei Xing's boss was Yan Feng, the CEO of the Yan dynasty. He however, replaced his uncle the boss of the uppermost cafe because his uncle was some certain illness, so he gave charge to his young nephew to take over his company for that day. Yan Feng was not aware that his uncle talked through the speaker but now he is challenging his uncle's employees face to face. "The person you bumped into on the side of the road is also the person who will tell you that..." he hesitated for a while before completing his words.

"You're fired." Mei Xing almost passed out when Yan Feng declared her fired. Mei Xing got mad as hell and shouted at him. "You can't fire me fool," Mei Xing was breathing heavily as she gazed angrily at him. "I already did, Mei Xing!" Yan Feng said, laughing like a devil. Seeing Mei Xing was about the pounce on him, he immediately nodded for his security to throw her out of the building with her things at her work desk. Xun Shang saw Mei Xing distorted and asked what happened. "Let's just go to the bar..." Mei Xing said sorrowfully.

After a few minutes of waiting outside the Uppermost cafe, Mei Xing told Xun Shang everything that happened and Xun Shang was impatient and wanted to rush back to the boss's office and punch his face but Mei Xing stopped her from doing that because was scared of what will happen if she does it.

Mei Xing did not bother because she told Xun Shang to wait for her at the bar but instead, Xun Shang was adamant enough to still wait for her.

After night falls they went to a small restaurant.

When the day was getting more, and more dark Xun Shang immediately drove her to my house. Mei Xing exited the car and thanked Xun Shang for paying for all of the food and drinks they bought at the restaurant. "That's alright! But are you sure you okay going back like that?" Xun Shang asked seriously.

"What's wrong with me being like this?" Mei Xing inquired.

"Well, you're in ruins right now... Are you sure you don't want to hang out at my apartment?"

"I promised my Mom, that am gonna come home tonight." Mei Xing said calmly. "Ok...stay safe?" Xun Shang spoke and nodded slightly before driving away. Mei Xing walked down the road until she saw the house she was living at. Her eyes widened in surprise as her gaze landed on a new brand car in front of her house.

Why is a limo in front of the gates? Wait? When did a limousine get here?

Mei Xing saw her mom moving inside the mansion. She was dressed like an empress. Her thought immediately drifted to her father. 'Dad can't be here! Surely that won't happen... Right?' she thought deeply as she strode towards the gate.

"So you're home Xing'er." Mother Mei said with surprise on her face.

"Ummmm Mom? Why are you dressed like that? And why is there a limousine in front of our house?" Mother Mei just stared at Mei Xing and then moved her gaze to see what she was wearing right now.

"Get inside the house, the maids will dress you up." Mother Ling spoke softly.

"What's the occasion? And why do I need to dress up too?" Mei Xing asked looking forward to her mother's answer.

"Just listen to your mother and after that go inside the car... I'll be waiting for you got it, darling." Mom was really happy now and Mei Xing was eager to know what her mother was about to say.

Mei Xing got confused as to why her mother said those things to her but she quietly listened to her. Mei Xing left, entering her room in the house, and saw three girls in a maid costume smiling. They ran towards her and grabbed her arm.

One of them quickly stripped her off naked and she screamed loudly. On the other hand, another maid was busy wearing Mei Xing a new beautiful dress. then the third one put makeup on her.

After some minutes, they made her look in the mirror and Mei Xing couldn't help but to envy her beauty. She looked like a beauty diety in the blue gown. Interestingly, the dress she wore matched her alluring azure eye. 'I looked like a Cinderella no— no I look like a mannequin of entertainment circle?' Mei Xing thought as she admired herself in the mirror.

The maid escorted her outside and made her enter the limousine car. The car suddenly started moving after she entered.

"Mom, what is all of this? Why I'm dressed as every dump girl going on a marriage occasion look they even gave me a ring crazy?"

Mother Mei's eyes widened in surprise but she continued drinking the wine she was holding on her hand.

"Ok just shut up and watch...who gave you the ring box?" Mother asked.

"Mom? Are you asking me that?"

"No, forget it..." Taken aback by Mei Xing's previous question, Mother Mei instantly responds. "You're the daughter of the CEO of the Lin dynasty and why did you say you are dressed like a dump daughter." Mother Mei responded seriously. Before Mei Xing said anything the car stopped at a five-star restaurant in the countryside.

"Ma'am. This is the meeting place." A lady spoke calmly. "Thank you." They all responded and exited the car. As they entered the restaurant, first of all, Mei Xing was scared of what would happen to her but her mom grabbed her hand while looking for the people they were supposed to meet, and all of a sudden a guy showed up in front of them and told her and Mother Mei to follow him.

They finally arrived on the second floor and Mei Xing sighted a person waving at her mother. Mother walked faster to the man and Mei Xing followed like an innocent lamb.

"So you're Mei Ling, the Wife of Lin Jun. Is this your...?" The man hesitated then Mother Ling helped him out. "Yes, she is my daughter. Mei Xing." Mother Mei replied with a slight bow. The man was stunned by Mei Xing's beauty and tried to hide his emotions. They all sat down as the waiter served them some light food. "Do you think we can wait and talk about the stuff for now?" Mother Mei asked the man in front of her.

"I didn't expect the Wife of Lin Jun to not like waiting around. Ok then let's move to the main topic then." The man raises his hand to signal the guy at their back to call someone.