Meeting husbands______2

A middle-aged man approached Mother Mei, wearing an expression of seriousness. "So, your daughter... has she accepted it?" he inquired, his words filled with a mix of concerns and anticipation. Mei Ling responded silently, her voice barely audible to the surrounding ears, "I may not want to accept it, but this is the only opportunity to change everything that has happened to me." Her thoughts remained veiled, kept hidden from prying ears.

Mei Xing, cautiously aware of the marriage contract at hand, spoke up, her voice tinged with trepidation. "I understand the whereabouts of this marriage contract, but may I at least meet the man I am supposed to marry?" An air of uncertainty hung in her words, for she didn't know what awaited her beyond those restaurant doors.

Suddenly, the restaurant door swung open abruptly, drawing Mei Xing's attention. Her eyes surveyed the scene, landing on three men engaged in conversation. Handsome and elegant, with charming good looks and striking features, they exuded an air of sophistication. Among them, Mei Xing's gaze locked onto a familiar face.

"Ugh, it's you again!" Mei Xing couldn't help but frown, her expression resembling that of a displeased doll. Yan Feng seemed taken aback by her presence, confusion evident in his eyes. Mother Mei, however, reassured him. "Yes, dear boy, she is the perfect match for you." Her words carried an air of certainty. Mei Xing, in disbelief, couldn't fathom how this boisterous woman had managed to bring about such a chaotic turn of events.

"Come here, Mei Xing," Yan Feng beckoned, his voice causing her legs to tremble involuntarily. Mei Xing's face flushed crimson, resembling a ripe tomato. Overwhelmed by her dismay, she cried out desperately, "Mom, I don't like him! Get me out of here!" Her words rang out, causing a stir within the restaurant. Unconcerned with the disturbance, Mei Xing's voice carried her frustration loudly, her actions drawing amused glances from onlookers. Yan Feng's brothers found her endearingly adorable, her behavior reminiscent of a porcelain doll come to life.

Mother Mei, sensing the growing commotion, swiftly rose from her seat, guiding Yan Feng and his brothers outside for a private conversation. Mei Xing's desperate shouts echoed in the restaurant, capturing the attention of amused onlookers. Some laughed heartily, finding amusement in this peculiar family dynamic event, while others recorded the spectacle, their social media feeds capturing the unexpected display. Eventually, Mr. Bai Di, Yan Feng's uncle, intervened, urging the onlookers to stop recording anything. "Truly, this young woman does not appreciate what is good," remarked a young lady mockingly, prompting further laughter. Mei Xing's irritation continued to rise as more taunts and jests were thrown her way, leaving Uncle Bai Di weary of the spectacle that had unfolded.

"Mei Xing, I am heading home now. This marriage decision is solely yours to make. You only have to accept it or decline it simply. The choice is yours, my nephew has agreed to marry you," echoed Bai Di's words, resounding in Mei Xing's mind like a persistent echo. He had disappeared, leaving her to grapple with her thoughts.

The weight of the impending marriage burdened Mei Xing, her mind swirling with uncertainty. "What should I do now?" she pondered, consumed by the dilemma before her. Just then, her mother entered the room, her face adorned with a gentle smile. Mother Mei noticed the change in her daughter's disposition and her brows slightly furrowed. In a blank tone, she inquired, "Where is Bai Di?" Mei Xing, paused momentarily, catching her breath before solemnly responding, "Mom, he said he was going home." From that moment on, no one paid Mei Xing any further attention, their focus shifting solely towards the food that adorned the table, becoming the centerpiece of their thoughts. Mei Xing, however, had one more question to pose. "Mum," she called out, her voice tinged with concern. "What is it, my dear?" Mother Mei inquired, her eyes fixated on her daughter.

"Please, tell me how you came to know that man," Mei Xing implored, her questions carrying a weight of seriousness as she offered her mother an imploring gaze.

Following a lengthy explanation, Mei Xing felt an overwhelming surge of emotions threatening to spill forth as tears welled in her eyes. "Why me?" she wailed, her voice laced with anguish. "Aren't there other girls out there?" Her sobs resonated in the room, her heart burdened by the weight of her circumstances. Mother Mei cast a meaningful look upon her daughter, her gaze filled with a sense of appeal. "It is for your own good, my daughter. Do it for me, for yourself, and consider that your husband will be Yan Feng, the CEO of the Yan dynasty, he said he was in love with your lobster soup you cooked that day, but I didn't tell you," she revealed.

Mei Xing found herself stunned by this revelation. "I remember that day but I didn't see him. I should have poison him the day, I cooked that foolish lobster soup for him, as it was my culinary skills that made him want to marry me... but he also ended up firing me from my job," Mother Mei conceded, her words shrouded in silence as the gravity of the situation sank in. Everyone in the restaurant began to leave after they purchased and ate their meal in the restaurant.


The following day arrived, marking the start of Mei Xing's cooking skills unfolding in the kitchen. Her deft skills transformed each dish into a tantalizing masterpiece, delighting the taste buds of customers who had journeyed from various corners of the city in search of a delectable breakfast. Mei Xing's exceptional talent, combined with her mother's culinary wisdom, drew a steady stream of patrons to the restaurant. Mother Mei diligently attended to the customers, ensuring their needs were met and they were well-served.

Among the regular customers was Mr. Edward Sen, a young man whose discerning palate and refined taste brought him back time and again. That morning, he discreetly motioned for one of the waiters to convey a message to Mei Xing, the talented chef whose skills had won over his heart. The waiter wasted no time, leaving the bustling dining hall and slipping into the kitchen to find Mei Xing. She was in the midst of preparing noodles for a group of customers who had arrived from the neighboring street.

"Mei Xing, Mr. Edward requests your presence in the dining area. He mentioned it's something important," the waitress conveyed, a smile adorning her face. Mei Xing, her hands covered in flour, responded with a nod. "Ah, very well. Once I finish preparing these noodles, I will meet him in the dining zone," Mei Xing declared, her voice infused with determination.

With a broad grin, the waitress left the kitchen and returned to the dining room, busying herself with the task of cleaning the tables stained by traces of oil and stray vegetables.

Mei Xing busy in the kitchen was meticulously cooking the noodles to her perfection, before handing them off to her mother, who gracefully served the dish to the awaiting customers. Taking off her apron, Mei Xing hung it on a hook on the wall, signifying the conclusion of her culinary masterpiece. Her attention swiftly shifted to Mr. Edward, whom she sought to meet in the dining area. "Good morning, Sir Edward. The waitress informed me that you were looking for me," Mei Xing addressed him respectfully.

Mr. Edward attempted to clarify the situation, his words enveloped in ambiguity. "No, I am not seeking you specifically. It is my son who is interested in speaking with you," he revealed, his tone carrying a hint of mystery.

Mei Xing's confusion radiated through her voice. "Son? I don't know who is your son and why is he interested in speaking with me," she responded, her thoughts swirling in uncertainty. "Alright then, it's Rex! I know you will be surprised." Mr. Edward replied, his words striking like a revelation upon Mei Xing's ears. "Rex? Surprised indeed, How is that possible? He was my childhood friend, but how..." Mei Xing's words trailed off as Mr. Edward quickly intervened, urging her to maintain secrecy. "Hush now, Mei Xing. Do not divulge too much," he cautioned. Mei Xing felt a mix of frustration and bewilderment rising within her. "Don't tell me to hush, Mr. Edward. It only freaks me." She expressed sincerely.

Acknowledging her sentiments, Mr. Edward acquiesced, retrieving a letter from his pocket and extending it towards Mei Xing. "Okay, take this, Rex sent it to you. He mentioned that he will come for you after his return from business school." Mr Edward declared, his voice resonating with a sense of finality. Mei Xing carefully pocketed the letter, contemplating its significance. As she turned to depart, she felt a strong hand grasp her wrist, causing her to turn back in surprise. Her eyes met Mr. Edward's gaze, softened in concern. "Mr. Edward..." she began, interrupted by his gentle voice. "My son still loves you, Mei Xing. Remember that," he remarked, his words a tender reminder of the past. Mei Xing couldn't help but wonder, "Who cares, Mister, the last time I saw Rex, I was just nine... and now, I am twenty so how do you want me to have feelings for him." Mei Xing muttered under her breath.

"What did you say, Mei Xing?" Sir Edward asked looking puzzled. Out of consciousness Mei Xing hastily responded, "I said thanks Mr Edward," Mei Xing lied, her lips curled into a deep smile.

A/N: - My protagonist usually changes her way even her mother Mei changes fully and becomes another thing entirely please ignore any unrealistic thing that might be brought up in this beautiful novel. I will try to make the protagonist have stable behavior. Also, ignore my narrative mixed-up lines. And please vote !! please support me! Mei Xing and her three husbands beg you all my lovely readers! please please please leave a vote it will motivate me to drop more new chapters and improve

Lots of love @purplefantasies74

To be continued