
The elation within Quan Yu remained concealed, lest it incite any resentment from his elder brother, Quan Li. "Yes, ma'am, I will gladly serve as your assistant in the kitchen," Quan Yu responded, his smile carefully masked. "And Quan Li, you will be responsible for tending to the garden," Yan Feng declared.

Mei Xing turned her attention to her husbands. "Mr. Quan, please accompany Mrs. Mei as she familiarizes herself with the mansion," Yan Feng instructed, his words accompanied by a gracious nod of approval. Mr. Quan, executing a gentlemanly salute, raised his right hand and addressed Mei Xing. "Mrs. Mei, if you would please follow me," he proposed. Mei Xing, flattered by the offer, eagerly trailed after him. "Li Quan, you may also join them," Yan Xun directed. Quan Li bowed deeply, his body inclining at a ninety-degree angle, before remarking, "Understood, young master." He offered a slight bow toward Yan Feng and Yan Bei before taking his leave.


As evening descended, Mei Xing found herself in a super deluxe room, complete with the grandest bed one could imagine, spacious enough for her to roll from one end to the other. The closet overflowed with countless garments, and each morning if she wakes up, she will be serenaded by Solange's infectious laughter. This was the stuff of her dreams! Yet, amidst the comfort that enveloped her, Mei Xing couldn't escape the lingering feeling that she had forgotten something important.

Nestling against the luxurious pillows, Mei Xing let her long, dark hair cascade in disarray. She reveled in the incredible comfort surrounding her, her eyelids growing heavier with each passing moment. Suddenly, a realization struck her, prompting an "Oh!" of recognition. If she couldn't remember what it was she had been pondering before, she resolved to set it aside for another time. With a sense of contentment settling over her, Mei Xing closed her eyes once more, embracing the tranquility of the moment.

Alone in her room, reclining on the plush bed, Mei Xing's cellphone stirred, vibrating against the surface. She lazily reached for her phone, checking the caller's number. "Unknown number," Mei Xing muttered, before finally answering the call.



  "Hello? Who is this? If you're not going to say anything, I'm hanging up," Mei Xing stated, her annoyance evident as she assumed it was her mother calling. Could it be a wrong number? Just as she was about to end the call, she recognized the voice on the other end, brimming with anger.

"Why are you doing this to me?" the voice inquired, seething through the phone. "Please, who is this?" Mei Xing stuttered, her anger flaring. The phone trembled in her hand, mirroring her heightened emotions.

"Why are you avoiding me?" the caller coldly pressed. "Mysterious caller, who are you, and how did you get my number? Stop this nonsense immediately!" Mei Xing demanded, her frustration mounting.

"It's Rex," the caller interjected abruptly. "Rex!" Mei Xing exclaimed in surprise. "I never avoided you," she urgently added.

"What about the letter? I explicitly mentioned calling my number," Rex asserted before Mei Xing could respond. But before she could say anything, a voice resonated from downstairs—it was Yan Feng, her eldest husband, urgently calling for her. "Wife, come quickly!" Yan Feng shouted.

"I'm coming now!" Mei Xing responded. "A-are-you marr—mar-married?" Rex's voice trembled with fear.

Oh no, what should I say now? Mei Xing bit her lip, contemplating her response. "Ah!" She winced, feeling pain in her mouth. Gathering her composure, she took a deep breath. "I am..." Mei Xing hesitated, fighting through her emotions. "I am married," she confessed, finally acknowledging the truth. She felt as though she wanted to throw her phone, but she expected Rex to yell at her. Instead, he posed the same question once more.

"Who are you married to?" his voice turned sharp. "Why is it so important for you to know?" Rex repeated the question that Mei Xing did not wish to answer, his voice echoing through the line.

  "I won't tell you. You left through the thin air eleven years ago, and now you're calling me, asking who I got married to and..." Mei Xing was at a loss for words, feeling deeply disappointed with her childhood friend, Rex.

"I'm coming to your mother's restaurant. Let's meet at noon..." Before he could finish speaking, Mei Xing abruptly ended the call. She furiously rubbed her emerald blue eyes, trying to process what Rex had asked her.

"Wife! Come downstairs, you're taking so long," Yan Feng, whose voice was always apathetic and cold, spoke in a calm and sweet manner. "I'm coming," Mei Xing replied.

"I can't help but wonder how much the world has changed," Mei Xing uttered calmly as she descended the stairs. "That fool never takes anything seriously. He has truly changed," Mei Xing muttered to herself as she recalled her conversation with Rex. "Yan Feng, I'm here!" Mei Xing announced, not seeing anyone at first. Yan Feng emerged from a door to the left of the kitchen, wearing a white shirt and short brown trousers.

Mei Xing couldn't help but notice his well-defined and inviting abs visible through his white singlet. Wow, he looked so attractive, and his bronzed skin almost matched his brown shorts. Mei Xing blushed, her cheeks turning as red as a ripe tomato ready for harvest. Just then, Mei Xing spotted two children standing beside Yan Feng. "Hey, Aunty Mei Xing," the little boy smiled, revealing a small baby tooth. 'Who could this child be?' Mei Xing wondered for a moment.

  Then the little girl smiled and waved at her. "Wife, meet Henry and Hazel. They are part of my family," Yan Feng, who had never acted kindly before, suddenly became gentle. "Aunty Mei Xing, my father and his father are business partners," Hazel said generously. "Aunty, we brought you something special!" Henry spoke softly. "Really!" Mei Xing replied, not particularly interested.

Mei Xing wondered how these little ones could have gotten her a gift when they had just met. The two kids took out a package from their bag and handed it to her. "You can open it now, Aunty!" Hazel said, surprising Mei Xing.

Mei Xing looked into Yan Feng's cold, blue eyes. She didn't blame him for his lack of emotion. Ahh, now he's not speaking? I feel like scolding him. Mei Xing opened the box and was completely surprised at how these kids managed to get her such an expensive item even though they had just met. The golden necklace shimmered with perfection, representing the purity of its quality. The clasp fastening the necklace was a sparkling gold, and the finely cut diamond sparkled brightly in Mei Xing's eyes.

(Side note: Mei Xing imagines the story behind the necklace. Please take note, love you all ❤️❤️).

Suddenly, Mei Xing hug the kids and smiled. "How did you come up with this perfect gift?" Mei Xing asked, eager to hear from the kids. The kids smiled.

Mei Xing playfully rubbed Hazel's little nose. "Mei Xing, do you like it?" Yan Bei asked as he descended the stairs. This was the first time he had called her by her name. Mei Xing turned to see who had just spoken and realized it was her angelic and gentle third husband.

"Aunty, my father gave it to us to give to you as a gift from us," Hazel responded. Mei Xing found these words to be suspicious and fishy. She could sense the anger in Yan Feng and Yan Bei's sudden change in expression. Mei Xing contemplated whether she should reject the gift now or not.