Punishing her three husbands

"Mei Xing, hand the gift over to them. I will get you a perfect golden jewelry tomorrow." Yan Feng's cold tone cut through the festive atmosphere. Then the kids glanced at their uncle with confusion. "But Uncle Feng, you just complimented me when I showed you the gift box in the kitchen!" Henry huffed in disapproval. Hazel came close to Yan Feng and stretched her hand to pinch him, but he was vigilant enough to hold her hand.

"Ouch, uncle, you're hurting me!" Hazel cried. Mei Xing tried to push Yan Feng, but her strength was nothing compared to his. Yan Feng remained rooted without budging an inch. "Yan Feng, please let go of the kid's hand," Mei Xing pleaded, and finally, Yan Feng released Hazel's hand. He then locked eyes with Mei Xing, causing her legs to go weak in an instant. 

"Aunty, please accept my gift," Henry said as a small tear ran down his cheek. Henry's cuteness was irresistible, and Mei Xing couldn't resist his pleading expression. "Okay, I accept your gift," Mei Xing conceded as she collected the present. She didn't mind her husband's cold glare on her. After all, she didn't take a glance at his face. Then, the little lad wiped his face with a blue handkerchief and blew his nose. He sniffled, his cuteness still tugging at Mei Xing's heartstrings. Mei Xing felt a twinge of annoyance and glanced at the faces of her two husbands. Oh, were they simply feeling jealous? She had no intention of getting involved with the kid's father!

"Auntie, I'm hungry," Henry eagerly ran to hug Yan Feng's towering legs, prompting Mei Xing to speak with a hint of amusement. "Alright... first, go and take a shower. The food will be ready by the time you're done... In the dining room, you..." Mei Xing smiled and headed upstairs to the kitchen. Meanwhile, In the kitchen, Mei Xing balanced a cooking pot in one hand while stirring with a spoon in the other. She held her breath, her gaze fixed forward, unaware of the imminent disaster about to unfold in the kitchen!

The food ended up in disaster, and Mei Xing reluctantly handed the pot to Quan Yu. "Please, Quan Yu, please dispose the pot." Mei Xing instructed. Quan Yu took the pot in one hand and left. Suddenly, there was a loud bang at the door of the kitchen, catching Mei Xing off guard. To her surprise, it was Yan Feng who stood at the entrance. Yan Feng paused abruptly, his gaze icy as he observed her. His sharp eyes scanned her, finding nothing different except for her dark face. The kitchen was filled with smoke from the burnt food. "What's the matter?" Mei Xing asked, a tad confused and startled, her gaze shifting nervously toward the two smudged footprints on the door. Did something urgent happen with the boss? Why was he so impatient?

"Are you alright?" The once snow-white wall now bore dark ink-like stains, more prominent and striking than Mei Xing's flushed face. It had become her latest masterpiece, as the front wall had been completely marred. It would be better to renovate the entire kitchen rather than attempt to clean it. The sink overflowed with bowls and dishes, most of them showcasing Mei Xing's culinary attempts.

"I'm almost finished!" Mei Xing exclaimed with a wide smile. Even though she wiped the sweat off her brow, her mood was brighter than ever. She bustled around the table, adorning it with decorations and more. It was one of her favorite punishments to do for her silly husbands.

Yan Feng was about to speak but reconsidered. His brothers were not present to witness how this wild wife had turned the kitchen walls black. His usual cold demeanor started to soften as Mei Xing purposefully made a mess in the kitchen to punish her three husbands. Luckily, the food was so visually stunning, along with Mei Xing's excellent cooking skills that Yan Feng never knew he could deceive himself. He didn't even glance at his wife, but to his surprise, he didn't blame her when he saw her little, dirty face.

The large, expensive kitchen was worth it for the delicious food cooked by Mei Xing. Yan Feng no longer cared about the money or the stained kitchen walls. Henry climbed onto the dinner table in haste and grinned at the sight of the dishes, causing his mouth to water. "Aunty, this looks so good!" All the dishes were his and his sister's favorites as if they were written on Mei Xing's mind.

Hazel slowly put down her doll. Yet, when Yan Xun carried her to the dinner chair, she felt more pain in her stomach. The food Mei Xing cooked looked succulent, like the exquisite pictures from an expensive cookbook. Everyone knew that delicious food deserved to be acknowledged, everyone just ate silently.

"Henry, slow down. No one is competing with you!" Mei Xing inquired, her big smile betraying her feelings. There was nothing more gratifying than cooking food for children who got her something special. Meanwhile, Henry was stuffing his mouth with delicious food, causing his cheeks to bulge. His large, grape-like, grey eyes gazed at Yan Xun, who was eating slowly.

In Henry's opinion, the food cooked by his late mother was the best, but now, he had found a substitute.

"You are the best cook, wifey," Yan Xun complimented his wife, then gave her a warm smile. Mei Xing replied sweetly, "Thank you, Yan Xun, you are the best." Yan Feng and Yan Bei said, "You are the best cook, wife," Mei Xing did not bother to respond. This made the two children laugh. "Table manners, kids," Mei Xing reminded them. Then they continued eating.