Slap him till her satisfaction

Later at night, when Mei Xing was preparing for bed. Surprisingly, Yan Xun entered her room. He wasn't wearing anything apart from a short brief. He snuffed the light off and hopped onto her bed. Mei Xing decided to fake her sleep since Yan Xun was being so stupid. He settled beside her and lifted the covers, pulling her into a tight embrace. Mei Xing seethed with anger, feeling trapped in Yan Xun's suffocating grip. Her cheeks flushed red, panic setting in as she grew flustered. She wanted to slap him, but instead, she yelled.

"What thee...! What are you doing here?" He playfully pinched her ear and caressed her smooth face. "Sleep, my dear wife. So you're pretending to be asleep over time," he teasingly responded, his warm and inviting voice sounding as though it emanated from hell. Its soothing tones already brought her close to ecstasy.

He chuckled once more, "I'm not pretending at all," Mei Xing lied. "It's rather chilly tonight," Yan Xun seductively stated. "Yes, you're right and now simply get out of my room." Mei Xing replied, sitting up and folding her hands on her lap. Yan Xun smirked in self-satisfaction. 'Oh God, please save me from this mischievous husband,' Mei Xing silently prayed. "Wife, if we embrace each other like this, it will be much sweeter. Or perhaps we could indulge in a warm passion..." He hesitated for a moment, then smiled warmly. "I mean... let me feel your body against mine." He let out a soft chuckle.

"Holy crap! Get out of my room this instant!" Mei Xing screamed then made herself collapse on her bed, her cheeks burning with embarrassment. This was the first time a man had ever propositioned her for an intimate encounter, and on her bed, no less. "Wifey," he stood there, nearly naked with only his short brief on, and she could feel the warmth emanating from him through the thin fabric of her nightgown. "You despicable man, let go of me!" Mei Xing had never been this serious before. A man in a shirt, nearly naked without pants, on her bed... this was utter chaos. She never intended for things to escalate like this.

How was an innocent girl like her supposed to survive among a pack of wolves ready to devour her!

"No, just this once. It would relieve me greatly," Yan Xun pleaded, his words indicating her anger. Does he think I'm his mistress, available for him to sleep with at any time? Mei Xing rolled her eyes in disbelief and was overcome with anger, almost spitting in his face. "Wifey, don't be so harsh. It's common for husbands to have an intimate relationship with their wife after their marriage," Yan Xun remarked, trying to justify his actions.

"Yan Xun! You and your unruly brothers forced this marriage upon me. I didn't participate in any worthless wedding you know!" Mei Xing retorted. Deep down, she knew that if he forced himself on her, she would have no choice but to be subservient to him. 'I can't reveal my vulnerability. I must be clever now,' Mei Xing thought, contemplating her next move. Just as Yan Xun pulled her closer, resting her legs on his and gripping her jawline, she sneakily glanced into his eyes. They burned with an intense passion, resembling a blazing fire. Mei Xing attempted to close her eyes, feigning submission. "Cooperate with me, wife," he seductively whispered.

He leaned in, his face drawing nearer to her neck, as he sensually traced his tongue from her earlobes down to her neck. Mei Xing now felt repulsed by Yan Xun's advances. She struggled, but he firmly pinned her hand to the bed. As he pressed his body against hers, a musky scent enveloped the air around him. Eventually, Yan Xun sensed that his beloved was no longer offering any resistance, so he released his tight grasp. A sly smile crept across his face as he too closed his eyes, attempting to prolong the passionate moment by kissing her waiting lips. However, their intimate encounter was interrupted by Yan Bei's voice calling from outside the room.

"Yan Xun, your bed is prepared now!" Yan Xun groaned in disappointment and responded coldly, "I'm coming now!" Yet, his eyes remained fixed on Mei Xing's, still captivated by her presence. "Xing'er, you cannot escape my presence," he proclaimed, a malicious smirk forming on his face. "Alright, I'm coming, brother," he curtly replied to Yan Bei. Mei Xing trembled, as Yan Xun's harsh words sent a chilling shiver down her spine. In the blink of an eye, he left the room. Mei Xing let out a soft sigh, reassuring herself that she had escaped the clutches of temptation. She carefully examined her body, checking for any injuries or bruising, but thankfully, she found none.

The strong-willed Mei Xing of the past was growing weaker at the sight of her three husbands. The memory of Yan Xun's devilish smirk lingered in her mind, causing her to instinctively cover herself with the bedsheet out of fear. "Can't I just break free from this predicament? Or should I run away?" Mei Xing pondered, the discussion about her arranged marriage contract with her mother flooding her thoughts. With a smile on her face and her big blue eyes gazing toward the other side of the bed, she contemplated preparing to escape by next week. Little did she know that there were more troubles brewing.

** ** **

Mei Xing awakened to a familiar scent of mint swirling around her nose. She felt a soft and cold hand resting on her waist. The shock, shame, and disbelief of the situation nearly overwhelmed her. She awoke the next morning to find herself wrapped in the warm embrace of Yan Xun! In bewilderment, she let out a scream, shaking him from his deep slumber. Rubbing his eyes with a concerned expression, he frowned at her. "What's wrong, Mei Xing?" he asked, attempting to mask his true feelings with a forced smile.

Mei Xing's anger grew at his deceitful grin. She longed to slap him to release her frustrations. Her initial plan was to maintain distance from her husbands and not care about the reasons behind their actions. Her mission within the Yan family was to create chaos, slowly and methodically, like a snake that strikes stealthily from the bushes. Mei Xing had no way to challenge the three men, nor the strength to do so. Now, she slept peacefully like a newborn, only to wake up and find her second-doting husband's hands on her waist.

"He truly deserves a resounding slap for sleeping beside a woman like me," Mei Xing mumbled to herself silently, rolling her eyes to meet the gaze of the handsome man before her.