Breakfast on bed

"Xing'er!" Yan Xun called softly as he caress her hair away from her pretty face. Sleepy Mei Xing opened her eyes slowly, she watched as he smiled at her. The sweet smile he gave her this early morning almost melt her heart in deep affection.

"Morning wifey, how was your night?" Yan Xun asked.

"Good thanks and you, my darling husband." Mei Xing asked too as she tried to sit up on the bed. Her words made him surprised a bit but he responded simply. "Bad because you were not at my side in bed." Xing'er could not help it, she was really an overbearing contracted wife of the three heirs to the Yan dynasty. She managed to smile at Yan Xun's teasing words.

Mei Xing did not notice the breakfast Yan Xun brought for her until now when he carried the breakfast tray on her lap. He gestured handsomely for her to eat. She was really speechless but managed to mutter.

"You are really a good husband Yan Xun, keep up your good work," Mei Xing complimented him warmly. Yan Xun's lips curved into a dangerous smirk. He opened the food for her and smiled at his little beauty whose eyes almost popped out because of the intriguing sight of the breakfast he prepared for her.

"Enjoy wifey," Yan Xun said moving the food closer to her.

"Thank you, Yan Xun I really love the fascinating sight of this food," Mei Xing said with a smile. It was really unbelievable because this was Mei Xing's first experience having breakfast in bed. She was really getting more pampering from the Yan brother's and in their sight-- No one dares bully her because if they do, they will receive the cruelest punishment they ever got in their life.

Mei Xing grabbed the knife on the tray to cut the roasted chicken. Her mouth was watery, she was dying to taste a bite of Yan Xun roasted chicken. Yan Xun gave her a reassuring nod as she ate the roasted chicken.

"Yummy, taste better!" She complimented once again.

"Thanks wifey, do you mind if I be your personal chef!" Yan Xun asked as he held her jaw and stared at her thin lips.

"Nope," Mei Xing watched as he moaned in frustration. "Damnit! Wifey...why do you say so?" He asked as his frustration grew more because of her heartbroken response.

He released her jaw from his firm hold then a sudden thought flashed through her head, making her stop eating the roasted chicken.

"Where are your brothers," Mei Xing asked, she almost forgot her two remaining cutie husbands. She was really right in her question, where are they?

Yan Xun's face turned blank and cold instantly. He watched as Mei Xing placed the food on the other side of the bed and removed the blanket from her leg.


Yan Xun drew her to his chest, his warm breath brushed over her neck as he tucked the loose hair strand behind her earlobes. His cold gaze made her shudder and the atmosphere became fully tense. "You want to know where my brothers are?" Yan Xun asked. Mei Xing could not blame him because his jealousy was overreacting to his recent behavior. She never liked the fact that he treated her shamelessly, the way he was behaving made her speak out in defiance.

"Don't be too jealous Xun Xun, do you think you can scare me away with your lame words." Mei Xing said a bit harshly as Yan Xun's grey eyes pierced every goddam confidence, she had got right now, but she still remained stable without showing any feeling of fear in her eyes.

Mei Xing pushed his hand from preventing his tight hold on her waist. She sat on her bed and continued stuffing the roasted chicken like a little hamster. Yan Xun watched as she dropped the knife on the tray. She sat on the bed and he immediately grab her hand then placed it on his chest.

"..." Baffled and confused, Mei Xing watched him act foolishly but what he was doing was making sense. She was stunned by his sudden action. "Xing'er can you feel it," he asked, looking at her beautiful face. Mei Xing didn't respond, she nod her head roughly.

"My heart beat for you every second, but you wanna crush my love for you wifey," Mei Xing withdraw her hand back as she responded. "How does it beat for me," she questioned unsurprisingly, for the first time in her world meekness was filled in her voice.

"Good girl, let me show you how much--I love you Xing'er." Yan Xun said with an evil smirk placed on his handsome lips. He really looks like a typical villain, Mei Xing thought silently. Yan Xun began to unbutton his shirt. His dumb behavior made her clearly understand that he was really handsome and a freak.

"Stop that Xun Xun!" Mei Xing exclaimed angrily. Yan Xun buttoned his shirt out of grievance. "Since you are not ready to see how much I love then I will relax until you discover my love for you," Yan Xun sat down on the bed, beside Mei Xing. He smiled as she sipped the warm coffee slowly. "Xun Xun dear, where are your brothers?" Mei Xing asked again in concern.

Yan Xun sighed deeply, then responded. "They are on their way to the company, something serious more like an emergency is going on in the company, I think." Yan Xun said touching in jaw gently.

"Okay, come, let's eat together Xun Xun," Mei Xing called.

"Am not hungry wifey," Yan Xun lied but the way he spoke was with utmost sincerity.

"What the!! Join me, let's eat together or..." Yan Xun crouched on her bed, he was really interested in hearing her next word.

"Or what?" Yan Xun questioned, as he saw her not speaking again.

"Or I will pour all this hot food on your body!" Mei Xing exclaimed. Yan Xun laughed, he really don't want to scare her soul out of her body because she will think he is a devil. Yan Xun collected the spoon from her hands and then began to feed her slowly. This thought of love action made her remember some romance movie but what she got from her three husband were more than that of a movie she had watched.

A/N: Update are 3-6 times a wk, support this novel with your gift so I can be impressed and improve more in writing...