Heart break & Recovery

This tender dance of love between them unfolded like an entrancing reality show, captivating Mei Xing's attention. Her gaze lingered on Yan Xun as he savored the warmth of the coffee, his tranquil demeanor a stark contrast to the heaviness weighing upon her stomach. Delicately, Yan Xun lifted a spoon from the tray and extended it towards Mei Xing, his eyes fixed upon her with a gravity that seemed to penetrate her very soul. Despite his anticipation for her response, Mei Xing remained silent, reclining on her bed, lost in her thoughts.

"Is there nothing you wish to say, my dear wife?" Yan Xun inquired, his words delicate yet infused with an intensity that demanded her attention. Mei Xing observed the sincerity behind his gaze, as if he could perceive the depth of her emotions. However, instead of speaking, she emitted a dismissive hiss, an impulsive act of defiance that spoke volumes.

"Xing'er, did you just hiss at me?" Yan Xun exclaimed, genuine surprise mingling with a fervent curiosity. He yearned to understand the reason behind his beloved's uncharacteristic rudeness. Mei Xing met his shocked gaze with audacity, unafraid to voice her sentiments.

"Yes, as you can see, my darling husband," she responded with a defiant edge. Yan Xun stared at her, his eyes reflecting a mix of astonishment and intrigue, his lips curling into a dangerous smile. Mei Xing, overwhelmed by his intense scrutiny, unleashed a resolute roar.

"Do not gaze at me like that!" she exclaimed passionately. The way he scrutinized her, it felt as if her every flaw was laid bare for his judgment. Mei Xing's internal turmoil intensified, her desire to strike out at her own reflection almost consuming her.

"Wife, do not be obstinate. Your erratic behavior unnerves me!" Yan Xun declared, his frustration mounting in the face of her defiant arrogance. Mei Xing's heart ached, her remorse piercing her deepest core. She recognized her fault, for Yan Xun had kindly inquired about her needs, only to be met with her retaliatory hiss.

Mei Xing struggled to find her voice, her mind filled with a whirlwind of emotions. She wanted to speak, to express her thoughts and feelings, but all that escaped her lips was a gasp of astonishment. The weight of her silence hung heavily in the air, a profound emptiness that pervaded the room.

Yan Xun gazed into Mei Xing's clear blue eyes, his heart sinking as he witnessed the unshed tears welling up within them. The magnitude of his words, delivered with such a cutting edge, pierced her soul like a thousand needles. Mei Xing never anticipated such a devastating speech from the one she loved, and though she knew she played a part in his demeanor, his potent words left her completely shattered.

To the casual observer, Mei Xing exuded a gentle aura, a serene presence that belied the fierce and assertive nature she possessed. Only those who knew her intimately understood the fire that burned within her, the defiance that rejected any notion of submission to the opposite gender. She was a force to be reckoned with, an exquisite rebel who refused to bow to defeat.

"I am sorry, Xing'er," Yan Xun spoke with a clarity that conveyed his defeat. The sight of her tears invoked a deep self-loathing within him for the harshness of his words. "Please forgive me," he beseeched as he slowly lowered himself to his knees, the weight of his actions crushing his spirit. In this moment, Yan Xun felt like a fallen angel, the cause of her tears even if he believed his intentions were right. He couldn't find it in himself to grant himself forgiveness for the pain he had caused her.

Yan Xun extended his hand, gently wiping away the tears that stained Mei Xing's delicate cheeks. An immediate warmth spread through her heart as she drew him back up to his feet, her lips curved into a sweet smile amidst the lingering pain she felt.

"I promise, my dear wifey, that I will never cause you any harm again," Yan Xun vowed, settling himself peacefully on the edge of the bed. Mei Xing grasped his hand, her voice quivering with emotion as she spoke. "No, Xun Xun, am the one who should apologize. Please, do not burden yourself with the blame. It lies with me," she confessed, her words mingling with tears as she buried her face against his arm.

"I'm truly sorry, wifey! It pains me to see you cry. Just forget and place the blame on me...for I am the one who caused these tears," Yan Xun whispered, enfolding her in a tight embrace. The sweet fragrance of her hair enticed his senses, and he found himself lost in the ethereal beauty that she possessed. She is an epitome of beauty, he muttered to himself.

"What...what did you say, Yan Xun?" Mei Xing inquired, catching snippets of his muttered words. The panic in Yan Xun's voice was palpable as he hurriedly replied, "Oh, nothing." His heart raced, his shirt drenched with the evidence of her tears. But Yan Xun disregarded the wetness of his attire, focused solely on making amends and showering her with his love.

"Are you feeling better now, wifey?" he asked, his voice laced with genuine concern. He watched as she nodded, her warm smile radiating reassurance. Mei Xing had truly embraced the chance for genuine love, leaving behind any ill intentions towards Yan Xun.

In the blink of an eye, the chaos that had enveloped them disappeared, giving way to the profound engagement of these two souls entwined in a tranquil rhythm of affection.

Mei Xing had never envisioned herself falling in love with Yan Xun and his brothers. The notion seemed foreign to her, an improbable feat of destiny. Yet, reality had a way of unraveling unexpected paths, and she found herself immersed in a marriage contract that defied her expectations. Mei Xing could hardly fathom the idea of a peaceful union with her three husbands.

As for Mei Xing's love for the Yan brothers, she knew it was bound by the terms of their agreement, set to last for only a year. But the few moments she had spent with them felt like eternal bonds, weaving through the fabric of their existence.

Mei Xing cherished every opportunity to be married to the Yan brothers, savoring the uncharted journey that lay before them. Whether their love and affection were destined to endure remained uncertain, but Mei Xing embraced the adventure of being their beloved wife, ready to face the tidal waves of love and pain, pleasure and longing. As they navigated the journey together, Mei Xing was determined to triumph over the trials that lay ahead, for within the power of love, she knew she could overcome anything.

To be continued...

[A/N: hello guys! Please Mei Xing needs your gift to overcome all this tidal wave on the road of love with the Yan brother's... thanks for your help and God bless you. Amen]

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