A Date with Mr. Charming

"Mei Xing!" Yan Xun's voice caressed the air, a gentle melody that carried the weight of his affection. His eyes remained fixed on her, a magnetic gaze that drew her closer to him. "Yes, Xun Xun!" Mei Xing responded, her tone laced with a delicate blend of curiosity and submission. "Let us embark on our first date, my dear Xing'er," Yan Xun proposed, his words accompanied by the dazzling display of his perfectly arranged pearly white teeth. A glimmer of mischief danced in his eyes, eager to gauge her response.

Mei Xing, ever the sweet and tender wife, did not perceive his words as a serious proposition. Instead, her laughter spilled forth, imbued with a touch of sweetness that echoed through the room. "Are you serious, Yan Xun?" she countered, her eyes searching his for a hint of sincerity. It had been quite some time since she had ventured out on a date, and the prospect of indulging in such a possibility was both thrilling and enticing.

"Yes, indeed!" Mei Xing exclaimed, her heart softening ever so slightly toward Yan Xun, the very one who had once caused her heartache. Despite the remnants of pain residing within, she was willing to surrender herself to this new chapter, to the possibility of thawing the coldness that had crept into her heart. "But where shall we go?" Yan Xun inquired, his captivating gaze fixated upon her enchanting azure eyes.

Mei Xing's mind was devoid of any concrete ideas for their destination. However, within the depths of her thoughts, a memory of her mother's restaurant flickered. 'Could it possibly still be open?' she mused, delving deep into contemplation as she watched Yan Xun rise from the bed. "Let us prepare ourselves, my love. Perhaps, after we have bathed and taken our time, inspiration will grace us with its presence," Mei Xing stated with a newfound confidence resonating in her voice.

Yan Xun's smile danced fleetingly upon his face as he left her room, gently closing the door behind him. Mei Xing couldn't help but heave a sigh of relief, relishing in the sanctuary of her privacy. "A woman always needs her moments of solitude," she remarked to herself, rising from the bed. Quickly, she undressed and made her way to the bathroom, her heart quickening in anticipation of the impending date with her second husband, Yan Xun.

Minutes later, Mei Xing emerged from the bathroom, the soft embrace of a white towel wrapped securely around her slender waist. She moved gracefully toward her working desk and reached for her favorite body lotion. Then, she ventured to her dressing locker, eager to select the perfect attire for their outing. It took a few moments, but Mei Xing's deliberation was rewarded as she emerged, dressed in a breathtaking ensemble. A short blue skirt harmoniously complemented the vibrant yellow shirt that adorned her delicate frame.

After meticulously assembling her outfit, Mei Xing retrieved a wide-toothed comb. With each languid stroke, she smoothed through her cascade of long, silky hair, reveling in the ease of her motions. "Phew," she breathed, a sense of contentment washing over her. The sound of the door creaking open captured her attention, indicating that Yan Xun had completed his own preparations and was patiently waiting on her bed. Mei Xing turned, her eyes eager to behold his attire. "You look fantastic in that shirt!" she exclaimed, her words filled with warmth and admiration.

Yan Xun had opted for a slightly casual ensemble, one that accentuated his innate charm and revealed his rugged good looks. Mei Xing stood, caught in a moment of awe and appreciation, as she marveled at the impeccable fit of his green shirt. It had been a gift bestowed upon him by his devoted sister, and until this day, it had remained untouched within his wardrobe. Today, however, he had chosen to wear the shirt, now infused with new memories and significance.

"Truly, you are a vision of handsomeness, Yan Xun!" For the first time since their union, Mei Xing found herself openly admiring her husband, her words painting a coy smile across her lips. The sincerity in her voice delighted.

Yan Xun, and a mischievous glint flickered in his eyes. "Thank you, my beloved wife! And do you know that you are the most exquisite angel in the entire universe?" Yan Xun's honeyed words stirred a blush upon Mei Xing's cheeks, as she chastised herself for being so timid in his presence. "I appreciate your kind words, Xun Xun," she humbly replied, adorned with a soft smile that encompassed the fullness of her affection.

"Wow, wifey, your blue skirt perfectly complements the color of your eyes," Yan Xun complimented once more, his voice dancing with admiration. He had more words on the tip of his tongue, eager to continue the cascade of praise, but he halted himself as Mei Xing dropped the hair comb onto her working desk. Mei Xing knew that her choice of attire, the alluring blue skirt, created a striking contrast with the captivating hue of her eyes. Yet, she sought a respite from the deluge of compliments, yearning for a moment of tranquility. "Thank you, honey," she managed to respond, her words carrying a tinge of weariness. She longed for Yan Xun to understand that her outfit had indeed captivated him, sparing her from being overwhelmed by his ceaseless adoration.

"Have you given any thought to our destination?" Yan Xun inquired, his voice remaining calm and refreshing, a gentle breeze that swept across her countenance, evoking a tender smile. She was a magnificent flower in the eyes of the Yan brothers, cherished and deemed irreplaceable. Yan Xun patiently awaited her response, and finally, Mei Xing spoke, her words flowing with grace. "Yes, what if we consider my mother's restaurant?" Yan Xun's gaze fixated upon her with an intensity that bordered on seriousness, as he sought to decipher her intentions. "Wifey, let us embark on a journey to a place more befitting of romance, somewhere exclusively ours," Yan Xun pleaded, his voice carrying a hint of gravel from overexertion.

"Yes, you are right! Let us find the perfect destination," Mei Xing acquiesced, her voice gentle and soothing as it intertwined with the air around them. Her words brought a radiant smile to Yan Xun's face, his countenance a testament to his joy and gratitude as he bowed before her. "My lady, may I have the honor of your hands?" he uttered sweetly, his lips pressing against Mei Xing's hand, bestowing upon it a warmth that transcended the physical realm. "Next time, we shall explore the realm of your mother's restaurant. It has been far too long since I have laid eyes upon her," Mei Xing intoned, her voice tinged with a hint of melancholy that danced across her words. "As you wish, wifey," Yan Xun confirmed, his voice infused with a seductive allure, his eyes sparking with a magnetic charm.

"Alright, wifey, please wait for me outside while I retrieve the car keys," Yan Xun instructed, swiftly turning to depart. Mei Xing scanned her room, her eyes darting around in search of her small cross-body bag. She had momentarily misplaced it after purchasing it from the High Class Standard mall, leaving her without a clue as to its current location.

Mei Xing found herself randomly scattering her clothes upon the bed, a slight feeling of frustration simmering within her. "Here you are, my dear cutie," Mei Xing whispered, her lips pressing ever so gently against the bag. "Xing'er!" Yan Xun's voice boomed, jolting her back to the present. "Oops," she muttered, berating herself for the momentary distraction.

"I'm coming!" Mei Xing exclaimed, swiftly arranging her clothes and darting out of her room, eager to meet Yan Xun on the outside.

To be continued... As we continue this captivating journey with Xing'er and her three enigmatic magnate husbands, I kindly request a special gift from all of you. The process of creation can be arduous, and your support and encouragement would uplift my spirits. With love and gratitude, let us embark on this adventure together.