When it comes to my obsession for you

**Few hours later**

Mei Xing found herself immersed in a gustatory bliss, savoring every delectable morsel that graced her palate within the opulent confines of a renowned five-star restaurant. The air was thick with an amalgamation of aromas, each more tantalizing than the last, carrying a symphony of flavors that danced upon her taste buds.

As she indulged in this culinary extravagance, her gaze shifted towards Yan Xun, who, with a perpetual smile adorning his countenance, exuded an aura of undeniable charm. The rapport between the two was palpable, an unspoken language of love that enveloped them, as if they were locked in an enchanting romantic soiree.

With gentle grace, Yan Xun reached out and clasped Mei Xing's hand, his touch sending a jolt of electricity coursing through her veins. His voice, a velvety cadence filled with tenderness, broke the silence. "Wifey, do you find this place to your liking?" he inquired, his concern evident in every syllable uttered.

A flicker of concern passed through Mei Xing's eyes as she reciprocated his affectionate gaze. "It is truly a remarkable establishment, Yan Xun," she expressed, her voice laced with genuine curiosity. "But I cannot help but wonder, do you not share the same sentiment?" Her question hung in the air, paving the way for a deeper understanding.

Caught off guard by her query, Yan Xun hastened to reassure her. "No, my love, that is not the case. I merely wished to hear your opinion, for your happiness and satisfaction matter to me above all else," he confessed, his words a heartfelt declaration underlining the depths of his affections.

"Okay," she responded simply, her voice carrying a calm assurance. The minutes passed, witnessing the swift disappearance of the scrumptious meal. Yan Xun's face radiated warmth as he reached out for Mei Xing's hand, leading her on a purposeful stride outside. With their intertwined fingers, they exemplified the epitome of a perfect couple, provoking smiles, giggles, and even uninhibited laughter from those who traversed their path. The depth of their love was palpable, evoking a sense of delight in the hearts of those around them.

Yan Xun repeatedly planted soft kiss on Mei Xing's cheeks, causing a tinted blush to spread across her face, a mingling of modesty and unease. Oblivious to the gazes that lingered upon him, Yan Xun cared little for the public setting, consumed solely by the allure of his beloved. "Stop it, Yan Xun!" Mei Xing protested, the words muffled as his lips found a resting place on her flushed cheek. Undeterred, he whispered, "Never!" with an undertone that was equal parts dark and endearing.

Fatigue gnawed at Mei Xing, exhausting her patience. Clenching her fists in frustration, she grew increasingly irritated by the man standing before her. "If you insist on a never-ending display of affection, then continue until you collapse from exhaustion, all while showering my cheek with your kisses," she challenged with a raised eyebrow, causing Yan Xun to erupt in laughter. How did he find himself so inexplicably bound to such an amusing wife?

"Xing'er, you know what?" Yan Xun began, his voice laced with a magnetism that beckoned her attention. "I could continue kissing you for days... and if you doubt me, why not give me permission to do so?" Mei Xing found herself hiding her face, her palm acting as a shield from the embarrassment of his words. The mere thought of Yan Xun's audacity was enough to make her cheeks burn. Unperturbed, he persisted, "Wifey! Why do you hide your pretty face from me?" Pausing for a moment, his gray eyes carefully examined every detail of her countenance.

"You don't want to see me, wife," Yan Xun's tone shifted, becoming quieter and composed. Mei Xing couldn't help but feel a tinge of remorse for her outburst. "I'm ashamed of your foolish antics, Xun Xun," she murmured, her words reaching his receptive ears, eliciting a smile from him as he hung on to every syllable.

Finally, Mei Xing unveiled her face, releasing her hand from its previous hiding place. She purposefully averted her gaze, refusing to lock eyes with Yan Xun. Yet, he wouldn't let her evade his presence so easily, swiftly grasping her chin and gently turning her face towards him.

Annoyance coursed through her veins as she attempted to avoid direct eye contact. "Xun Xun! Since you're clinging onto me like your older brother, let's make a serious declaration," Mei Xing responded, her tone suggesting a newfound resolution, unaware of the formidable challenge she had unknowingly set in motion. "Go on, Xing'er," he chuckled darkly, his head inclining slightly, reveling in the intrigue of her forthcoming words.

"You should always be a sweet smart husband understand!" Yan Xun gazed at her, a whirlwind of emotions stirring within him. His mind swirled with conflicting thoughts. 'Have I always been a perfect husband? Or perhaps I could put in more effort to fulfill the role of an ideal man,' he mused, contemplating his actions and intentions.

"Alright, I understand. I will fulfill every request you make, even if it means tearing the very fabric of the earth apart," Yan Xun declared, his words hanging in the air as his eyes met Mei Xing's perplexed gaze. He could sense her confusion, and yet, there was a glimmer of curiosity in her eyes.

"But what is this one thing you want me to do?" Mei Xing asked, her hand absentmindedly scratching her hair, a clear sign of her bewilderment. She knew all too well that Yan Xun was a master of teasing.

Yan Xun narrowed his eyes, a slight smirk tugging at the corner of his lips. The sunlight cast a soft glow upon his face, accentuating his warm yet mischievous smile. "I want you to love me passionately, both in bed and beyond," he stated coolly, his words hanging in the air with a tantalizing undertone.

One thing? Mei Xing's mind raced, trying to dissect the meaning behind his words. As the implications dawned upon her, her cheeks flushed crimson. Yan Xun's shamelessness seemed to know no bounds. One couldn't help but be amazed at his audacity, lacking even a modicum of shyness as he uttered such words.

"Honey, I'm feeling hungry. Shall we go grab some coffee?" Mei Xing attempted to divert the conversation, hoping to brush off the topic at hand. However, Yan Xun remained resolute, his grip gently pulling at her hair without causing any pain.

"You haven't answered my question," Yan Xun replied seriously this time, leaving Mei Xing dumbfounded. Her jaw dropped, surprised at his persistence.

"Yan Xun, do you even have a shred of shame?" Mei Xing confronted him, her tone conveying her seriousness.

His smile took on a wicked edge as he replied, "When it comes to my obsession for you, shame becomes a foreign concept."

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