Burning Night---1

Yan Feng's powerful arms wrapped around Mei Xing, lifting her effortlessly from the ground. He turned to face his brothers, a silent communication passing between them. With a nod, he silently conveyed that the task was completed and left his brothers behind. Yan Bei breathed a heavy sigh of relief, noticing the flicker of anger burning in Yan Xun's eyes.

"Relax, brother. Rex is in hell now," Yan Xun said, a rough grin playing on his lips.

"Hope he will stay there," Yan Xun replied, his voice laced with a simmering fury. He took his nail cutter from his junior brother, a tangible reminder of the vengeance they had sought. "Let's go, Yan Xun!" Yan Bei called, running to catch up with Yan Feng. Their path forward was uncertain, but their bond as brothers remained steadfast.


Hours passed, the weight of their recent endeavors hanging in the air. Mei Xing sought out Yan Xun and Yan Bei, a twinge of worry coursing through her veins. She promised that she would avoid any further encounters with Rex, and though hesitant at first, they swiftly forgave her with genuine smiles adorning their faces.

Mei Xing's concern shifted to Yan Feng, for she knew the name Rex struck a chord in his heart, a chord that resonated with heartbreak and fragility. She wasn't certain if he would be ready to forgive her, but she mustered the courage to make amends.

Meanwhile, Yan Feng found himself on the brink of sleep when a loud knock shattered the tranquility of his room.

The sound stirred him from his slumber, and as he rose from his bed, he freed himself from the confines of the blanket, letting it fall haphazardly to the mattress. Catching a glimpse of his watch, he noted that it was now midnight. In one swift motion, he removed his wristwatch, a symbol of the passing of time and the burdens he carried.

Yet, the knocking persisted—familiar and persistent.

"Yan Feng, it's me! Mei Xing," her whispered words reached his ears through the door.

He strode toward the door, his steps purposeful and determined. With a gentle turn of the handle, he opened it, revealing Mei Xing's alluring face illuminated by the faint glow of light.

"My apologies for keeping you waiting," Yan Feng said, his voice a mere breath, as he opened the door wider, inviting her into his sanctuary. Mei Xing stood before him wearing a simple dress, her beauty radiating with an irresistible allure.

She is exquisite, Yan Feng thought, his gaze lingering on her, fueled by a mixture of desire and yearning. Mei Xing inched closer, her face tilting towards his, the air between them crackling with unspoken intensity.

"May I come in?" she asked, her voice barely a whisper, her breath mingling with his.

"Yes, of course. Please, come in," he replied, his tone masking the storm of emotions within him. As Mei Xing entered the room, they found themselves standing awkwardly in the center, the ambiance thick with anticipation.

While Yan Feng contemplated excusing himself, Mei Xing's nervous fingers tugged at her dress, hinting at the vulnerability she harbored within. She spoke softly, her voice tinged with trepidation.

"I hope I did not disappoint you," Mei Xing uttered, her eyes searching his for reassurance, her heart hanging in the balance.

Yan Feng's surprise was evident in his eyes as he questioned Mei Xing's statement, his gaze piercing with an icy intensity that even the scorching atmosphere couldn't rival. As the tension thickened, Mei Xing felt her heart race, her grip on her dress tightening as she stammered in remorse.

"Disappointed? About what happened with Rex, I apologize for my dreadful role in it!" she managed to utter, her voice filled with genuine regret. Her words hung in the air, awaiting his response, while Mei Xing clung to her dress, seeking some semblance of comfort.

Yan Feng's features softened ever so slightly, a brief smile flickering across his charismatic face. "Don't worry, my wife. No one is to be blamed for that," he reassured her, his voice holding a hint of warmth despite his cold exterior.

Time seemed to stand still as they stood there, their connection lingering in the space between them. After a moment of hesitation, Yan Feng spoke once more, his voice carrying a hint of vulnerability as he gestured towards his bed. "Please, have a seat on my bed, Xing'er," he offered, his words filled with a mixture of invitation and reluctance.

Seating on his bed, for Mei Xing, felt peculiar yet surprisingly intimate. The cluttered chair, weighed down by business files and forms, seemed far less inviting than the silk-covered surface before her. She hesitated for a moment, unsure of the propriety of the situation, but ultimately allowed herself to succumb to Yan Feng's request.

"No, not really. I mustn't disturb you, and it seems you were preparing to sleep," Mei Xing responded softly, her sense of propriety battling with her desire to stay in his presence.

Yan Feng's eyes followed her as she made her way towards the door, her steps muffled to avoid disrupting the delicate silence that enveloped them. A smile graced his lips, his admiration evident as she attempted to depart gracefully. Mei Xing paused by the bedside, her smile gentle and her wave a silent farewell.

"You look as handsome as ever, Feng Feng," she nodded with a hint of admiration.

Without hesitation, an impish glimmer danced in Yan Feng's eyes as he responded, his tone laced with mischief. "And you, Mei Xing, resemble a captivating beauty of the night," he declared, an evil smirk etching its way across his face.

As his words hung in the air, a teasing flicker of anticipation swirled around them. The room filled with an electric charge, their connection deepening amidst the playfulness that danced in their gazes. Mei Xing's heart skipped a beat, her imagination ignited with countless unspoken possibilities.

The true depths of their relationship remained uncharted, leaving them teetering on the edge of a precipice. With Yan Feng's mischievous smirk and Mei Xing's magnetism, she was awaiting the twists and turns that would unfold in this intoxicating tale of love, desire, and hidden secrets.