Calling for divorce

The weight of those words, "You are already calling for a divorce, Yan Feng," hung heavy in the air, punctuating the gravity of the situation which was laden with the weight of disappointment and shattered dreams.

Divorce was the worst thing that could ever befall them. Yan Feng found himself retracing the steps that led him into this contract marriage, his intentions glaringly clear in his mind. Love had never been the driving force behind his decision, but rather the hunger for power, the thirst to ascend within the labyrinthine corridors of his own bloodline. His family, cunning enough to recognize his bachelor status as both a vulnerability and a tool, sought to manipulate him into a union with a young lady from a neighboring firm, a calculated move in their quest to secure his position as the CEO of the illustrious Yan conglomerate. Yan Feng, with razor-sharp clarity, reflected upon the essence of his intentions in entering into this contractual union.

Yan Feng, however, had never allowed his heart to be captivated by her dark charm. The layers of heavy makeup adorning her visage, akin to an enigmatic facade, and her lackluster behavior had left him cold. She was not the archetypal lady he had envisioned as his life partner. Frustrated by her clingy demeanor, Yan Feng opted for a simpler solution, and then immediately got rid of her.

The incessant nagging from his family, beseeching him to seek forgiveness and seek reconciliation, only served to further irk him. He refused to stoop to such banality, to prostrate himself at the feet of an aesthetically unpleasing woman. Instead, Yan Feng forged ahead and carved a path in search of a deserving companion. Cloaked in an intricately woven façade of simplicity, he traversed the land, his heart untouched by the flames of passion. It was not until his initial encounter with Mei Xing, a mere gaze cast upon her ethereal beauty from afar, that his heart fluttered like a butterfly dancing in a meadow. Their first meeting took place at a modest restaurant where Yan Feng extended an invitation to his uncle, all the while captivated by the splendid cascade of Mei Xing's dark hair and the flawless radiance of her fair complexion. This captivating vision stirred his imagination, conjuring fantasies of her presence gracing his side day and night. Yet, he could not ignore the lingering feeling that he was ill-prepared for the bonds of matrimony.

A radiant smile graced Yan Feng's countenance, a gentle tickle emanating from the depths of his heart as he witnessed Mei Xing embracing her mother. Confessions of the heart once dismissed as trite and unnecessary, now tugged at his soul, compelling him to unveil the extent of his admiration for his uncle. A paradox emerged in the form of his current societal classification—should his true status be known in this humble setting, all would marvel at the superfluous wealth emanating from the depths of his being. However, Yan Feng discovered the allure of maintaining a low profile, relishing the peace of mind afforded to him in the anonymity of his surroundings.

In harmony with Yan Feng's desires, his uncle pledged himself to the arduous task of convincing Mei Xing's mother to accept the proposed contract marriage. However, the object of Yan Feng's longing remained elusive, her ethereal beauty hidden from his sight. Waiting stretched into weary hours, prompting Yan Feng's frustration to morph into seething rage tinged with uncertainty regarding Mei Xing's marital status.

One week flew off no response! Then one month passed in a flash, he got no response from his uncle who agreed on the day he would meet the woman who was going to be his heart in other to achieve all that his family collected from him. But sooner again he met his angel and barely recognized her because her beauty was exclusive but he forced himself not to put his the lady in his rock-hard heart. After all, they both had a misunderstanding as they pumped into each other on the road. Their misunderstanding led to great hatred between themselves and, Yan Feng still met her again in the uppermost cafe while he was working as a backup to his second uncle. Immediately his eyes landed on the lady that whom he had a misunderstanding on the road, Yan Feng fired her for no reason.

Later he received a call from his uncle and immediately rushed to the place where they agreed to meet on the phone. The two men moved to the location where they agreed to the contract signing when the husband's presence was required, seeing themselves made them both mad at each other.

'How? Why must I be stuck with this man?' Mei Xing deeply thought angrily. All these words turned into a twist and the marriage was concluded to be with Yan Feng and his brothers.

To be continued, dear readers, as we bask in the warmth of camaraderie and inspiration. The art of creation is a demanding endeavor, and I am humbled by your support. Allow our journey with Xing'er and her three formidable magnate husbands to unfold further, as we navigate the labyrinth of life and love. As our story evolves, I kindly beseech you to gift me with something special—a tiny spark of encouragement, a gesture that fuels the creative spirit. With gratitude and affection, we shall continue our sojourn together.