Fight To Improve

"WHAT! HOW DARE YOU!!" The bully shouted angrily.

"Dare to do what? Tell the truth? How about you try to prove me wrong?" I said.

"IT'S YOUR FUNERAL! DIE!" The bully shouted as he launched towards me.

I narrowly dodge this attack. Seriously a hair's breadth away from getting smoked. I did hold an advantage though. This bully was clearly unable to change direction. So I brought down my right elbow with as much force as I could generate with such a little body. I landed this hit on the bully's shoulder. Did this idiot really just use all of his energy to launch himself at me?

What a terrible strategy. He could have gone onto the wall doing something like this. Instead he went into the ground. It wasn't too deep but there was certainly a small bit of ruble.

Hmm, I get the feeling that I'm growing? This might be just what I needed. Let's drag this out for as long as possible.

"YOU INSUFFERABLE BRAT!! HOW DARE YOU DO THIS TO ME!!!" The bully shouted getting up.

"Didn't you say this would be 'my' funeral? Why are you…" I said starting to chuckle. "The one getting buried?" I said, unable to hold back my laughter. Thankfully it was only a small chuckle.

"I'm gonna kill you! YOU hear! You're dead." The bully said thoroughly filled with anger out of humiliation.

The bully launched forward again. Still not learning from his previous straight forward attack. I dodged this one slightly easier than before. As a result I had a slightly better opening. I threw a punch right into the bullies side.

"WHAT!" The bully cried out realizing he was no longer going straight. *thud* He slammed head first into a nearby pillar.

"What do you think, senior brother?" A bystander asked, looking at his senior brother.

"That definitely hurt that bully. Even if it wasn't physical pain it would definitely be the pain of humiliation." The other one said.

The bully pulled himself out from the pillar, and stood up. Clearly furious. He couldn't figure out how I was doing this.

"How dare you play tricks. Fight like a man!" The bully said. His sense of reason had left him at this point.

"What a shameless bully. Hateful!" A bystander said.

Is this guy for real? Oh well. "You're telling me to fight like a man. That's rich. You really are just a bully. How about you fight like a man. And pick on someone your own size." I said getting ready to defend myself.

"Boss, what do we do now?" Lackey 1 said.

"Get in here you two. We're going to teach him a lesson." The bully said then launched forward.

I dodged this attack. Seriously, what is happening to me? The world's energy is growing stronger. I turned my head only to see two more idiots charging.

I jumped up. "That was too close for comfort, yikes." I said.

The two idiot lackeys slammed into each other and fell to the ground in pain. *punch* *slam* Alright that hurt.

"Ahahaha, you really are a waste. How did you like my Heaven seaking earth punch? You probably can't even get up now. Ahahahah." The bully laughed.

I slowly started getting up to my feet. My tiny body was having a hard time, that was a fact. However, there was another thing giving me some issues. I held my stomach in pain. And the same disgusting vomit came up. This was enough that it worried others.

"That's a lot of vomit for just one punch." A bystander said.

"Should I have intervened from the beginning? This is simply too much." Another bystander said.

Some more murmurs continued. The bully and his lackeys just looked at me in awe. To be able to get up after something like that was simply incredible. It wasn't impossible but the sheer determination needed would be insane. Or just have the mind of a modern adult inside this pint sized body. Utilizing its many advantages to move like lighting and strike like thunder.

I spit then wiped my mouth. Getting into a stance readying up once again. One eye closed and the other half open. "You really are just pathetic. You don't know how to do anything but bully the weak." I said, breathing heavily.

"How dare you! Die!" The bully said, rushing in for an attack.

It was stopped dead in its tracks effortlessly by someone bearing the law enforcement logo on their belt.

"You, there. Quickly explain the events." The man said, staring at a random bystander. This was one of the few peak initial element realms there. Even they would have been helpless to fight a Qi transforming stage. Let alone 3 of them, however their eyes would be the most trustworthy.

"Yes, senior. This disciple was here to pick up his junior at the order of my master. Shortly after I arrived. The senior brother and his two partners had started picking on the junior brother. The Junior brother at first ignored the senior brother's wasteful words." He said then was interrupted.

"As he should have. Listening to wasteful and hateful words is simply terrible right after leaving seclusion." Another law enforcement member said landing in front of me. "You're fine now, junior. They can't hurt you anymore." He said.

"Thank you senior, I think I'm going to take a nap." I managed to get out before passing out.

Now I assume that the senior brother who was explaining the situation finished explaining while I was asleep. I don't know since I fell asleep before it finished.

I woke up later feeling rested and clean. But I was so hungry I could leave. I opened my eyes and there she was. My master was sitting there waiting for me to wake up.

"Good on you to finally wake up. My little disciple had me worried. Seriously, how could you go and worry me like that? With a 7th layer Body Tempering Realm cultivation it would be unthinkable to stand against a Qi transforming stage alone." She said, flicking my forehead and then hugging like a mother.

"They got the uniform covered in icky sludge. It was disgusting. That was the uniform master had made for this disciple. Then they insulted the name my late mother gave me. How could I not resist? They were simply too hateful." I said, rubbing my head in her chest. Ah that feels heavenly compared to before. Totally worth it.

I decided not to correct my master when I started the fight. Since she likely knew I had improved from some layer. Still though to think I'd improve 2 whole layers from such a battle. Then my stomach growled like a pack of fang wolves.

"I guess, this disciple is a little hungry." I said giggling lightly.

"You never cease to impress me with that stomach of yours. Come let's go to the city and find something good to eat. How about some meat?" She said, looking at me.

My mouth started watering and my eyes sparkled. Lightning bolts shined in my eyes at the excitement.

"I wonder if that was because he now has Yuan Qi in his body?" Master Feng thought to herself. "Okay let's go now." She said putting me down and leading the way.