Heavens Lance

I continued rushing forward head long into a fight. This one would be a far more intense fight than any else I had in the past. Knowing this I prepared myself for mentally. I continued to think about how I'm going to take action. It was a team of two Saint Realms. Neither of which thought of sparing their victims' lives. So this fight would likely be to the death. A perfect excuse to not hold back a thing if needed of course.

I got close enough I could feel the fight going on. I continued approaching the battle and saw them flying around and fighting. Attacks going in every direction. But the Saint Realms were effortlessly dodging and hitting back. The brothers were ruthless and evil. Not outright killing anyone but rather torturing them.

"Hold out just a little longer." I whispered to one of them.

"Huh! HA! You two brothers are about to die! Brothers and Sisters! Help is on the way. We must hold on until they arrive!" One person who was wearing the Purple phoenix hanfu said.

"Then we only need to last! Fight the bullies!" All the others roared out reinvigorated.

"HA! Don't think you'll be making it out of here alive!" The Taboo Brother Huang said.

"That's what you think! You'll see, we will all make it out of here alive!" A young woman said.

"OH! A feisty one! I know, we're going to take you down and pluck that flower of yours. Surely a feisty woman such as yourself has a flower worth taking for my own." The Taboo Brother Lin Saint Realm said.

"Brother has a good plan! Let's kill the men first and then enjoy such beautiful flowers for ourselves." The Taboo Brother Huang said.

The two Saint Brothers could be seen licking their lips. Their faces, full of the evil side of lust. The 3 women all had varying reactions. One cowered, covering herself in fear of being abused in such a way. Another shook furiously, at the sight of her junior sister being frightened this much. The other… readied her weapon quickly. The 5 young men had a similar reaction.

"Oh look at that. They really are preparing to fight us." The Taboo Brother Huang said.

"Then let's have some fun with them. You men will die and your women will be deflowered and then sold into…" The Taboo Brother Lin Saint Realm said. He stopped realizing he probably should keep that a secret.

"Come to die!" The pair said. Their auras flared with the powerful Saint Qi creating an oppressive force. The Purple Phoenix Disciples all suffered a suppression under this. The difference between True Qi and Saint Qi was too much for average cultivators to handle. So they were instantly put on the back foot. However, I had been preparing for a while now.

There was a whispering happening during this time between the Purple Phoenix Palace disciples. This is what made the fight turn into a stand off. I used this opportunity to finish charging my attack. I couldn't be sure if it would kill either of the Saint realms, but I had to try. I wasn't going to use my mid rank and high rank weapons yet. There would still be time to avoid the situation.

"That's it you never had any intention of fighting did you! I guess you should just lay down and die!" The Taboo Brother Lin said.

"How dare you waste your better time like this! You despicable juniors DIE!" The Taboo Brother Huang shouted.

They had waited for what they felt like too long. And were about to move in for the kill. The other disciples of my Purple Phoenix Palace got a message from me and just smiled menacingly at the Taboo brothers.

"How dare you insult me you cowardly bitch!" The Taboo Brother Huang shouted as he saw the loo on one of their faces.

It was the face of the one who had cowered at the thought of being used before. She was now smiling with a face full of contempt for the guy.

"DIE YOU BITCH!" The Taboo Brother Huang Roared and launched towards her.

I snickered at this. Everything was going according to plan. And in the next moment I came crashing down from the sky.

"NO! You Die, Heaven's Lance!" I shouted, as my spear made contact with the Taboo brother Huang.

"What!" Taboo brother Huang said, turning around in utter shock.

This was not a simple attack. It contained the will of my spear, spear intent, time principles and lightning principles. Even if I was a True Element Realm this was not a light attack. The resulting impact was far more than enough to push the Huang brother deep into a newly formed crater. My spear had pierced his gut in this process. Not a fatal wound but it definitely took this Saint Realm out of the fight for a while.

"No, this won't do, he isn't going to die from just this." I said loud enough for the other taboo brother to hear it.

"Don't you dare! You dirty little brat!" Taboo brother Lin shouted angrily.

"Oh I most certainly dare! Now Watch as I reap his dog life!" I shouted.

I ripped my spear out of the Taboo brother Huang's gut. Not up and out. No, but through the side. His guts flew in that direction. The little life energy that the taboo brother Huang had left at that point fell to nothing. Taboo's brother Huang was now dead. His lifeless body lay limp and spilling blood.

How dare you, a mere True Element Realm, kill my brother!" Taboo brother Lin roared as he flew in to attack me. "I'LL MAKE YOU PAY WITH YOUR LIFE!" He added.

I was already completely exhausted though. I had just used nearly all of my energy to kill the first order saint. Now a second order saint is coming. I overestimated myself. If I was at the peak of the True Element Realm this might be doable. But right now. I wondered if I would make it. NO! I will make it. It's useless to think about anything else other than victory.

"Come and take it if you think you can! But I'm not going down without a fight!" I said.

Taboo Brother Lin was getting closer and closer. His sword was nearly within my range. I Sent my spear out ever hopeful that it would slow him down.