Taboo Brother Lin Flees

My spear made contact with the tip of Taboo brother Lin's sword. This stopped his initial charge but I paid a terrible price in return. All of the bones in my arm cracked and weakened.

"Ahhh!" I cried out in pain.

"Ahahahah! Die! You little brat!" Taboo brother Lin said.

"I'll never die! Not to the likes of bullies like you!" I roared through the pain.

I had an epiphany at that moment. I started using the time principles to heal my arm. And in response to this I underwent a transformation. I felt stronger. My cultivation sparked and rose. Quickly reaching the 5th, no! It blew right by the 5th layer, and landed itself into 6the layer of the True Element Realm. I was in a fair amount of pain because this process had an effect on my body. I began to grow. My body grew taller and more muscular. Not by much but instead of looking like an 8 or 9 year old. I now looked closer to 11 or 12 years old. This change was enough to tear apart the already tight uniform around me.

"WHAT! You can improve during battle!" Taboo Brother Lin said shocked.

"Why are you so surprised! Not everyone is as weak minded as you lot!" I said, still gritting my teeth. I was keeping his attention.

"I'll make a deal with you! Join me and replace my late brother as the new Taboo brother. We have a special place to go. There are many good things there for someone of your skill to enjoy. We could use someone like you so we can beat that void temple. Along with all the other major sects." Taboo brother Lin offered.

"Ha! You'll never defeat my Purple phoenix Palace. Let alone my Void temple. Even if you somehow managed to pull it off. My father would certainly not let you off. He would surely make you suffer things that even the king of hell would need to take notes." I said, and nodded a certain way.

This nod would only ever be understood by Purple Phoenix Palace's disciples. It was one of the first things everyone learns. Thus the Taboo brother Lin didn't even register it. Likely thinking it was a sign of me weakening. Which would make sense since I was losing ground.

"I don't care who your father is! He couldn't possibly be stronger than my Sect's Supreme Elder! A perfect peak 3rd order Emperor! None of your sects could possibly contend with him!" He said, pouring more power into his sword.

I loosened my grip on purpose now to give him a little surprise. And in this moment of surprise he was hi in the gut by four Disciples using the Purple Phoenix Thrust. This sent the taboo brother Lin high up in the air. Thus canceling the attack he had on me.

"What! What the hell! That hurt you bastards." Taboo brother Lin shouted angrily. Realizing this attack that he just received had actually managed to injure him dearly. "You're lucky I'll be leaving things here for today. My position doesn't seem to be favorable." He said before fleeing at high speed.

I put my spear away and began cultivating to recover. My body had changed so rapidly that I was hurting all over and had to quickly get used to it. On top of that I had to heal my broken and beaten body. Doing all of that took a heavy toll on me. The others stayed there to protect me the best they could. Doing this they also sifted through the belongings of the Saint Realm Taboo brother I had killed.

This went on for 5 days. I then opened my eyes and stood up. Stretched and looked around. There was an additional person standing there. He was clearly a powerful master of Purple Phoenix Palace.

"Disciple Wang An Leiji, you have performed a great merit." The man said, stroking his beard.

"Senior honors me, I would have been rendered unable to claim this small victory on my own. My senior brothers and sisters played a crucial role in this victory." I said, cupping my hands and bowing respectfully.

"I see, while that may be true. I heard the whole story already from your senior brothers and sisters. No matter what way you look at it this was indeed a victory earned only by your quick wit and extraordinary ability. I would like to give you a reward. So ask this King what you wish for. I'll do my best to give it." The man said.

He was a Dao source realm so he would certainly be closer to the rich side. I thought about it for a moment and finally came to a conclusion. I needed to substitute the energy I collect from the environment with something. This man would certainly have some good things on him.

"In that case senior Yuan Lao, would it be possible to receive some cultivation materials? Like spirit stones?" I asked hoping I would be able to receive a large surplus of these things.

"That, I can not do. However, if you are willing to try it. I have an Idea that might work for you. Are you willing to give it a shot?" Yuan Lao asked simply.

"If senior Yuan Lao thinks this one should try then I will give it a try. Senior has been stated to be one of more wisdom filled disciples of my Purple Phoenix Palace." I said, lifting my head up and smiling.

"Good, I'd like to see if you can handle the Qi contained within this." Senior Yuan Lao said, tossing over a low grade Saint Crystal.

"Senior, that's a Saint Crystal! Even if Junior brother is exceptional, he shouldn't be able to handle that." One of the 8 other disciples said panicking.

"Now, Juniors, don't worry. This is disciple Wang An Leiji's decision. Also let's get this young man some new clothes. He is a bit close to being naked." Senior Yuan Lao said.

"Oh don't worry Senior. My master gave me several more outfits when she handed me the space ring." I said, pulling out a change of clothes that would fit.

I started changing right there since I was already practically naked. This nudity wasn't complete but it was pretty close. This is what happens when one fights in such a terrifying battle. Considering the fact I was already so close I just started changing.

"Achem " Senior Yuan Lao said, snapping his fingers creating a barrier so they wouldn't see me changing. "That should be a bit more comfortable," He added.