Refinement Begins

Senior Yuan Lao shook his head remembering what the Palace was really like behind closed doors. Doting on her disciples like a mother seven going as far as to breast feed them from time to time. I didn't mind any of this though. Boobs were the holy grail and milk was the nectar of life. Of course I was going to mind. But perhaps… others did mind a bit.

"Sorry seniors, I didn't mean to upset you." I said.

"Don't worry about it. You were already quite exposed as it was. Just hurry and change, I'm quite eager to see the results." Senior Yuan Lao said.

I finished changing into a new hanfu that most certainly fit me far better. It was nice and soft. And it had been made with my very own identifier. I loved it. When I walked out my senior sisters couldn't hold back. They swarmed me.

"Awe Junior brother looks cute. Let this senior sister hug you. You will, won't you? Ha you don't get a choice in the matter." The most senior sister said while nuzzling me.

"Ah, junior brother, you're so adorable. I could just eat you all up!" The second most senior sister said, kissing my cheek repeatedly.

"No fair, I want to have a turn with junior brother too." The least senior sister said, coming up from behind and hugged me.

I stood there for a moment without resisting. Then the least senior sister pulled me back and sat down with me sitting on her lap.

"Oh he looks like a cute and cuddly stuffed bear." The two most senior sisters said.

The two of them had a weird glint come across their eyes. That was the moment I knew it was time to end this little party. It was enjoyable at first but that look in their eyes gave me a bad feeling. So I quickly rewound time slightly sending me back to the spot I was standing before.

"Now that the cuddling party is over." I said, cracking my neck to the left. "I think it's time I give that Saint Crystal a try. I get an odd sense that I might be able to do it." I said, cracking my neck to the right. "But it's best not to get over confident. So I'll take it slow at first and see what happens." I said, interlocking my hand and stretching my palms up.

"Good, let's see how it works out." Senior Yuan Lao said, eagerly.

"Junior brother if it doesn't feel right make sure to stop it quickly." The most senior brother said.

"Don't worry Senior Brothers. So long as senior sisters don't pounce on this junior again like that. I should be just fine." I said, now crossing my legs while floating in the air.

I floated the Saint Crystal in front of me and began refining its overwhelming qi into my body. However it did… nothing. Now I thought at least something would happen. So I had to test it out first.

"Seniors, do any of you have a Spirit Stone? I need to test a couple of ideas I have. So I'll need… 2 and it doesn't matter their quality." I asked.

"Ah, that cultivator you killed had several likely from the cultivators they had killed… Ah! Here you go Junior brother." The second most senior brother said tossing over more than just a couple of stones.

I caught the stones. "Thank you, senior brother." I said.

I then held a Spirit Stone in my hand and absorbed the energy directly. There was zero issue. It wasn't a whole bunch of energy but it was effortless. I tried doing the same thing with the Saint Crystal and nothing happened. It was quite unfortunate that no one here had Saint Qi in their bodies. But oh well try and fail, the only thing to do is try again.

I floated a Spirit Stone out and started having it orbit my body slowly releasing its energy into my body. The pure True Qi was effortlessly absorbed. I tried this method with the Saint Crystal. This time I got a slight response. The crystal actually shook as it orbited my body. Though yet again I got zero energy out of it. I continued this method whilst trying varying speeds and positions. This… Also didn't work.

"A shame, I'll have to think of something else then to reward him with. These Spirit Stones are already his. I was certain that this would work though. Given what he was able to during his breakthrough. There should have been some effect by now." Senior Yuan Lao said, puzzled by the fact nothing was happening.

"Damn! I refuse to believe I can't use this energy." I said and my Lightning True body sparked.

I couldn't think of anything else that might have any effect. Just at that moment a spark of my lightning touched the Saint Crystal. This time something happened. I was fed a ton of Qi. Moreover it felt like it had been broken apart into True Qi! My lightning body broke it apart into the level of Qi I was able to harness at the time. This was not a small benefit. I felt as though I completely recovered. If not I had certainly come incredibly close to such a thing.

"Senior Yuan Lao, I think it might be too early to give up. Though I'm going to ask you to be prepared to act if needed. I'm not sure what will happen but I'm going to try it." I said, cupping my hands.

"Certainly, You can rest easy knowing that I'll make sure no harm comes to you." Yuan Lao said, his brow raised when he had seen the event just now.

With the seniors' aid I would be safe and could go forward without worrying about the situation. And worst case I can just give the leftover True Qi back to the environment or directly to help my seniors recover from their injuries.

I formed a sort of disc like ring made purely from lighting created out of the very nature of my True body. The Saint Crystal started its orbit once again. As it orbited around it passed through my lightning disc. The two 'circles' were perpendicular, such that each full orbit the Saint Crystal made, it would pass through the disc twice. I adjusted the speed and began my absorption process. This… this time… well it should have different results.