Thunder Temple (2)

"Ahahaha, don't worry Junior, I give you permission to remove it. Please take it with you and give it to a woman who will make good use of it. Perhaps you'll find a woman for yourself one day. Give this to her, And if you don't, then just give it to a woman with an affinity to the mighty Dao of Thunder. I don't have much time left in this world so please don't hesitate. I wouldn't be able to rest in peace if my precious dress went to waste. You wouldn't want this Queen to be unable to reincarnate would you?" Fang Qing's soul clone said, then booped my nose.

"Well… If this is what Senior wants then I shall of course comply." I said, albeit a bit reluctantly.

"Good, I must go now. I wish you good fortune my dear inheritor, Leiji. Everything you'll need to know is contained within my space ring and Origin Essence Crystal. May your Heart pound like Thunder and your Love strike like Lightning." Fang Qing's soul remnant said before vanishing.

"I will, Senior Sky Queen. I will indeed. I will not allow you to be forgotten." I said, as she vanished with that smiling face, ironically full of life.

I stood there for a short while before lowering my hands and proceeding forward. I picked up the seniors ring, it was now mine after all. Placing it on my finger I realized it was indeed a one of a kind ring. It had an unusually large storage capacity. In fact I felt like I could store away the whole Thunder Temple inside the ring. That's when it hit me. This is the control method for the entire Temple.

"Junior Brother, did you find anything?" Senior Sister Xun came running up.

"I did Senior Sister. I did indeed. This Thunder Temple was left behind by Senior Fang Qing. She had been waiting for a suitable successor to come along and accept her legacy. I was just too late and arrived after the Senior had passed away." I said.

The rest of my senior brothers and sisters arrived in short order. Looking at the gold colored walls. The entire Temple was perfectly themed after the Dao of Thunder. It was clear as day. At first they had thought it was just a name that had been used. None of them expected this degree of depth and meaning behind the name.

"Junior brother, is this… the corpse of this place's master?" Senior Brother Xiang said, walking up beside me.

"Senior Brothers, intuition is correct. This is my Dao Predecessor. I have been instructed by her remnant soul to not let her be forgotten. I must bring her corpse for burial. In exchange for this I have inherited this Thunder Temple. I'd like for Seniors to choose one of the many Artifacts. Consider it a gift for the journey we have been on." I said putting away the corpse.

"Junior brother, do you want us to help you prepare the burial place?" Senior Sister Xun asked me.

"No, this is something I must do alone. Please forgive for another thing Seniors but, I can not give you the Origin Essence Crystal to anyone else. That is absolute." I said quite firmly.

"I see. Well it's not like any of us cultivate the Dao of Thunder. So if Junior Brother doesn't mind, would we be able to acquire a larger share of Monster Beast materials?" Senior Brother Xiang asked curiously.

"Of course Senior Brother Xiang. Does everyone agree?" I said, asking everyone about the things at hand.

"Junior Brother is generous." Senior Sister Xue said.

"Yes, however, everything here is best used by the inheritor. We couldn't possibly generate the proper energies to bring out the full strength of any of these Artifacts." Senior Brother Ming said.

Everyone else nodded in agreement. It seems I'll have to pick out specific artifacts for them. So I do just this. In a matter of mere moments there is a suitable artifact now floating in the air before them. Their eyes bulged in bewilderment as they each inspected the Artifact that was in front of them.

"These are all Origin King grade artifacts, moreover I feel as though it will work well for me. This is an excellent upgrade. While I won't be able to mobilize it's full strength I certainly won't be easily bullied by Saint Realms." Senior Brother Xiang said, now holding a new sword.

"Senior Brother is right, this whip will certainly make dealing with that Taboo Brother a fair bit easier." Senior Sister Xun said, her eyes sparkling at the sight of the whip. She ran the length of the whip through her hand.

"Then how about we stay here and Cultivate. There are separate rooms here divided by strength as well as rooms with rich Thunder Qi. I will be staying here until I reach the Immortal Ascension Realm at the very least. There is plenty here for such things. Feel free to choose a room to cultivate with. I must begin my seclusion." I said, as I held out my hands as if to grab hold of something.

A moment later two mighty powerful Origin King Artifacts were drawn to my hands in bolts of lightning. Out of the crackling energy showed a truly awe inspiring spear. It didn't need a plague for others to know its name. It was called Lightning Lords Lance. While It was an Origin King Weapon Artifact it boasted strength similar to Dao Source Artifacts. The other artifact was a mighty Hammer that boasted a very similar Aura. Again this hammer needs no plague to speak its name for it. Thunderous Tyrant Hammer. With these two mighty weapons at my disposal there isn't a single thing to fear from a little Saint Realm.

I left the main hall by flying up the center of this Thunder Temple. I located the perfect room for me to begin cultivating in. I went in and began refining the weapons to be my own. Now that I had these it was paramount that I refine them as soon as possible.

The other Senior Brothers and Sisters all found their own rooms aside from two. Those two were Senior Brother Xiang and Senior Sister Xun. They had found something… Different for themselves.