Display Of Potential

The look on everyone's faces was priceless. Yes they had seen that I possessed strength far exceeding my realm. It even seemed as though there was a well of strength that continuously empowered me. However, this was new, and I hadn't had it for very long. Only a few days at most. Though they were more concerned by the idea that I was able to cultivate using Saint Crystals. Moreover, the efficiency was not bad.

These Open Heaven Realms could see how I was able to break apart the Saint Qi as the Crystals passed through the Lightning Disk I formed around me. Then using the remnant energy to reconstruct into True Qi so my body could absorb it. This time though I only used 1 Saint Crystal. So the effects didn't last long and I recovered. Standing back on my feet again I cupped my hands and bowed respectfully.

"Yang Kai! You had a brat like this? He can break down Saint Crystals and use them for his own cultivation! Such an ability is nothing short of remarkable!" Army Commander Zhong Liang went over and smacked Yang Kai on the head.

"Senior Zhong, Please stay your anger. Wang An Leiji, my son, has just recently learned this ability. I didn't even know about it until just a short while ago." Yang Kai said, rubbing his aching head.

"Senior, my father is right. I only just learned this a short time ago. I was going to ask my father about this when I next saw him. Since I was curious to find out if I might even be able to break apart other powerful sources of energy in the future. However, I believe I should wait to go above Saint Crystals until I breakthrough to the Saint King, or perhaps even Origin Returning Realm. Though I was distracted by the thought, I might have finally found one of my mothers." I said, lowering my head after walking over to my father.

"So that's the explanation then. I see, so you believe that you may even be able to do this with Source Crystals, and Emperor Crystals as well?" Army Commander Zhong Liang noted while stroking his beard.

"Ahahaha, with an ability like that I wonder if he would be able to do the same thing to the world force. Perhaps even once he reaches the Dao Source Realm." Army Commander Ding Yao thought aloud.

"Perhaps he could even use this method to refine the Ink Force as well." Army Commander Zhong Liang thought aloud.

"I'd prefer to stay away from either of those sources of power for the time being. After all, it already takes me some time to deal with Saint Qi. Ink Force would be too much of that much I am certain. Though it is comforting to know that the Seniors have confirmed my original ideas." I said.

"Yang Kai make sure this boy of yours grows up well. He might end up being even more monstrous on the battlefield than his father! Ahahaha!" Army Commander Ding Yao laughed out loud.

"Make no mistake Seniors, I will be sure to nurture his progress." Yang Kai said, now putting his heavy hand on my head.

"So that means you're going to marry these two? Having his mothers to help guide him will certainly be a powerful nurturing effect. Perhaps even you could gain something out of it." Army Commander Zhong Liang laughed.

"Wang An Leiji, I'm going to send you back now." Yang Kai said to me. He then handed me a blood vial full of a golden liquid, and then poked my forehead sending me a cultivation technique. I was curious about these things of course and apparently, I showed this confusion. "This golden blood will help to refine your Dragon Cultivation. And the method I just gave you will allow you to transform into your Dragon body." He added.

"Thank you father! I will put these good things to good use." I said, quite happy about this. I now had the ability to directly increase my monster bead cultivation without putting a drain on the Saint Qi from the Saint Crystals. This would undoubtedly be quite helpful in my cultivation. Not only that but if push came to shove I could use my dragon body to lay down some serious pain. Controlling the Monster Beasts of the Lightning and Wind elements would be more feasible now that I could use other means of rapidly increasing my cultivation.

My father opened his Small Universe to put my back where I had been, then he asked me something. "Son, where did this Thunder Temple come from? I know very well it wasn't built in the time that's passed in my small universe." Yang Kai said. He hadn't bothered himself to worry about things that didn't stand out to him too much.

"I thought so too, Father. From what the remnant soul of the Thunder Temples previous Master and the Thunder Spirits she raised had mentioned. I think it was a place that did not originate from anyone that lived inside Father's Small Universe. Which reminds me. Father, when the time comes, will you allow this son to take that Thunder Temple out? The odds of finding anyone else that would be able to utilize its power are quite low." I said, stopping and answering his question.

"I see, then, you may do with it as you please. Just stop causing trouble for your father, and be sure to cultivate diligently." Yang Kai said.

"Father doesn't need to worry about this. I will naturally grow to be as strong or stronger than, father. Oh can you save a pair of those crystals for this son of yours?" I said, with bright puppy eyes. That made his heart melt.

"Naturally, I have set aside a pair of 7th & 8th rank crystals for you. In the future you will be able to choose for yourself which you'd like to use." Yang Kai said, casually. "There is also a pair 9th you might get the chance to try," he whispered, so no one else would be able to hear it even the 8th ranks there.

"Thank you father, This son will go and continue his practice. I have a few tasks that I feel deserve some attention. However, father does not need to worry about these matters. I will take care of them and eliminate evil." I said, pounding my chest. "Future mothers I look forward to next time speaking without tense." I added, before running through the gate giggling.