A Glimpse Of the Future

~~In Blue Sky Pass~~

"That boy is quite unique. Yang Kai, if you need anything for that brat of yours ask for it." Army Commander Zhong Liang said, thinking carefully. Likely imagining a vision of the future with another master as domineering as Yang Kai is. Just how strong would that boy be? Hewas able to show off enough power even the Old Ancestor took a liking to him. The one here in Blue Sky and apparently Smiles Old Ancestor has also.

"Then, there is one thing he may benefit from." Yang Kai spoke, knowing that this request might be a bit too much.

"My son seems to have a gift for the Dao of Time and the Dao Thunder. If the seniors have any findings on these Daos no matter how small I'm sure with my son's ability he may adapt to even grander heights of the both Daos." Yang Kai said.

These words had a higher meaning. Yang Kai was actually asking them if he could get some information from the Dragon Clan for me. But also for himself. Such gains would surely give him much greater strength.

"Ah, we can send a message to the Dragon Clan at No-Return Pass. However, Junior Yang Kai, perhaps you should take care of the other matters before you?" Army Commander Zhong Liang said.

"Indeed, We can see you have more than just respect for each other. Why not do this? It might be hard to explain later. But It would mean a lot to that boy of yours." Army Commander Ding Yao said, waving his hand as if to approve of this arrangement.

Needless to say, at this point Yang Kai didn't really have much more of a choice. If he didn't do it I, his son, would likely still treat them as my mothers. He knew this well. Even if this was the case the scrutiny he would receive from his other wives wouldn't be different in either case. So in the end, I really did just end up giving him the perfect chance to receive these two women's feelings and reciprocate his own feelings for them. This was better than keeping those feelings repressed.

"This Junior is honored." Yang Kai said, accepting this development in his own way. After all, who would be willing to turn down two beautiful women like Feng Ying and Bai Yi? Before it was only that Yang Kai didn't want to cause any strife within his family back home when the time came he would see them again. Now though… He had had a son by accident, and could pass the blame on to him for the events that transpired today. Though, he knew that wouldn't work. It didn't matter either way, since explaining the new wives would be a little easier than the son anyways.

~~A room in Blue Sky Pass~~

The upper ranks of Blue Sky Passes army have gathered in a council hall. This naturally included the Old Ancestor of said Blue Sky Pass.

"Brother Zhong, what do you make of Junior Yang's Boy? I felt it from here myself, though, seeing it is a different story entirely." The Old Ancestor spoke.

"In the Future my Human race will have a monstrously powerful young Open Heaven Cultivator. He was able to break down Saint Qi and rebuild it into the pure True Qi he needed to advance. Moreover I noticed that it also turned into Monster Qi as if to nurture his Dragon Bloodline." Army Commander Zhong Liang spoke thoughtfully.

"If he can be nurtured properly over this time he might even be able to resolve the problems of the Ink Force on his own. His ability to break energy down into parts and then rebuild it in the way he desires, is the reason I think he can do this." Army Commander Ding Yao added to what Zhong Liang had noted.

"I see, I think so too. Is there anything else?" The Old Ancestor asked, pondering his thoughts.

"Yes, that boy makes a great wingman for his Father." Army Commander Zhong Liang mentioned with a smirk.

"Ahahaha, he was out of his fathers Small Universe for a matter of a few hours at most. That one had quickly got his Father to take two wives! He just wanted his mothers hug. And now Yang Kai has a pair of cultivation partners." Army Commander Ding Yao let out, unable to control his own laughter.

The others laughed for a bit before moving on to other discussions. Keeping me in their minds.

~~Inside Void World. Yang Kai's Small Universe~~

I put my shirt back on and went down to the main hall. I could sense that everyone aside from Senior Brother Xiang and Senior Sister Xun had all come out of seclusion and were looking around. They all sensed Me reappearing in the Thunder Temple. They were clearly Surprised but I ignored this notion on the pretense of noting their advancements in their Cultivations. It was nothing compared to my growth. But, how could anyone's growth rate compare to mine? Though I might pay the price for this later in the future.

"Senior Brothers and Senior Sisters have all made some great advancements." I said, as I landed on the floor of the main hall.

"Junior Brother Wang! Oh my, you have the body of a 15 year old. And you've advanced to the 3rd layer Immortal Ascension Realm?" Senior Brother Ming exclaimed in total surprise by this.

*BONK!* Senior Sister Xue smacked Senior Brother Ming on the head.

"Why do you sound so surprised! Junior Brother is a peerless genius among the geniuses at the Void Training Temple. How could he not advance this much?" Senior Sister Xue shouted in Senior Brother Ming's ear, gripping it tightly.

"Ahh, Sister Xue, this Brother was wrong." Senior Brother Ming said, in a slight amount of pain.

"Tehe, Junior brother Wang has advanced so much. This Senior Sister will have to triple her efforts to keep up." Senior Sister Xia giggled.

"Senior Sister Xia praises me too much. This Junior was simply just luckier than others and I have obtained good things while staying here." I said, trying to shrug it off. Just then I felt a slight change in the Temple from somewhere.