Void Temple Mobilizes!

~~Outside the Void Temple~~

*Crackle* *CLAP*

The sound again resonated in the air and even gave the Disciples of the Void Temple a slight bit of panic. Though when they noticed it was me via the identity tokens displayed on my hip. They calmed down rather quickly. Albeit a little surprised by just how much my body has grown in the last few years.

"Apologies fellow Disciples. I haven't quite gotten the hang of this method of travel yet." I said, landing at the main gate, and scratching my head a little.

"Ahahaha travel method? What kind of method is it that makes it sound more like attacking a Sect restriction." A Deacon of the Temple laughed. He had come to see who it was.

"Reporting to the Deacon, it is a method derived from my cultivation method and my unique physique. So it is naturally difficult to pass to others." I said, bowing respectfully.

"Ahahaha, indeed. Come in and make your report on the journey you took. I'm certain others will learn much from it." The Deacon laughed.

"About this… May I ask the Deacon to gather the others? I have a matter of great importance to relay. It is a matter of the future." I said, not revealing much in my words.

The Deacon quickly changed from a cheerful mood to a more intrigued expression. "I see, then you can come and speak about this matter directly. The Temple Master has actually been worried about you. So it's best if you see the Temple Master in short order." The Deacon mentioned, covering for me.

It was almost as if he knew this wasn't something easy to speak about. "Then I will go and see Sir Temple Master right away." I said, pleasantly.

"Good! Now go, and don't use that ability around here until you get control of it. You'll scare everyone again." The Deacon laughed gently but he was indeed serious about this matter.

I nodded with a difficult smile. Then left the area and found the Temple Master. Two of us talked for a brief moment. That is, until he found that I had a matter of such importance. He summoned the Deacons to the meeting hall and dragged me along with him. I kinda just let it happen. Not like I could do anything about it anyways. He was a peak 3rd Order Emperor and I was only a 3rd stage Immortal Ascension. Even if I am freakishly strong for my realm, that upper limit lies within the Saint King Realm at most. That is… well… going to change in the very near future.

~~Inside a Meeting Room at Void Temple~~

It didn't take long for the Temple Master to gather all of the Deacons. This was after all an urgent matter. So it wouldn't have been right to delay.

Though I could never expect that the Deacons had already thought some things. They all still wore solemn expressions. This type of problem was quite vast and incredibly difficult. So no matter what kind of information they had prepared beforehand. None of them thought that there could have been a connection to a powerful evil emperor.

It wouldn't be fair to anyone for assuming that it was an isolated event within their own regions. Such information is usually a closely guarded secret of the various sects simply to keep the public calm.

What is this issue? Well… It has to do with the contents of the space ring I had taken from the old perve. That disgusting false man! How dare he try to come after me! This was my body, not his! Anyways, the ring had contained a slew of human remains. The remains were strewn across age groups and the genders. No one was spared. However, there was one thing yall of the feminine remains had in common. All were violated to the extreme.

The absolute worst part was the number of young girls corpses there were. While I was completely disgusted by this, I had thought at the time it would be best for the nearby city lord to take care of it. If they required assistance then a major sect could be asked for help.

Normally this line of thinking would be fine however the problem lies in the fact I had reflected on that battle with the Taboo brothers. And something didn't add up. Then I realized, the city lords are at least multiple Origin Kings. Some even were Dao Source Realms. Surely they could handle the whole thing. However, how could a City Lord handle the might of a 3rd order Emperor? It was simply courting death.

The Temple Master looked up after having thought about things for a while. He stared at me for a little, seemingly wanting to ask if I could ask my father for help on this matter. It was clear by the look in his eyes. Normally he wouldn't dare to think such things however the question still burned in his eyes.

"Temple Master Miao, This Disciple of Void Temple is willing to slay the enemy! At the very least I have the ability to bring a small group of Dao Source Realms a day's travel in an instant. There is a limit to this… I can only use it at most twice a day." I said, bowing politely.

Having said this, it meant the answer to his unasked question was that we should not rely on the Dao Master for something like this. However, if it really came to that I would bear the difficulty and shatter my face for it.

"Can you bring Emperors with this method you spoke of?" Temple Master Miao Fei Ping inquired about my limits.

My face filled with difficulty. "Temple Master, this… I would likely need to reach the Saint Realm before I can drag along cultivators at the Emperor Realm. Let alone a peak Emperor such as the Temple Master." I uttered with great difficulty.

"Good! Return and cultivate well! Deacons Relay my Orders. Summon a Peak Origin King from each of the major sects here. Send word to the major Sects. We are going gardening!" Temple Master Miao Fei Ping said, swiping his hand out as if to clear a fog before him.

"Find the Weeds and pull out the roots!" The Deacons chanted.

"Temple Master, this disciple has a place he must go. It is there I will cultivate well and come back to slay the enemy and bring justice to this world." I said before bowing respectfully and turning to leave.

A great mission was going to be brought about. I must go to prepare.