Subtree Cultivation (4)

~~2 months later~~

The skies surrounding the subtree became turbulent and chaotic. This was my heavenly baptism to breakthrough. This is a major step in my cultivation. From her on the major realms will only be divided into 3 orders. I no longer need to deal with stages, nonsense and all that. It was now time for me to become a Transcendent realm master.

This baptism stretched the skies, filling all of the previously clear skies into a sea of stormy weather. Super Tornadoes formed and lightning arced across the sky. The Monster Beasts all backed away from me to avoid their own catastrophe. It was smart of them to do so. Because this time, I felt that my father had spent some focus to really increase the power of this storm. I don't know what he did this time but, for a storm with this much power would definitely give many people one hell of a fright.

Each strike of lightning pounded my body. These were densely packed with energy several dozen times greater than the energy in my previous baptism. Not to mention the True Element baptism, that one was less total power then each of these individual bolts I'm currently handling. However, while they may be powerful, they are not strong enough to take me down. Rather I feel much more powerful with each next successive strike.

I floated up into the air once again and accepted the entirety of the storm's power in one final super massive strike of lightning. My body having been refined and strengthened I ascended to the Transcendent realm. I floated in the air there. Looking regal in nature.

"Senior, I seem to have comprehended something new. Something that will prove quite beneficial in the future." I said, opening and closing my hands in an attempt to get used to this kind of power.

"Good! Now quickly consolidate your new realm. You wouldn't want all of that effort to go to waste now would you?" Fang Qing said.

"Mother, Master, the Knowledge Sea has expanded a great deal. I think the two of you should take a look." Shandain reported excitedly.

Fang Qing took a look at my Knowledge Sea herself, while I did the same. "Junior… your Knowledge Sea has expanded to be in line with an Origin King. I'm afraid there won't be any Saint Kings who are your opponent. Perhaps Origin Returning cultivators will also fail to win against you." Fan Qing said, as the side of her mouth twitched in shock.

"Ahahaha, with my Artifacts I might be able to handle more than that. Though I'd prefer not to rely on those ones until I'm certain that Emperor realms won't stand a chance if I use them." I laughed.

~~1 month later~~

A monster beast came back from hunting and brought with it some injured Lightning Monster Beasts. These were ones I never had before. One was a 3rd order thunderbird. While the others were all below that. It hurt my heart to a degree words can't accurately describe. These were all quite young monster beasts. Even if one hunted them down they wouldn't be worth much. So it was simply that someone tortured these poor creatures.

I couldn't tell you what it was but a burning desire to get revenge for this came to mind. Only one of two things could possibly have done this. Bandit poachers or a powerful monster beast that doesn't like others invading its territory.

"Did you see any tracks of the ones who attacked these poor babies?" I asked the monster beasts that brought them to me. Their heads nodded and then looked down in shame. "I see. So it must be a cultivator. This means it was a bandit poacher." I said.

"How did you come to that conclusion Leiji'er? There were no tracks to go on." Fang Qing asked, puzzled.

"It's simple. Only a cultivator could possibly hide their tracks and they are the ones who would have a reason to hide. A monster beast has no need to do so. Moreover they leave obvious tracks wherever they go no matter what. It's impossible to hide." I explained as I used my Qi to restore the injured monster beasts.

"Heh, wow, junior Leiji with wit like this I should start calling you young master." Fang Qing said, with a surprised half laugh.

"You know what this means right Senior?" I asked, as one of the beasts struggled up and opened its eyes.

"What? Does Junior Leiji have something in mind?" Fang Qing asked.

"Indeed. It was a group of bad people who hurt these little guys. It was in the area which means they are too close to my fathers most precious treasure. This is a bad thing. So I will take care of the situation and rescue whatever monster beasts are still alive. Well provided they are Lightning or Wind based. Any others will have a choice. But must submit to my will and recognize this king as their master." I said, nudging my finger to lift the sulking thunderbird's sad face up. "Don't you worry little guy. I'll take care of you and keep you safe. I'll make those bad guys pay the price for hurting such beautiful creatures." I smiled

The thunderbird cried like its worries and burdens were lifted off its shoulders. I picked it up and perched it upon my shoulder.

"Since you're the strongest you should come and bear witness to your new master seeking justice for you. The other little guys. You stay inside the Temple. The other 5th orders will remain here to protect you little guys. You'll be safe in my care. I love my monster beasts." I flashed a smile back at them.

"You have a good heart… young master." Fang Qing said, finally trying the new title. "It fits. I'll call you young master from now on." She added with a happy smile. She was always an unfettered and free spirit. One could say this current version of herself is her happiest state.

"If that's what the senior wishes to call me then so be it. I won't contest it. I already am the young master of Purple Phoenix Palace and Void Temple. So it makes sense that this is the case. Rather it's about time I started acting like it. So let's go get some vengeance and free those Lightning Monster Beasts from captivity." I spoke in a princely manner.

"Scraa Aaaawwww" the thunderbird sounded out clearly ready to see the bad guys get what's coming to them.