Bandit Poachers (3)

"This Dragon is going to kill us all! Run for your lives!" A bandit shouted and dropped their weapon, turning around to run away and flee for its life. I can't call someone like that a man. It would be too insulting to real men.

"Ahahaha, You aren't going anywhere other than hell!" I said before launching into the frey.

My large Dragon body swept through the enemy killing bandits left and right. A left swipe, a right swipe. And a chomp.

"Ugh Puthie. That was gross. That was the worst tasting thing I've ever had. Do you ever take a bath?" I said, angrily. "Fuck all of you evil people. Since I have arrived I'll naturally kill all of you directly." I added furious at the flavor of evil still fresh in my mouth.

"You won't survive this battle! How dare a mere 7th Order monster beast act so rampant in front of this young master." The Origin returning realm shouted pulling out a jagged blade. "I alone will be enough to deal with you!" The young master of the Evil Shadow Sect yelled as he charged forward.

"Hahahaha, Go forth and don't worry if things get dire this king will step in to save you, Young master." The Origin King laughed eviling.

"Hmpf! You really think you can kill me? I'm afraid you alone are not qualified enough to be qualified to polish my scales." I roared as I blocked the young master's attack with a claw.

"What! How can this be? How did you stop my attack just now?" The Young master said confused. "I won't be blocked next time! I'll turn you into a pair of boots!" he shouted as he made a dashing move straight forward.

"Hmpf… Idiot. You'll never kill this king with moves like that." I said, slipping out of the way just in time. "With a move like that it's gonna cost ya. I'll take the lives of say… 10 of your men. Yes, 10 of them. You have plenty so it seems you'll have plenty of room to make mistakes." I chuckled.

"What! You dare to laugh in a fight! How dare you mock this young master!" The young master said, as he was still hurtling through the air away from me unable to stop himself.

I took advantage of this time to kill another 10 bandits by soaring through the rabble. Clawing them to death in a single strike. It wasn't until the 10th one that the young master had finally recovered. His eyes glared at me with a burning red hot hatred.

"Heheh, it seems you don't know the first thing about fighting. You're pathetically weak to be called a young master." I snorted as I slammed my tail down and instantly killed another bandit under the pressure.

"What How dare a mere 7th order beast dare mock me! I'll kill you for that!" The young master shouted angrily as he charged in for an attack.

The origin king guard took action and stopped the young master's advance. "Young Master, the enemy is indeed correct, you don't know how to fight properly. Just look at yourself, you're in a fit about this dragon's words and can't display your full strength. Calm down and think rationally. Only then can you fight a monster like this beast." He said, glaring daggers at me.

I floated there picking my claws. "He's done a bang up job of killing me so far. Why do you have to butt in when it's not your turn? I promise you're next on the chopping block." I said, raising my head with confidence, to down on them.

"Arrogant beast! You'll see how I turn you into a pair of boots. So I can walk all over your dead body wherever I go. I swear right now I'll kill you dead! May the heavens hear this young master. Today I will kill this arrogant monster beast." The Young master swore to the heavens.

I started rolling around laughing. "This idiot really just swore to my own father that he would kill his son. I swear this just writes itself damn I'm gonna cry." I thought as I laughed.

"Rargh! DIE!" the Young master roared out."

"You're not qualified to kill this king. In fact you barely meet the qualifications to be this king's practice dummy. I hope you die too easily. But humor this king who exactly is your father? He must be important for you to be considered a young master." I said as I slapped the sword out of his hand.

"Why should I tell an arrogant monster beast this. You can't possibly offend him." The young master said.

"Fine! Then I'll search your soul and find the answers I'm looking for!" I said, as my eyes lit up.

"Don't you dare! This King will kill you first!" The origin king roared and landed a direct hit on my body.

I was sent flying back but I held onto the young master's body in the process and crushed most of it. He was still barely alive when I eventually dropped him. A bloody and tattered mess.

I wasn't in the best shape either. My body had just taken the full force of an Origin king realm cultivator. However, I wasn't going to die yet. Oh no, not yet. I still have far too much to do.

"Damned beast you court death!" The origin king roared flying after me.

I recovered and flew back to the bandits, killing more of them. "I'd like to see if you can do what you claim! Come and face this king! I am a member of the Noble Dragon Race. You are not my opponent. You attacked my subordinates! Killed and captured them. So spare me your shit spewing mouth! Dragon Chain Lightning!" I roared out.

In this moment the origin king's heart sank into a pit of fear as he looked on in horror. My body is wriggling violently and changing. Growing larger and thus more powerful. But the part that truly struck him cold with fear was the mass of Lightning that sparked and arced to each and everyone of the bandits. It didn't miss and did not discriminate. All of the remaining bandits were felled in an instant. It was as if I painted a scene of what happens to those who invoke the wrath of the heavens.