Bandit Poachers (4)

The origin King stared at the scene before him in total shock. Even he got struck with that lightning attack just now. Even spitting up some blood from the damage done. His eyes scanned the area and saw that everyone was dead.

"It makes sense, even I, a peak 2nd order Origin King was injured quite a bit from that attack. Still though, such power from a single 7th order monster beast. It's frightful. I have to find a way to escape and warn the sect about this matter as soon as I can." the Origin King thought. It was written on his face as he coughed up blood as his eyes landed on my form once again. "WHAT!"

"Ahahaha, I wasn't expecting it to work in one shot. Not bad, not bad at all. This is indeed a good attack. I've earned a lot of good things over this time. Even an advancement to the 8th Order! I'm almost happy enough I could let this last one leave on his own." I thought, glaring back at the Origin King.

The origin king continued scanning with his divine sense. Eventually he found the one bandit I oh so graciously left alive. It was the Taboo Brother Lin.

"Get out of here and inform the sect about the situation here. Tell them that this king failed to protect everybody. Tell the sect about the fate of the young master. Now go and get out of here. This king will hold the dragon at bay. So hurry it up!" The Origin King resounded through a divine sense communication.

"This Junior accepts the seniors order. This Junior will escape first." Taboo brother Lin said back, darting off.

"Hey come back to your death! How dare you call yourself a man! Can't even face death! You are weak and always will be weak! Pathetic human only worthy to be called trash." I said rushing after him.

"While this king is alive I won't just let you ignore him! How dare you rush after my junior! Blood & Soul Burning art!" The origin king shouted.

The origin king burst out and appeared in front of me. I swerved around him to go after the Taboo Brother. Then the origin king punched the side of my body. *BAM* *Woosh* *thud* I hit the ground rather hard.

"If I manage to kill you I'll win. This king will then take back all of the monster beasts. Those monster race women though… I'll have to help myself to their bodies first. Such things will help this king heal his wounded heart." The now red hot glowing origin king shouted out angrily.

This is actually what I wanted. Though that punch hurt quite a bit. Only a few of my scales were damaged slightly. It will recover quite quickly either way. Still though this experience is quite telling. No normal Origin King could possibly handle this opponent. He is easily as strong as your average 3rd order origin king.

"Since you have said this. I, a mighty dragon, must stop you. Once I do! I'll join with the righteous humans and destroy your evil from this world! But first you'll die." I roared out as I launched right back up, appearing right in front of the origin king.

"What! How di… Uragh!" The origin king said in complete confusion as he spat up more blood and skipped across the landscape creating smaller and smaller craters each time.

"Hmpf! Pathetic! Aren't you supposed to be an origin king! Fight!" I roared.

"I'm buying time for my junior to return to the sect. This king will… ragh… stand up again and again to stop your pursuit!" The origin king said gasping for breath as he stood up and vomited blood.

"Hmm… then I'll kill you now." I said, making a motion to go forward.

"My death means nothing. You killed the young master. So in the end I was destined to die either way." The origin king said charging up an attack getting ready to counter attack.

"Your young master killed himself with his overconfidence. Such a person is not even worth remembering. Though, since you seem to care so much about him I'll send you on your way to greet him." I said, rushing forward.

"Idiot Dragon, your courting death! Take this king's most powerful move! I sacrifice all my life force and pour it into this attack. May it kill this arrogant monster beast! Hells Shadow Finger!" the origin king screamed out a bloody mary scream.

"Master Leiji dodge this attack! It's too dangerous. Quickly dodge." Shandain cried out.

"Don't worry I'm certain that the young master Leiji has a plan. You do have a plan. Don't you?" Fang Qing said, trying to convince herself.

"Don't worry, it won't even hit this young master." I comforted them both.

The origin king's attack launched and I glowed a brilliant color at the same time. My dragon body sped up towards the origin king. I was completely enveloped by the light. The light gradually turned into pure and powerful lightning.

"What's going on? Why do I have a sense of utter failure and weakness all of a sudden? What is this dragon planning? It couldn't possibly think it has a chance of defending this attack. It can kill dao source realms with ease. The only price is the life of the caster." The Origin King thought. Failing to hide it on his face as his sweat poured.

A moment later he felt a sharp pain through his chest. "I was stabbed? Where the hell is that dragon?" he said with next to no vitality.

"Heh, it really was a pathetic little beam. Didn't anyone ever teach you properly?" I asked, rhetorically.

"What! Who are you? No! What Are you?" The Origin King said, angrily and full of confusion.

"A beam can only hit what's directly in front of it. As for who I am, it is not for scum like you to know. As for what I am… I am the vehicle by which the hell will receive your soul. Well… whatever is left, that is." I said, twisting the spear and tearing out sideways. The origin king's heart flung to the ground.

"This can't be… I'm an Origin King…" He said as the last glimmer of life left his eyes.