Underground (1)

"Ahahaha, you go and take care of the matters you came for originally. This old man will take care of this situation. Rest assured." The City Lord laughed.

"If possible I'd like you to capture him alive and seal his cultivation. It could be troublesome otherwise. Now I'll leave it to you." I said, vanishing out of the area.

It was time for me to act and get rid of the underground that the Evil Shadow Sect had here in this city. It was time for a battle, FINALLY. I had grown a bit tired of waiting around. The whole point was to test my skills and save these people from the clutches and evil deeds of the Evil Shadow Sect.

~~In the Evil Shadow sects Underground in the Night-less City~~

*Bang Bang* *BOOM* *Crash*

I entered the underground not caring about being discreet. There was, after all, no need to be. I was here to put fear into the hearts of the Evil Shadow Sect's people and hope into the hearts of the captured.

"Intruder! Kill it at once everyone else prepare to move the underground! That means pack it up!" A 3rd Order Origin King ordered.

"But sir it's just a lowly saint realm cultivator. Can't we just kill the arrogant brat then repair the damage? Why do we need to move?" An Origin Returning Realm asked confused as to why he heard that particular order given.

"You idiot! If they found our place then the place has been exposed! Now go and pack things up! Begin moving the sex slaves at once. The younger ones first! They will live longer so it's better to keep them." The 3rd Order Origin King roared angrily.

"Yes, at once senior. This disciple was just simply too foolish. Please forgive this one." The Origin Returning Realm said, cupping his fists in a salute.

"What are you still doing here! Get a move on you idiot!" The 3rd Order Origin King kicked the Origin Returning realm in the rear. The Origin Returning realm ran away rubbing his butt in pain.

~~At the… 'Entry point'~~

Dozens of saint realms appeared and began fighting me. There was honestly no need to care about these fools. I simply couldn't understand why they would send such weaklings to fight against me. I mean I found their base and even broke through the restrictions on my own. They must be here to lay down their lives for me to claim. That means they are stalling for time or they honestly thought they could truly kill me.

"Ahahaha, they sent a bunch of fodder after me. This is an insulting welcoming party. Though, you should rest assured I will make full use of everything your Evil Shadow sect sends my way." I said, with a smile masking the killing intent, striking fear into their hearts.

"What! I don't believe we can't kill you! NOW DIE UNBELIEVER!" A saint realm said, right before getting my spear thrust straight through his face, killing him on the spot.

The saint realm I had just killed was the one leading the group who was attacking me just now. When his body went limp hanging on the edge of my spear a cold chill went down the other attackers spines. I smiled and swung my spear down. The lifeless body of that saint realm fell to the ground.

"You quickly go and report this to the seniors. We will hold him back as long as we can. I'm afraid this is no ordinary saint realm. He must be a genius of a major sect." Another person managed to get out.

The one the person pointed to left immediately. There was no need to care about anything but speed. And no time to worry about who it should be to return. I looked at this and laughed.

"Ah! Where did he go?" The attackers all looked frantically around the area searching.

"You know that was a good strategy. However, you tried it with the wrong opponent. A shame really since I was hoping for a better challenge. Oh well. I guess I'll have to be satisfied with this." I said, with my spear through the runner's heart.

"What! How did you get there so fast?" One said as a look of fear came across his face.

"I refuse to accept this. How could I die… here…" The runner said faintly as his life ended.

"Well this was fun and all but I'm rather busy you see. I have many lives to reap today so It's time to split." I said, twirling my spear around and walking away.

The Saint realms all tried to move but they couldn't. Instead they felt like something wasn't right. All of them panicked in unison as they screamed for the very last time. The scream signified their lives leaving them as their bodies fell apart into many pieces strewn across the floor.

"Young master is precise as always. You managed to dice them up real good." Fang Qing laughed inside my knowledge sea.

"Of course! They were just there to stall for time. Nothing but ants for me to deal with. Best to kill them quickly so the elephant doesn't get bitten to death." I said with a confident smile stretching across my face as I quickly made my way to find the next batch of evil doers.

~~In a room far away~~

"What do you mean they are all dead! It was just a single first order saint realm. How could it kill a dozen of our sect's geniuses!" The 3rd Order Origin King shouted angrily.

"Please, Sir, allow this one to go and kill that intruder. If I am sent it will surely be resolved quickly." A 3rd order Origin Returning realm said.

"Fine! Go and kill that intruder. Call it seeking justice. And you go and get the Vice-City lords help in this matter. We need a safe way out of the city." The 3rd Order raged, swinging his arm out to give the order.

The two people saluted with cupped hands and then left the room.

"I'm so close to reaching the Dao Source realm but if this becomes too great of a problem the Supreme Elder is going to kill me for sure." The 3rd Order Origin King sighed to himself.