Underground (2)

~~In another room underground~~

"Ahahaha, I bet those 12 geniuses have already dealt with the intruder by now." A person laughed while drinking some alcohol.

"Hell ya! It seems like overkill for all 12 of them to go at once. Any one of them should be enough to deal with it." Another said, chuckling in ignorance.

"Hey what do you all say, let's have some extra fun before we leave? The Boss already said the older slaves are staying. We could use them to celebrate the success of our geniuses." Another person said with a lustful grin appearing on his face.


A massive heavy door flew off its hinges across the room and slammed into the opposing sides wall. A cloud of smoke appeared from the hallway. A lone figure wielding a hammer stood there menacingly.

"It's the intruder! Did he kill all those geniuses already?" Someone shouted in fear.

"Those chumps? They are what you called geniuses? I'm insulted. They aren't in the same class as many of my Martial Brothers and Sisters. Oh, but to answer your question. They are all dead, in many pieces too. Also… You… are… next." I said, through the smoke as a smile formed on my face, one that they could all feel.

"AHHHH! You… you… We will make sure to grind you up and feed you to the beasts." Someone pointed out in fear.

"Oh really? Then how about this?" I said vanishing from the smoke cloud.

"AHHH…" A person cried out in pain before a loud bang and squish sound rang out.

"What's going on? Where is he? Ahh!" Another said before being squished by my hammer as well.

"Ahahaha! You're all pathetic wastes of space. Not even a challenge." I said, shaking my head.

"Perhaps I can give you a better challenge." The 3rd Order Origin Returning realm said, appearing and charging at me.

"Ahahaha, that's cute. You Evil Sect Members are all so pathetic you have to rely on higher realms to… try and defeat me. News flash! I am still stronger than all of you." I laughed while swirling my hammer around.

The 3rd Origin Returning Realm's arms were hit and came flying off his body. "AHHHH! No my Arms! You broke my arms!" He cried out in pain, staring up at me.

I had just painted the room… a more… fluid color when I arrived back in front of the armless man. I held my hammer up with both hands. I stared at him with a look of disappointment. My eyes filled with disgust and contempt.

"You… you… when the origin kings come here you will most definitely be killed. YOU WON'T GEt aw…" The man said, starting to shout.

I brought my hammer down with great force. The result was the body of the 3rd Order Origin Returning Realm was crushed mid air before slamming into the floor. After I took a look around and fancied my handy work.

"Young master is truly ruthless. You killed so many so quickly. All of them were from the Saint realm to the Origin Returning realm. Even they didn't stand a chance." Fang Qing giggled at the sight before me. She could naturally see everything outside as I did so it wasn't hard for her to notice.

"Ahahaha, Well of course I did. None of these idiots had any special physiques and only used evil methods to advance faster. Even going as far as forcing themselves upon others to build their strength. Truly a scummy path they lead. This is the only fitting end for them. I'll come back through later though to collect their corpses. But I will take their space rings now." I said, aloud.

A powerful blast came my way. It was clearly formed by the efforts of many people working together. Over from another direction were 9 Origin Kings. 3 3rd Orders and 6 2nd Orders. This was a group that if worked together well enough and had good treasures and artifacts they might even kill a 1st Order Dao source.

Though judging by their auras they were quite pathetic when it came to teamwork. Thus I didn't have to worry about it being a Dao Source level threat. Unless they pulled a life draining attack 9 times. Then it could get hairy.

"Little brat you've killed all my disciples. Today I will kill you to ease their souls' suffering." A 3rd Order Origin King shouted in pure anger.

I burst forward in a single motion at my blinding speed. I did this by using my Thunderport. By the time I stopped and appeared again. I was no longer in front of them all. Rather they were all panicked.

"What just happened? Where did he… There he is!" A 3rd Order shouted starting to turn around. "WHAT! When did this happen? WHAT ARE YOU!" He stammered out in confusion and anger.

You see I was holding a spear in my hand this time. And on the spear were two lifeless 2nd Order Origin Kings. Their faces were full of confusion and bleeding from their mouths and hearts.

"BROTHER TAO SHI! BROTHER XIANG JI!!!! YOU BASTARD BRAT! I"LL KILL YOU FOR THIS!" A 2nd Order Origin King roared as he shook.

"Come on, who are you kidding? Haven't you Evil Shadow Sect been attempting this from the start? Look at the bang up job you're doing. Ahahaha! You'll have to try far harder than that. Now then, who's… next…" I said coldly, swinging my spear down, tossing the lifeless bodies off, and a cold imposing smile came across my face once again. The dragon within really wanted to come out and play.

"Charge your attacks even at the cost of your lives. There can't be many of these kinds of brats out there. And if we hold out long enough the Vice-City Lord will come to our aid. With him we will be invincible!" the lead 3rd Order said.

"You are sorely overestimating yourselves. That or underestimating your opponent. Look here! I got three more. Almost got four a damn shame. Oh well. I'll get better at this in the future." I said, tossing the three more dead bodies to the floor. So they may lay among the other Shit heads.

"Die!" The three 3rd Orders said in unison charging at me. I smirked.